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I hope Danny O'Dwire rides them home as much as they did about the Samsung Galaxy thing.

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#2  Edited By Dagbiker
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I own these, but i don't feel like taking a picture of the actual knifes.
I own these, but i don't feel like taking a picture of the actual knifes.

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#3  Edited By Dagbiker

@cheebahh said:

Is there anywhere left to go after this?

Fuck I hope not, because I'm about to buy in.

Dual Joysticks?

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#4  Edited By Dagbiker

@dudeglove said:

@myrmicus said:

@dudeglove: t was 200 years in the past ? Well, you can't seriously argue about the time making him a puppy because he shoudln't be alive 200 years later if he aged in a normal wolf way.

"Time flows differently in Lordran" or whatever the quote is.

As for "Drangleic is in another land" is like Star Wars saying "A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away". I suppose the counter to this is that if Lordran and Drangleic are elsewhere, then it's a teensy bit dumb that the lord souls are found in the latter in NG+, but then someone will fire back that you can clearly see a shattered lord vessel in the Majula basement, at which point you start going down the thought process of whether or not someone at From is intentionally writing themselves into a corner or if they're just being careless or fanservice-y by including the souls of Nito/Seath/etc.

There are a lot of mirrors, and in fact one of the mirror knights attacks is calling a knight from beyond a mirror, i would hazard a guess and say that if it is the same world, it is a prison for hallows. If its a different world, then its a 'mirror' world, and would explain the souls of Nito/Seath/Etc.

@myrmicus Also Atorius was corrupted by walking into the Abyss, whose to say that the king wasn't corrupted by the queen just sitting at his side.

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@vetterli: Or put the penny's in his ass.

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@rowr said:

This seems like it would matter more if anyone gave a crap about reviews anymore or took them with anything more than a grain of salt anyway.

I mean i dunno, Patrick for example seems to be friends with zoe quinn and seems to do a lot of write ups that involve her. Is that some sort of conflict of interest that he writes articles involving her because he is invested as someone who is friends with her.

I'm aware that's a pretty bad example, tbh I haven't read any of it so i'm just speculating to make a point.

All the bounds and rules of journalism I used to care about kind of mean less and less to me by the day since it kind of feels like traditional responsible journalism has pretty much fallen apart in the tide of sensationalist attention seeking and money hats in recent times.

I dunno maybe i'm just getting old and jaded.

No, this is a good example, Its also why I choose not to read most of those articles, which I can do, and i hope he takes no offence. Patrick writes a lot of opinion pieces, if Patrick, or anyone, was doing a whole campaign about a single game, a single studio, or something, then thats when Integrety is needed.

But you should realize that Patrick might post an article, or Vinny may post a Video, or Jeff might post a Podcast, realize that the site as a whole is aken to a newspaper, and the videos and podcasts are its articles. You have to take them as a whole. I know what Jeff likes, and I know what Brad likes (DOTA) and I can listen intently, or dismiss it whole hardheartedly. Its one of the reasons I like Giantbomb, they speak frankly.

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@rorie: Question! Have you guys ever considered longsleeves/crewneck sweaters? I know you guys have hoodies, but a non hooded crewneck fleece of this would be top, if it's not too expensive on y'alls end. Either way, I'm ordering this one for sure for sure!

I would also like to put my request in for ski masks that have a felt, or yarn fuse on the top, or one of those dumb frog winter hats that i always see people wear at pax east.

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I think a lot of people have this idea that 'women in video games' is at the exclusion of men, it shouldnt be, and people use the statics, or worse the andickdotes, of other games to prove their points.

I also think that there should be more protagonists in whealchairs. I mean sentient dinosaurs with ridding saddles have been in 10/10 games when compared to human protagonists in whealchairs.

The idea that 50% male and female in games will fix anything is frankly, dumb. Counting how many games a Female is in, and how many a Male is in, is just wasting your time. And what happens when there are more women protagonists? Will you start complaining about the male protagonists? or will you continue counting?

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#9  Edited By Dagbiker

@hellbound: Because Vinny shared the secret of life, the universe, and everything with us. He cant have that on the interwebs.

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#10  Edited By Dagbiker

"... the most obvious development collaboration in the world has happened." - Aside from Square Soft and Disney...

Edit: also whenever any game I know about before hand is successful, i feel directly responsible, good job me...