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Average score of 53 user reviews

And the man in the hat said everyone attack and it turned into a Schwarzerblitz 0

What can I say about this marvelous masterpiece? Schwarzerblitz is the ultimate throwback to the era of 3D fighting games that we saw with the PS1, Saturn, and Nintendo 64. Its simple polygonal graphics belies a charming, intriguing, and ultimately fun piece of software.Now I play a lot of fighting games. And I mean a LOT. There are few I haven't at least tried, ranging from mainstream favorites to the most obscure, unheard of random shovelware from corners of the earth that nobody'd expect a ga...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Slow-mo the Hedgehog 0

The Sonic the Hedgehog 4 project was an attempt to return to form. After years of 3D games of declining quality and handheld 2D games which garnered mixed reception, Sega was determined to release a new installment which called to mind the franchise's glory days in order to get back on the fanbase's good side.Sonic 4 would not be the project that succeeded.Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (henceforth, Sonic 4 E1) is a sloppy attempt at appealing to nostalgia while bringing in nothing new but head...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Unplayable, but charming 0

Let's get this out of the way: from every sort of objective standpoint, DF: Death Fighter is overall a travesty of computer software. Everything about it makes it seem like it programmed and sprited by a five-year old instead of a man in his twenties.The sprites are hand-drawn and look like they were colored in with marker or color pencil. There are almost no animation frames; characters have no walk cycle, and any attack which requires movement will usually entail of a character's hand or leg b...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

You wa Suck! 0

I'll admit that I'm not overly familiar with Hokuto no Ken. I know the basics, though, from the few episodes that I've seen, from the other games I've played, from the live action film, reading the prequel manga, and just simply from the pop culture effect.What I do know, is that Hokuto no Ken is amazingly badass. Bruce Lee worship, exploding enemies, massively tense showdowns... all of which are null from this game.I don't know a darn thing about the Raoh Gaiden spinoff manga/anime, so maybe th...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Tekken away the spirit of the game 0

I've always liked the main installments of the Tekken series, even the much maligned Tekken 4. Even though the first two games have aged terribly, they're still decent to sit down with every so often.Tekken 6 is arguably better than those early ones, but it's a definite drop from the last few incarnations of the game. Although it still plays smoothly, Tekken 6 seems much, much slower. At first, I thought that I felt this way only because I hadn't played Tekken in a while, but I began to see othe...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Heroic, but it stumbles a bit 0

Mortal Kombat fighting DC comics characters was an idea that I, as well as possibly many other kiddies, had back when the Marvel vs. games were fresh. However, I never thought we'd actually see the day when such a thing existed. It may have come about almost a decade late, but it's here nevertheless.I've always been a fan of Mortal Kombat, and have always championed the series when the elitist tournament-obsessed have slammed it. However, as of late, especially in the face of more well-built fig...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Decent anime fighter 0

Let's face it, most anime fighting games are unparalleled rubbish. The Naruto games, however, more or less are of an at least playable quality. Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 is no exception.The Clash of Ninja (on Nintendo consoles) and Ultimate Ninja (on Sony - and now Microsoft - consoles) series have always been different beasts entirely, the UN series has splintered into many different subcategories, whereas Clash of Ninja has pretty much stayed straight and narrow. This is a double-edged sword...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Oh No! There goes Tokyo! 0

I feel that no game has gotten it right in regards to what it would be like to control Godzilla and his kaiju cohorts, but Pipeworks' titles come close. Unleashed is the culmination of the best of these titles.The Wii version only uses motion controls, so it's quite troubling to get used to movement and attacking. Once you get the hang of it though, it becomes second nature.Besides the control issue, the Wii version definitely comes out on top. The graphics are slightly better, and it has more (...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Can You Outfox The Outfoxies? 0

While The Outfoxies may be obscure to some, it was a part of my childhood. Back in '95 or '96, when the Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat 3 machines had lines that stretched seemingly to eternity, salvation came to fighting game fans in the form of The Outfoxies. It was fun and different, whereas in those early days of versus fighters, the "other stuff" (sadly, including some of SNK's best) were known as "Street Fighter ripoffs".Word of mouth brought The Outfoxies to the forefront, and even th...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Worthy successor of the versus series 0

If I were a lazy man, I'd sum up this game thus:"This game is awesome."However, since I'm not, and one sentence reviews on games would be worthless, I shall expound on this.Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is everything a fighting game should be. Fun, fast, frantic, visually impressive, and friendly to both newcomers and veterans. Seriously, it's an amazing game. Take Marvel vs. Capcom 2, weed out the roster to a manageable size, balance things out a bit, and you have this TvC.What's really impressive is th...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Street Fighter Perfection 0

Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX on the PSP is a slight upgrade to my previous favorite incarnation of the game on the good ol' PS1. That, in turn, had been my favorite Street Fighter game since I had initially played it.By culminating all of the best stuff from previous incarnations of SFA3 and throwing in Ingrid for good measure, Capcom has made quite the definitive version. True, it doesn't have the extra -ISMs of the later release in the PS2 exclusive Alpha Anthology, but that version also didn't ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Adequate Send-Off 0

The King of Fighters XI is the final (non-remake) game in the series that uses the same standard graphics and engine. As a result, SNK Playmore obviously made the game as best as they possibly could. Is it the best KoF? Lord no. But they didn't try too hard and do something stupid, like shove every character in the canon into the title at the cost of gameplay like so many others do on their final game on an engine (I'm looking at you, Midway). Nor did they try to radically alter gameplay despite...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Fright is a synonym for "yawn" now, right? 0

It's no secret that my favorite fighting game theme is "goofy horror", where standard horror monsters and tropes are played with to an extent where they still definitely fit square in the horror theme but are also comical and visually tantalizing. The Darkstalkers series, Skullgirls, the upcoming Chainsaw Incident, and to a lesser extent even some of the Bleach fighting games all fit this mold and all have an amazing aesthetic.When I had just picked up an OUYA, I'd heard of a new game that had b...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Nostagia only goes so far 0

Pac-Man Collection was one of my favorite cartridges on the Game Boy Advance. I love Pac-Man, and I love classic compilation cartridges. Although I owned many of the more "unique" games for the system, and even indeed, the comparable Namco Museum, Pac-Man Collection likely spent more time in my GBA than any other game outside of Pokémon Ruby way back when I was seriously into that franchise.There's a lot to love on the cartridge. Standard Pac-Man is here, obviously, and gives the option ...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Failing fur 0

Eons before the internet made anthropomorphism something sick and twisted, there was a time where human-slash-animal hybrids were the most popular thing in existence. Arguably ignited by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and similar properties, it seemed like every other new comic book, cartoon show, and/or video game had anthropomorphic beings as the stars.Brutal is a fighter based on this concept. Although each of the characters is a martial artist (and most with ridiculously punned names based...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Hype train station derailment 0

It takes a lot for something to win over someone who has already set their mind against it. It's tough to even understand sometimes how such a thing even happens with someone who tries to keep a relatively open mind.Something about Divekick rubbed me the wrong way from the outset. It was a silly little thing then, based on a (not at all funny) joke. But it was still that; just a joke. I didn't care for it at all, but I also didn't have to pay attention to it. A story here and there cropped up f...

4 out of 5 found this review helpful.

80's fun with a 2013 price tag 0

When I'd first heard scuttlebutt of Nintendo registering a trademark for NES Remix, I thought it would be a compilation of their old games with enhanced graphics, à la Super Mario All-Stars. What we got instead, was a plethora of custom challenges based on NES favorites. That's not a bad thing, though, because what we got is still a gratuitous love letter to NES' best. NES Remix's announcement was a welcome surprise, as it was revealed in a Nintendo Direct, and available to download imme...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Super charming simple platformer 0

I've come to love pretty much everything put out by Jayenkai, the one-man development "team" who somehow manages to release a quality title every week. My favorites are the NeonPlat series, but I've got to admit, Sheep Goes Right holds a special place in my heart.Sheep Goes Right reminds me a lot of Kirby's Epic Yarn, in the best way possible. It's got a very pleasing, non-traditional graphic aesthetic, with a real-world art vibe. The audio and charming logo only serve to further the experience...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Block Breaking Perfection 0

The Breakout/Arkanoid formula is an old standby for the independent developer. If one knows what he or she is doing, it's pretty simple to get the basics down. Making it good, making it stand out, however is a challenge. I know this from experience.So very rarely, does one find a game in the genre that hits all of the right buttons without resorting to a gimmick. Brick Break Blitz, despite its semi-generic title, does everything that I needed to make me satisfied. It doesn't do anything new or ...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

I want to like it, but.... 0

I've got a confession to make: I love Breakout/Arkanoid clones. I snatch up pretty much every one I can and even though I'm pretty terrible at them, I get quite a bit of enjoyment out of them. I made my own Breakout clone in 2005. I have a copy of Wizorb on three different platforms just because.So when I saw screenshots of Crystaloid for the OUYA, I thought to myself "Well, this looks pretty decent". I saw that 3T Games was behind it, which although I'd lambasted another of their games, I still...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

