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what a great weekend :D

Manchester United won
Juventus won
I played football after almost a month of not playing
Went to a great party yesterday
Played some Saints Row 2 after the football, great game.


just got 20k :D

well I finally got the so waited 20,000 gamerscore :D after 3 years and 2 months of getting my X360. this was the lucky achievement:

Suicide Missionary150
Complete all campaign acts on Insane Difficulty
one of the hardest achievements definitely, a complete bitch if you ask me.
teh gamercard 

so hooray :D

this is madness :|

I don't care what you say, just by comparing the homos brothers with The Beatles is jus fucking madness, people like this should be buried alive, srsly

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I'll never ever again will drink irresponsiblyy

boy, did i got drunk yesterday.... :s i have a teeeeeeeeeeeeeerrible stomach ache :s i threw up all night long, i got pretty crazay at a party yesterday, all i remember is that i sang on a karaoke and that drank like if there was no tomorrow :s still, I had a great time.