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Edited By bigsocrates  Online

Congrats on the hot exclusive story. Patrick Klepwho? There's a new Scoops in town.

Hard drive news is disappointing since PS4 hard drive sucks, but I suppose it will be replaceable.

What I'd really like is better wifi. PS4 wifi is terrible.

Am I in on one of these? Heck yeah. I would love an upgraded PS4.

Is this a good idea? It is NOT. Watch those 'legacy' PS4 modes be borderline unplayable in a couple years with terrible frame rates and other problems. Meanwhile watch people with Neos feel irritated when the PS5 hits in 2018.

Sony, your console was selling like crazy. Splintering the base and making your current purchasers feel like they have an inferior system is...well...I'll say it. It's a Sega move.

Edit: Should we call Austin Newps (New+Scoops) New Scoops (same) or Scoops Two (like Mew Two but a vidya game newsman instead of a pokymans?)

Scoops 2.0 is kinda boring.