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Finishing Resident Evil: Code Veronica Podcast Series

Hello everyone. Hope you guys are having a good week.

So I have FINISHED my ListenToMePlay Resident Evil: Code Veronica Podcast Series. Check them out.

ListenToMePlay Resident Evil: Code Veronica Parts 5 and 6:

In Part 5:

We stumble upon a replica of the mansion from Resident Evil 1! We also reach a boss fight that proves to be a little, or A LOT, too much for me…

In Part 6:

*spoiler alert* After much, much trouble I finally defeat *SPOILER ALERT* Alexia! Thankfully I look it up online so I don’t waste my life trying to beat her. Turns out I didn’t know to leave more weapons with Chris, thus leaving me with only the Knife… We also make a lot more progress exploring the replica mansion, solve a Paper Weight Puzzle, discover Alexander’s corpse, and more!

ListenToMePlay Resident Evil: Code Veronica Finale Podcast (Part 7)

*spoiler alert* We finally figure out all the secrets (almost…) of the Replica Resident Evil 1 Mansion, rescue Claire, fight a mutant, “Mother Alien”/”Alien Queen” version of Alexia Ashford, and escape the island just before it is blown to smithereens! Thus beating the game! I also unlock the “Battle Mode” (essentially Mercenaries for Code Veronica!). A mode that I didn’t even knew existed!

I have already begun recording Resident Evil 0, and I should have the first part of my RE0 podcast up on the site tomorrow.