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#1  Edited By Darji

@darkstalker: As long they do not harm anyone. Which means attacking people than I do not see how I can say something about that. Nazis and KKK in general however are no friendly organisations. That why I think this is a total different matter. If this organisation he gave the money to, is involved in physical attack against gay people than yes it is not acceptable and that organisation should be "outlawed" (Is this the right word?). Again we live in a free country and as long you follow the rules and laws you can think what you want in my opinion.

@yesiamaduck: And yes they can totally do that. I just think personally it is a stupid move and will only result in backlash. Will that guy lose his job? Yeah maybe but also the image of these so called activists will not be unpunished. As a minority I think you should choose your fights, because you also have a lot to lose in terms of image. There is a reason why for example the word feminist today has a very bad image and many people distant themselves from being a feminist these days.

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#2  Edited By Darji

@yesiamaduck: But isn't it the case that this guy also just wants to live like he was born? And it his right to not like something as long he does not actually attacks them. And this anti gay organisation is not illegal as far as I know. Also it was 6 years ago when he was not even the CEO. But yeah go ahead and try to destroy someone's life for something he did 6 years ago. I am sure this will totally not backlash and make everyone even more aware of how understanding pro gay activists are. Imagine if he had spend the money for Greenpeace which I would call a a group of terrorists. But if he wants to he can do it as long it is not illegal and against the law.

I think we really need a bit more understanding and respect to people with other opinions regarding these topics.

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#3  Edited By Darji

@grimmie92: oh that's good to hear. I will definitely contact you than. One more question though. Are there more than one US server?

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#4  Edited By Darji

@grimmie92 said:

@darji: feel free to contact us ingame for a guild invite if you like, we have 12 Giant Bomb users atm, a small family, but we party hard!

Can I chose Servers? Because I live in Germany and I guess you are all on US server^^

But thx for the invite^^

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I watched some streams the last days and I am very interested. It looks way better than in the Beta which I played before. I will jump in toorrow and even if its just for the first 30 days which are free^^

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#6  Edited By Darji

@creepingdeath0: That was exactly my problem with Firefox since the never had a 64 bit version. The memory leak was just too big.

@august Bu this country is also a democracy and with that you have to let the majority chose about certain things. Democracy also means free speech and opinions. Personally I think it is totally stupid to have so many different state laws like in the US. The overall ones should be the same. But that is another discussion I guess.

But yeah let us end this here before it gets bad.

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#7  Edited By Darji

@teaoverlord: I live in a country where people have equal rights already. You can marry men or women what you like. And gays are totally accepted here by the general public. Of course there are people who do not support them but so what? As long as the laws support them I see nothing wrong with that. We live in a free world and as long you do not hurt people every opinion should be ok.

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#8  Edited By Darji

@august: No. I am just having the opinion that you should also respect other peoples opinion even if they do not agree with yours. As long they do not attack these people or groups. It is not against the law to not like a certain group of people the last time I looked at it. And he does not deny any of their rights. He is in no position to do this.

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#9  Edited By Darji

@teaoverlord: O f course they have^^

But to be honest: here. Going against a person who may or may not like a certain group of people is a bit ironic when it is coming from a group who wants to be accepted and understood by society.

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@teaoverlord: I am pretty sure a lot of leading people are doing bad things. Do you want to boycott everyone? I think it is ok to leave a message like that if they want to it is their right but still I think this is pretty dumb. If its the Company or if he does it in the name of the company then I think it is a good think to boycott but if he does it with his own money and because of his own believe he has also the right to do so.