If simple's what you want, mazel tov 0

As an indie developer myself, I try to support others in the field as much as I can. I buy every indie game that interests me (budget willing) to show I care, especially ones that I feel could be tragically overlooked. For every indie game that makes it big for whatever reason, there's about 100 that deserve the same level of popularity, but don't. I suppose that's true of every facet of life, though.Unreal Land struck me, at least in screenshots, as potentially being one of these overlooked bu...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Kabuki Krap 0

While Kabuki Warriors presents the original concept of a fighting game revolving around a kabuki play, that is the closest thing to merit this game provides. Okay, the opening FMV isn't terrible either, but that's it. The characters have no personality to speak of and are fairly generic in terms of gameplay ability. Nearly every character has a standard katana, and their fighting styles are, with few exceptions, only set apart by their super moves. Hell, there are three characters that are nothi...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Na-na-na-na Ninja... Ninja Failure! 0

As a fan of the TMNT for 25 years, I've stuck with the property through a lot, through its ups and downs, from the original cartoon to the super obscure anime OVAs to Next Mutation and beyond. As I've weathered through the worst times of the series, I've been able to tolerate some pretty ridiculous stuff just because the TMNT name's been attached to it.Like many, I was worried about Peter Laird's 2009 sale of the Turtles to Nickelodeon. Not only was the entire property in the hands of someone wh...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Unpolished, unfinished, unplayable 0

The fact that H.P. Lovecraft wasn't credited for character design and modeling seems to be an oversight.I'd had the demo for Dragoon on my harddrive for some time. Looking for a decent fighter on the indie circuit is nigh-impossible, so I had downloaded the demo for anything that resembled a versus fighter in order to find one to play. Out of maybe six games I found two that weren't shit, and Dragoon didn't make that cut. It was ugly, slow, clunky, and pretty resembled something like a very earl...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Beyond Titties 0

The Dead or Alive series has always been known best for the breasts, and this has always made me sad. I mean, I like boobies as much as the next guy, but there's got to be more to a game than mammaries. After all, porn is free on the internet, and I see a lot of nudity on an average day at work anyway.I was highly disappointed in DoA4 due to its grating counter system and various other factors, but Dimensions not only brings back DoA to something actually playable, but it is without a doubt the ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

This is tuna with bacon! 0

This is what Skullgirls looked like when I had first heard of it.I'd been monitoring Skullgirls' progress for years. Even back then, when it looked like something that would run on a PlayStation 1, I knew it had potential. Something about the art style and design really interested me, and I'm always up for a new fighting game - even amongst the really terrible ones, there's only a few I actually hate.I kept tabs on it for a while, but for a couple of years, there wasn't really a lot of progress....

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

An unpopular opinion of a popular game 0

Brace yourselves, this one's gonna sting....The 3D Zelda games bore me. Okay, I can't say that with absolute certainty: I've never touched Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword. But the rest? Yawns aplenty. The most offensive to my sense of fun is the much-loved, oft-deified Ocarina of Time.Now I didn't have a Nintendo 64 as a lad, but I did have several opportunities to play, and a couple of them were for extended periods. I also ended up with it on two compilation discs for the Gamecube. Time an...

2 out of 4 found this review helpful.

ArcSys' underrated fighter 0

Battle Fantasia might not be as polished or balanced as many of the big name fighters out there, but it's a lot of fun, and criminally overlooked, especially in retrospect to its overrated cousin BlazBlue.Although it is similar to Guilty Gear in many respects, it doesn't just copy-paste and then screw with the source code like BlazBlue does. Battle Fantasia's visuals and gameplay tweaks allow it to stand on its own two feet without completely falling over. Characters, although many of them have ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Sunday, Bloody Sunday 0

Japan releases about 60,000 anime/manga fighting games a year. A majority of them do not even warrant a look. However, since Sunday x Magazine (aka Sunday VS Magazine) was a 50-year anniversary crossover of two prominent manga publishing venues, I thought I'd give it a try.Truth be told, with very few exceptions, I haven't the foggiest idea who most of the characters in this game are. However, that doesn't take away any of the characters' appeal. Their personalities are conveyed well through pre...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Hands down, my favorite Master System game ever 0

Ordinarily, I despise nostalgia. It's naught but a sentimental feeling that clouds one's judgment on an issue, event, or object... it makes a person recall something fondly, despite its actual quality. While internally, this would be an acceptable emotion, over time (and the advent of the internet), it's mutated into a disease in which people reject any newer versions or incarnations of the subject or its genre, even if it is clearly improved in every way.However, in some very rare cases, I find...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The Slender Man seems to haunt us in our dreams; he's otherworldly and malicious 0

