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GOTY 2013

I feel like I always miss out on some important games by the time GOTY rolls around, but I have still played a few this year that I really enjoyed. Compared to 2012, the selection this year is unparalleled.

I haven't yet played (or just started): Gone Home, Papers Please, Brothers, A Link Between Worlds, Metal Gear Rising, DmC, Fire Emblem, Guacamelee, and MORE!

List items

  • I really enjoyed the combat as opposed to everyone else. Narrative dissonance? I don't give a fuck. I like the world, the characters, and whizzing around on skyrails.

  • The animation and storytelling in The Last of Us is the true winner here. It's so good. Naughty Dog is great at making stuff like this.

  • The music levels are probably some of the best platforming I have played ever. I had a smile on my face for the majority of the game. Even the water levels are good. Whoa.

  • It's like Castlevania and Binding of Isaac and it's got loot and upgrades and a square map. Holy shit, a square map - that's GOTY material.

  • The puzzles are so great. This is a puzzle game, donchaknow? The rooms look like green but then you walk into it and now it's a pattern but here's some stairs and manipulate the blocks to do the thing.

  • This game was cool. The combat was perhaps too simple but it was fun and chaotic. The character designs are great and it has Jack from Madworld in it. I think he's a pretty cool character with his chainsaw arm and other defining qualities.

  • Female Uncharted is better than Uncharted 3. The story was forgettable but upgrading weapons and shooting said weapons is fun.

  • I spent about a month playing Animal Crossing religiously, playing immediately after waking up just to find my 5 fossils for the day, removing weeds and looking through all the shops. I realised I was wasting my life and haven't played since.

  • More GTA. Exactly what I expected. There are cars and guns. There are missions, are they interesting? Not particularly. Maybe a few are. The only reason this is on the list is due to not playing enough other games which would surely have replaced this.

  • This game is kind of not great, you can earn TF2 hats though. If only I had played more games I wouldn't have to write about this. I still have this installed to earn TF2 hats. In conclusion, GOTY goes to Team Fortress 2. Congratulations Valve.