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@jonny_anonymous: I'll have to look at those comics then. It's a bummer that it was never included in the game. It's the only thing that tied Egypt to the hints in previous Assassin's Creed games and they don't include it! (except Caesar I guess)

I'm seeing too many rumors about the time period to make a guess one way or the other.

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#2  Edited By cerberus3dog

I'll give my two cents, I really liked Horizon but I don't consider Frozen Wilds a must buy. It isn't remarkable in gameplay, environment, or story. I found the gameplay additions to be underwhelming, I didn't use most of the new skills or weapons. The most worthwhile additions are the harder beasts to fight and stealthing around these new towers that repair them in this AoE field.

The environment is large enough for the amount of time you're running around the DLC (around 10 hours for me). The Frozen Wilds is very white and grey and dull looking IMO, visually the original game has cooler and more varied environments to run around in. However, there is some cool night scenery, awesome vistas and background imagery, and unique indoor environments to spice things up.

As for story, in the base game what I liked the most were the sci-fi aspects of the world building, learning about the collapse of the old world, Lance Reddick, and Aloy's connection to Elizabeth Sobeck. I didn't care much for any of the tribes like the Nora and their primal mysticism for example. In The Frozen Wilds, you get less of everything I liked while the focus of the writing is largely focused on the Banuk tribe and their culture and beliefs. There are all the elements I like in this DLC, just not as much as I would have preferred.

I can't say I regret my purchase however. It was a nice journey for what it was, The Frozen Wilds was just not everything I hoped it would be.

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@jonny_anonymous: Here is Bayek's voice actor making a joke about Odyssey which makes me think that he is involved in some capacity. In Origins, they didn't even get to the part where Aya kills Cleopatra. I don't think we've seen the last of them.

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1. I'd prefer bi annual releases. AC/open world fatigue is real.

2. We don't know enough to have an opinion on the character stuff.

3. Ancient Greece sounds awesome.

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#6  Edited By cerberus3dog

Weird timing for this thread to pop back up. This showed up today in my Youtube feed. Thought it was pretty good.

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#7  Edited By cerberus3dog

I've never played Rust but I think I could be into this. I want to see this in action. The idea of surviving the nuclear wastes with all the trappings of a Fallout game seems fun enough to me.

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#9  Edited By cerberus3dog

Spoilers Ahoy

I thought it was really cool how she was the catalyst to the whole game. Kratos chopping down the trees with Faye's hand prints (her dying funerary wish) deactivated the spell which was hiding their home allowing Baldur to find them. Baldur finds Kratos thinking that he was Faye and the whole game is now off and running. All of the yellow markings in the world were also made by Faye leading Kratos and Boy to Jotunheim (Faye's wish for her ashes). Finally at the end in Jotunheim, Arteus is revealed to be Loki and Faye, Laufey. Her death brought Kratos and Boy there sending them on their journey to fulfill the role Faye had in mind for them. Her position in God of War was crucial to the game's entire story.

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#10  Edited By cerberus3dog

I feel like those articles are reflecting the way that Sony Santa Monica stopped treating Kratos as a cruel villain. Kratos was an antihero in the previous games. People didn't like him because he was a bad guy. Full stop. Kratos was cruel and mean, you were only meant to empathize with him at key moments. Being an antihero definitely made him different though. That take was fresh because antiheroes are rare in this industry. It was far more unique than him turning into yet another hero with a dark past looking for redemption that this game turned Kratos into.

Even if I like Kratos as a character more now, I don't particularly care for the idea that people liked this new game because they made Kratos a more likeable, generic character. It's more agreeable to me that the nuance they added to him as a parent and teacher are the things that people gravitated towards.