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GOTY 2012

Didn't play enough games released this year! I only have 6 that I'd consider for a GOTY list.

I have also actually only finished one of these game which is Journey - twice. This list just reflects my impression from the 5 odd hours I've played of each of these games.

This is my third GOTY list on this site and I'm finally writing something about the games. Ugh.

List items

  • I'm up to the final episode of the Walking Dead and I can safely say that this is my favourite game this year. The way choices are handled and given meaningful consequences as opposed to the good/evil karma system prevalent in many other games is something that should be celebrated and a mechanic I'd love to see in other games.

  • Dishonored is just fun to play around with. The blink power makes traversing the environment hugely enjoyable and forms the backbone of the free-flowing combat system; offering the player different approaches when tackling a room full of enemies.

  • This game is charming. I love the aesthetic - how everything is made out of paper. I love how imaginative the puzzles are and how it uses the paper environment in clever ways. I like this game, it's fun to play and doesn't take itself seriously.

  • You can drive cars and fight. The world looks really nice. Also, motorbikes handle really well.

  • I enjoyed Journey. I mentioned above that I played it twice. Both times I had a great time. This game is nice.

  • More Borderlands was too much Borderlands for me. It refined many of the systems from the first game but without looking too closely I could easily mistake this for the first game. I found it too easy playing solo and often too frustrating playing with other players - I would have liked to see some difficulty options other than the game becoming more difficult in Co-Op.

    Borderlands 2 is still a great game though.