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Shiiii- What you know bout me?

Video - I asked my YouTube subscribers to ask me any questions they had, and here are the results.


A BUNCH of stuff has been going on lately. I went to San Francisco to see a build of Dante's Inferno, making me one of the first people to ever see the game in action. A preview is being written up for TalkXbox and I'll post that today or tomorrow depending on how the editing process goes. So stay tuned for a blog post referring to that. I've also been playing a bunch of games, and been messing around with some projects I got going on. Very cool stuff ahead.

So like I said, look out for that Dante's Inferno post including pictures and other stuff.

Shortest Review Ever / My Life

Far Cry 2? Worst game ever.

Today I was feeling great, no particular reason. I mean I had my last class of the day canceled so I got like four extra hours to do nothing. So I decided I'd finally beat that Far Cry 2 game, finish it up so I could put it on the shelf forever. I got through a SINGLE MISSION and I had a headache, and neck pain. I remember hating the game because the controls were so horrible they induced nausea, but I thought I was just kidding myself. Turns out it's true.

Ubisoft, your game fucking blows.

In other news I got an HD camera, that I'll be using for a short film I'm creating for my Film Studies final project. But first I brought it over to my friend's house and just kind of fucked around with the settings and getting used to holding it and whatever. I cut out the part where we played with the focus and exposure for 20 minutes, but here you go. I'd prefer if you commented on the camera quality rather than any of the dumb shit in the video:



Six Days In Fallujah Episode - TalkGames Podcast

Hello again.

So I have this podcast called the TalkGames podcast. It's usually pretty good, but I don't like promoting it on my blog every week because then there'd be six pages of me doing that, when I rarely do any real blogs. But in this episode I feel like we talked about some interesting points and ideas regarding Six Days In Fallujah. You can find out where to download this episode here, or you can just save the file directly with this link.

The topic I'm referring to begins about 40 minutes in, so if you don't care for the other stuff, just skip to 40:00 and listen till the end. Tell me what you guys think, I want to get some feedback on the whole topic of Six Days In Fallujah and what it could do for the medium, or rather just the general idea and not that game specifically.


State of Play

Just got back from the theaters, and I saw two movies. Here's some lovable bullet notes about I Love You, Man and State of play:

I Love You, Man

  • Sort of depressing
  • Not very funny, all the good jokes were in the trailer. Which I feel like coining as "Wanted-Syndrome"
  • Could've done more

And more interestingly:

State of Play
  • Pretty good overall
  • The last two minutes is like "Wtf?" but I can forgive those two minutes of unexplainable confusion
  • Rachel McAdams continues to be a cutie, and I liked how she wasn't a typical female role (Doesn't get nailed, no sexual tension or anything)
  • Ben Affleck seems type-casted for shady political figure (lol?)
  • Very tense moments throughout, near the end especially, I thought a certain someone would be shot for like five minutes and had trouble sitting still
  • Despite these complements and minor complaints, you don't really have to see this movie. It's like American Gangster, it's alright, but no one is going to talk about it
  • Although I will say I enjoyed the journalism aspect of the film. There's a struggle between "truth vs. timeliness" which is very real in the medium. If you have any interest in places like Kotaku or news websites like that, I suggest checking the film out for pure curiosity's sake.

Dragon Ball Evolution

Saw it.

It was pretty terrible in an awesome kind of a way. Overall I'd suggest seeing it with some friends, since you'll definitely enjoy it but because you'll be laughing AT it. Here's why:

  • First dialouge exchange between Goku and love interest... genius writing, wasn't awkward or forced sounding at all.
  • I like how the girl lives in a Castle with a courtyard, towers, and a parking lot
  • Futuristic world, where American people act Japanese and Japanese people act American. Meanwhile the world itself is a mix of both, wrap your head around that
  • Attempts at emotion and sadness are hilarious "[straight] My grandfather died, the house collapsed on him [breaks into tears suddenly]"
  • Piccolo is in a giant airship, lol
  • Chow Yun Fat as asian Jack Carver
  • The fourth character is added in randomly, and based off of the fact that he "has a ladder" you have to see it to understand why this is so great
  • The party randomly appears on a volcano for without transition or explanation
  • Goku punches a girl in the face, and makes out with her later

As a side note I'd totally bone either of the female roles, so there's something. I also saw Taken afterwards, which was ACTUALLY good, as opposed to horrible good.