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I genuinely cannot believe the only way to search concepts/games in Giant Bomb's wiki is to pick a letter and scroll through dozen...

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F.E.A.R. Aficionado

My first action at GiantBomb?

Editing the F.E.A.R. page. Hopefully all those modifications and changes were accepted. I need to go replay that game so I can remember what the hell the plot was. It feels nice being the only person to edit a page. I don't know how I feel about waiting submissions to be approved though. Seems like it takes too long, compared to Wikipedia, which is, instant.



So yeah,

GiantBomb has officially launched. It's technically in Beta right now so I can't criticize everything. But I will say this whole Icon thing is sort of annoying, and I accidentally uploaded the same thing twice. Also the whole "User Profile" stuff sort of looks like a mess right now, including blogs. For instance there's a bar below me that reads: "Type pages on comicvine (ex: superman, civil war) you feel this post is relevant to..."

I don't know how I feel about GiantBomb being basically a carbon copy of comicvine, with images and keywords changed. But we'll see how things go.