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It's <CURRENT YEAR>, CMON! Refer to the fish henceforth as DisabilityFishy. Rest in peace, retarded one.

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Day 15 - Taking a break. Plus, Uncharted Trophies Released.

Hey guys, just wanted to let you all know that ReTarDedFisHy is still taking a break from his blogging and updates on news on the video gaming industry. Also will be slowing down on submissions, etc. mostly because he's just totally getting r*ped by assignments and term papers, etc. due next "year". Don't worry though, because he'll still be around, but not so much. Sad face :(

Also, it may be, but let's just suppose that ReTarDedFisHy's bestest friend, who has been in Australia for 3 years has finally come back to see his old friend for a months visit... They used to do crazy + stupid things, the best kind :D :D

-> In video gaming news,