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20 Worst Fighting Games (WIP)

This is a current work-in-progress to determine which fighting games are the worst I've ever played. The list will first be propagated by a bunch of games that I really feel are just utter messes, then ordered and anything over the 20 worst will be dropped. All sub-genres of fighters like platform fighters, arena fighters, etc. will be included.

What this list is not

  • The worst fighting games ever made. I've played a metric crapton, but I've not played all of them. I'm not even certain that's at all possible to do, but I try anyway.
  • My least favorite fighting games. Some of these games I still like because they're charming or just have something that keeps them from being 100% wholly irredeemable, even if they're sub-kusoge garbage
  • Obviously this list won't include fangames, rom hacks, bootleg versions of legit IPs, etc.

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