I'd been a fan of Slender Man for some time before Slender came out. Out of boredom and wanting to find something legitimately creepy, I stumbled across a link to the Something Awful post where the character was conceived. This lead me to Marble Hornets, which was midway through season 1 at the time. There was just something unsettling about this... thing, this tall, tentacled, suit-wearing faceless man, that made reading about and watching him (it?) so fascinating.When I heard there was a vide...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Guilty Gear Neutered OR Confusing Cluster of a Mess 0

I never did buy into the hype surrounding BlazBlue. Upon initially seeing it, I thought to myself, "This is just Guilty Gear with prettier graphics."Well, I was partially wrong. It is Guilty Gear with prettier graphics, weaker gameplay, and a twisted, lame mindscrew of a story.Where to start? Well, the characters aren't as solid as Guilty Gear's. A few of them have endearingly quirky personalities, but nearly the entire lot of them are merely pastiches of their predecessors, either in terms of a...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A Sega classic 0

Vectorman was just one of those games that I was sold on just by the commercial alone. The screenshots in magazines didn't really pique my interest, but seeing it in action made all the difference. The game at the time was super gorgeous and really showed what the Genesis was capable of. Even today there are aesthetics that Vectorman seems to dwarf the current generation on.Of course, pretty moving pictures aren't worth much if the gameplay doesn't hold up, and thankfully, Vectorman doesn't dis...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

I don't care what you say, I like it 0

My first exposure to Pac-Man was on the Atari 2600. I played it probably more than any other games on the console. I loved every minute of it. So it came to me as a surprise that it's not only the game's most hated port, but it's one of the most hated games period.I didn't get to play the "real" Pac-Man until I was a bit older, and needless to say, I was pretty blown away by how much better it was. However, it didn't affect my taste of the original version I'd played.Looking back at the 2600 ver...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Deception in your pocket 0

I initially loved Mortal Kombat Deception, but upon playing it again recently, realized that although all of the reasons I enjoyed it were valid, it really wasn't all I had previously seen it as and I was likely blinded by fanboyism. It's still decent, but even reading over my old review, it seems there was a lot to despair over that I had noted but ignored.Unchained is a semi-upgrade to the core Deception game, but optimized for portable play. For the first time ever, a handheld was powerful en...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A valiant effort, to be sure. 0

It almost feels wrong to be reviewing something like Pyongyang Racer. It's a browser driving game developed in a country that is, at least to those in the west, not known for technological advances outside of things designed to kill us. The game, however, which was commissioned by a tourist board, seems to want to dispel those negative feelings outsiders have toward them.The game is often nicknamed "Propaganda Racer", and in a way, the game is filled with propaganda, but not in the way you may ...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

An interesting diversion, but nothing more 0

Despite being a martial artist and a hardcore enthusiast of the history of combat, I have purposely avoided the Deadliest Warrior television show. From what I have heard from those that have seen it, as well as what I've read about it, it seems like the historical warfare version of MythBusters: a bunch of quasi-experts are hired to present inaccurate fluff that is more entertainment than education. Even skimming through a synopsis of an episode's match-ups would cause headaches to anyone with e...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The legacy may have been crippled a bit, but it lives on.... 0

I wanted to hate Street Fighter IV. I really did. Its odd placement in the storyline, its straying from the traditional 2D sprites, bland new characters, its random resurrection of many characters of characters who were supposed to have kicked the bucket for good... there was a laundry list of things that bugged me about the latest incarnation of the daddy of fighting games.However, upon actually getting some hands-on time with the thing, I was surprised. I didn't dislike it as much as I had hop...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Looks can be deceiving 0

I first came across the Hobo with a Shotgun game while perusing the sort of things possible with the game development software "GameSalad", as I was looking for a way to get away from Game Maker and find something that offered the kind of balance of freedom and ease of use that GM was known for. Based upon screenshots, Hobo with a Shotgun seemed to be the standout of the bunch. The graphics are delightfully retro and very reminiscent of a few classic incarnations of Double Dragon, mixed together...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Pretty much unplayable 0

I purchased a really cheap Android tablet by Polaroid of all companies, and decided to test its limits. I knew fighting games were supposed to be terrible for touch-devices, but being a huge fan of the genre, I just had to take a gander at what SNK had to offer on the device.Peculiarly, the game's p2p fights are handled through a social networking venue. It's not a terrible thing, and if you're not really into the multiplayer portion, you won't even have to bother past signing up. Don't pay atte...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.