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Resident Evil: Code Veronica Podcast Parts 1, 2 and 3!

I'm knee deep into playing through Resident Evil: Code Veronica and recording it for my ListenToMePlay podcasts on my website. I've already recorded part 4 and will be doing part 5 (which will hopefully include the ending) today. So they will be up soon along with my review!

ListenToMePlayGames Resident Evil: Code Veronica Part 1

ListenToMePlay Resident Evil: Code Veronica Part 2

In this podcast, we continue to explore the Island Prison with Claire Redfield. We learn about the mysterious Ashford family and the creepy, incestuous siblings known as Alfred and Alexia. We also battle some strange, crazy, evil Mutants, find explosive rounds for our Bow Gun Bolts, get trapped by Alfred, we solve a complicated Ashford Family Succession puzzle where you must hit the photos in the correct order, explore a large portion of the Training Center, enter the sewers and underground passages below it and we play as Steve!

ListenToMePlay Resident Evil: Code Veronica Part 3

In this podcast, we discover the hiding place of Alexia Ashford in a creepy House-On-A-Haunted-Hill full of eerie dolls, we meet Alexander and his sister in person for the first time, solve a Music Box Puzzle, ride a submarine and explore an airport, discover a gruesome torture room, ride a marry-go-round, take a plane to evacuate the island, explore the Arctic Facility, get the electricity going at said Facility, watch awkward love scenes between Claire and Steve, and face-off against our first real Boss Fight.


ListenToMePlay Resident Evil 3 Podcast Part 4

The second to final part of my Resident Evil 3 Podcast is up on my website.

Here is the breakdown for what happens in this episode.

In this podcast I play for a massive four hours straight and make tons of progress towards the latter half of the game. We solve lots of difficult puzzles, including the Music Box Puzzle and Picture Puzzle.

We also encounter several earthquakes and come face-to-face with an underground worm, Jill gets infected by a virus and we get to play as Carlos in order to save her, we explore several new environments including a Hospital, a massive Clock Tower (which makes up the bulk of the latter half of the game and looks similar to a new type of Resident Evil-style Mansion) and Raccoon Park, we get the train going by inserting the Oil, Power Cable and Sparkplug, watch Nemesis blow a helicopter out of the sky with his Rocket Launcher (in a classic, memorable CG cutscene from this game), are forced to make several crucial choices, watch several movie scenes, and discover a lab where we must create an antidote…. Enjoy.


ListenToMePlay Resident Evil 3

I've been doing a podcast series on my website where I simply record me playing through games with a microphone and commentary. This idea was originally due to my not having the proper equipment to record video, but then I thought it's kind of a cool idea.

Here's my latest podcast of me playing Resident Evil 3. Part 3 will be posted tonight.

I plan on posting these to youtube soon as well. I suggest you skip part 1 of this podcast unless you enjoy part 2, as I started off with the ear-bleeding PlayStation version which is tough to stomach due to how horrible it sounds.


"I AM That I AM. Me and My Father Are One." Metalheads take heed

Christian metal band Becoming the Archetype is about to release their 5th full-length album, "I AM", on September 18, 2012 on Solid State Records.

The album is inspired by the eternal words of Jesus Christ, and blisters the ears with sounds of majesty and splendor, carefully weaving a poetic tale of our powerful Creator that tips our concept of reality to view the universe through the prism of Almighty God. In the intellectual fashion the band is known for, the lyrics cut to the bone with sharp words and heavy concepts that leave the listener with something to chew on long after the song ends. Metal fans looking for something new to digest will not be disappointed, and I urge you to pick the new album up. You will not be disappointed.

Here's a taste.

The tracklist goes like this:

"The Ocean Walker"

"The Time Bender"

"The Sky Bearer"

"The Eyes of the Storm"

"The Machine Killer"

"The War Ender"

"The Weapon Breaker"

"The Planet Maker"

"The Sun Eater"

"I AM"

Here's an excerpt from my full review, I gave the album a 9 out of 10.

"I AM is easily one of the most anticipated and heavy-hitting Christian metal albums of the year, and this beast devours the death metal scene in fine fashion, while keeping to that melodic touch, poetic streak and God-praising intricacy that Becoming the Archetype is known for. Striking a homerun, I AM scores in all the areas that matter.

It is extremely heavy, deep growl-infused, clean-vocal singing prone when it matters, and shines through with lyrics that any other band would kill for."


Games you're longing to play but haven't yet

I do a series of articles on my website called "On the Cutting Room Floor".

The feature covers videogames that I've always wanted to play but never have (Yet...). My list stretches to the Sun, before coming back around again, but I'm sure for most people their list only goes to Venus or so.

I've only done twelve installments so far, but here are the games on my list. What are some games that would be on YOUR list?

12. Shinobi (PS2)

11. Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion (N64)

10. Resident Evil: Deadly Silence (DS)

9. Car Battler Joe (GBA)

8. Metal Gear Solid 2

7. Halo 2

6. Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons (GBC)

5. Otogi: Myth of Demons (Xbox)

4. Drill Dozer (GBA)

3. Psychonauts (XB, PC, PS2)

2. Silent Hill 3

1. EarthBound


Christian Music Videogame References in Rap & Metal Songs

As a big fan of both Christian rap and metal artists, I've noticed quite a few videogame references popping up in many of the new tracks coming out of the 116 Clique (LeCrae, Trip Lee, Tedashi, Flame, etc.).

This inspired me to put a list together of some of the videogame references featured in songs by Christian metal bands and hip-hop artists that I could think of off the top of my head.

Christian Music Videogame References In Rap and Metal Songs

I compiled them into a list that features the music videos or song videos from youtube as well as the specific videogame reference or rapped line that features a reference from the song.

I know there are more out there, so if anyone can think of others leave a comment and I'll update the list.


On the Cutting Room Floor Episode 9 - Car Battler Joe (GBA)

In episode #9 of my "On the Cutting Room Floor" series of games I'm longing to play, I take a look at little known Game Boy Advance gem called "Car Battler Joe".

Car Battler Joe is one of those games that only the most hardcore, regular videogame magazine-reading players will recall, and most people have no idea the game even exists. To that end, I could only find two people selling it on ebay....

But that doesn't mean the game isn't worth your time. So enjoy this article that takes a look at this forgotten Car Combat RPG!


Watch Us Play Games, My New Website

Hello all. I have a new website that I've been working on that is online now at

The website is still in the very early stages, but I am working on getting new content posted on a daily basis, and will be working hard to grow my audience and get the word out. If you have a few minutes please stop by and give it a look! If you find something interesting give it a like or share it on Facebook or Twitter, I'd really appreciate it!

One unique hook with my website is the fact that I will not shy away from vocalizing my belief in God, my political disposition, and my interests that lie outside gaming. So you'll find all manner of articles, not just videogame-related ones. Also I do not have the equipment to do what the main point of the site was, yet; so things will change to focus more on that in the future.

For now I'm just working hard to get the ball rolling.

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