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    Unreal Engine 4

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    The fourth major iteration of the Unreal Engine from Epic Games. This engine is said to only be suitable for the 8th generation of video game consoles and PC hardware, though it is scalable to a variety of older platforms and mobile.

    UE4 on consoles

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    #1  Edited By Quipido

    So far everything I have seen on my PS4 has been really, truly horrible, tech-wise. I was looking forward to these games but they are really really bad so far.

    Today I tried this month's PS+ game Ether One, in first thirty seconds the game made me cringe 4 times: Unreal logo was choppy right at the start, then it loaded me to main menu which had some severe texture pop-in, when I wanted to look through the options, the menu movement felt extremely laggy and unresponsive and when I finally started a new game the subtitles, which I use every time because I am not a native speaker, were de-synced which is really annoying. I am not even going to talk about the framerate or the general movement/aiming feel.

    Is this a result of the engine going free to develop on? Remember those tech demos from before the current consoles launched? Are there any high-budget games to look for, or is this engine done, at least for now?

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    It has nothing to do with the engine being free outside the simple fact that leas experienced developers with less ressources can use it. It has even less to do with the console but sounds like you're pretty fargone duder. Would hate to be in your shoes. If you really feel that way about the games released so far you should probably buy a high end PC, or prepare to live in graphical disgust for the forseeable future. Your expectations are out of line with reality to be honest. I'm not saying you have to love anything released so far, but... I dunno man. Maybe you need to quit games for a few years and come back when and if things meet your standards. None of this is going to change overnight.

    Personally I think there are tons of great looking games out there for all the current gen consoles.

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    #3  Edited By Quipido

    @geraltitude: I think there are excellent looking games on consoles, none of them use UE4 though! That was the point I wanted to make - hell, even "remastered" UE3 games look better than UE4 games so far. I didn't want to sound like I don't enjoy games on PS4, I just expected more from this engine specifically.

    EDIT: to be more specific, Daylight and Ether One are both crap, on the tech side. I just looked at the list of games here on GB and it says Mortal Kombat X is UE4, but I believe that is not actually true, is it?

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    @quipido: I've heard it's a highly modified U3 game multiple times. Unless something changed, I was under the impression it was 3.

    Also, as far as Unreal 4, Daylight and a port of Ether One probably aren't the best benchmarks. But it'll certainly be less impressive than on PC's as time goes on.

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    @quipido: Sorry I saw your thread was attached to UE4 but didn't sound like you were talking specifically about those games. There are just so few of them out there right now on any platform - too few I think to make a judgement about the engine. Being an amateur developer and having played with the engine I can say there is tremendous possibility and nothing at all borked with it, but UE4 is still extremely young for an engine - far too young for many of the big players to have moved over to it. That'll come in time I think. Late 2016 and up seems a good time for UE4 releases from experienced and more polished developers.

    Have you seen this list already? Lots of UE4 games coming - and many of them with a little bit of footage out there. I think you'll be happy with the results, but everything that's come out so far is just the tip of the tip of the iceberg.

    I think @csl316 is write about MKX.. pretty sure that's a heavily modified UE3 game.

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    @geraltitude: No worries, I have been enjoying the games on PS4 a lot, I was just wondering about this specific engine as the UE3 was so popular last gen.

    And I figured it was mostly based on that tech, so I didn't even consider thinking about it as a new and young engine. I hope developers will do some magic with it eventually.

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    @quipido said:

    @geraltitude: No worries, I have been enjoying the games on PS4 a lot, I was just wondering about this specific engine as the UE3 was so popular last gen.

    And I figured it was mostly based on that tech, so I didn't even consider thinking about it as a new and young engine. I hope developers will do some magic with it eventually.

    It will interesting to see how the engine will be adopted in the longterm. Some very big changes in the last ten years for game engines. Proprietary engines have come back in a big way (Ubisoft, EA). Then you've got Unity, which is a more traditional, easy-to-understand platform that is clearly running away with the show when it comes to small and medium sized games. In the age of UE3, there really weren't many options for developers wanting to make a game of that caliber.

    UE4 is fascinating but in a lot of ways is still very UE3++ (at least on the surface), and for a lot of games that have been in development anywhere in the last 5 years, there's just no great reason to make the jump right away, especially considering Epic is still pushing huge content updates and fixes to the engine.

    I definitely think we'll see some magic in the near future - so hold tight!

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    Also keep in mind the Console version of an engine is always going to be very behind the PC version. And you may even lock down your version, stuff can break really bad when upgrading.

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