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    Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released May 10, 2016

    Naughty Dog charts treasure hunter Nathan Drake's final adventure in the fourth entry of this action-adventure, swash-buckling saga.

    Unpopular Opinion: Uncharted 4 Is The Worst In The Series

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    #51  Edited By OurSin_360

    I enjoyed the shooting in the other games more, but it may be that I'm just not used to it anymore or there was just so little of it I never actually got a good feel for it in this game. Only thing i remember hating before were the bullet sponge enemies

    @hotpie said:

    one think i know about these forums is nothing makes people in here happier to hate on something, especially if it is popular. I put it up right there behind last of us

    Are you saying that people hated on the last of us? Honestly i think i'm one of the few people who genuinely did not like that game and all i remember is the praise it got (one of the few ps3 games i pre-ordred digitally so no option to return it). Maybe i'll try it again one day for the story but man i hated how it played.

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    #52  Edited By falling_fast

    I think you need to replay uncharted 1 op. or try to. that game is super boring and doesn't hold up at all now.

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    @falling_fast: I disagree, Uncharted 1 I still find pretty enjoyable. Its much shorter than the others, but I still love it a bunch and think it holds up fine. (Though I never understood the complaint about the jet-ski part) Uncharted 3 is pretty awful though in different ways and would be the game I would call the worst in the series.

    I played through the first 3 games again back to back before diving into Uncharted 4. U3 is just so damn frustrating, broken, boring, and disappointing.

    If I were to rank the entries in the series, it would be 2/4 ( 2 and 4 feel pretty much tied for me), 1, Golden Abyss, and then 3.

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    #54  Edited By falling_fast

    @esrever said:

    @falling_fast: I disagree, Uncharted 1 I still find pretty enjoyable. Its much shorter than the others, but I still love it a bunch and think it holds up fine. (Though I never understood the complaint about the jet-ski part) Uncharted 3 is pretty awful though in different ways and would be the game I would call the worst in the series.

    I played through the first 3 games again back to back before diving into Uncharted 4. U3 is just so damn frustrating, broken, boring, and disappointing.

    If I were to rank the entries in the series, it would be 2/4 ( 2 and 4 feel pretty much tied for me), 1, Golden Abyss, and then 3.

    huh. I'm playing through 3 right now and I think it's ok. apart from the pointless and overly long and just not that great part on the ships.

    2 is definitely my favourite, and a really good game, though. It made me change my mind about the series after I stopped playing 1 because I hated it :]

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    #55  Edited By Sackmanjones

    I find that the giant set pieces in 2 are better overall than 4, but 4 has some great ones in its own right. I'm really torn between whether I think 2 or 4 is better, I believe 4 mechanically is the best. The shooting is the best it's been and actually quite good and the traversal/ puzzle additions were all a plus for me. I would say there was maybe one or two times where the climbing went on a little too long and I wanted more character development or just some big action pieces. However, in place of the mission action pieces we get some truly magnificent character development and genuine emotional moments. The story in general is much better here and it's complimented by its great production values.

    On the other side, Uncharted 2 is like the "Shoot'em up" of video games. It's on all the god damn time and it's lightly laced with some good character development and dialogue, but the story is kinda fast and loose with a weak final act.

    Overall I find both of these games to be spectacular and depending on what side of the bed I wake up on that day I may go with either or. Regardless, you should play uncharted 4 if you haven't and if you haven't played the older games, it's worth it to grab the ps4 collection for 2 alone.

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    @falling_fast: Ohman, ship graveyard part is easily the worst section of that game. It was that part that frustrated me so much that I couldn't continue a single sitting playthrough of the game like I had the previous 2. That and the game crashed once on the burning chateau part, and soft locked on the second encounter with the "hotheads." (One of the hotheads teleported himself behind the gate that opens after you kill them all)

    I find that the giant set pieces in 2 are better overall than 4, but 4 has some great ones in its own right. I'm really torn between whether I think 2 or 4 is better, I believe 4 mechanically is the best.

    I agree with this sentiment, and whole post in general.

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    #57  Edited By Yummylee

    @esrever: The sandstorm part is the worst section of it all. ''Hey, howsabout we design a combat sequence wherein you can't see shit but the enemies get to retain their godly accuracy!'' I also think the part where Nate's aimlessly wandering around the desert was really boring and was a poor attempt to recapture the spirit of the zero combat Tibetan Village & Tenzin mountaineering segments of Uncharted 2. I'm so glad Uncharted 4 was able to come along and provide the sequel Uncharted 2 deserved.

    Speaking of the set-pieces throughout the franchise I think Uncharted 4's convoy is the best (Hell, all of Madagascar is the game's high point), but Uncharted 2's train sequence is still fantastic and might take second place.

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    It's better than 1, but otherwise I agree.

    The production value, the graphics and of course the characters/writing were all fantastic, but the actual gameplay scenarios felt dull. This game never had the urgency or excitement of the previous games. It's not the thrill ride of 2 and 3, it often drags along at a slow pace, with the set pieces being mostly good but unspectacular (the chase is the only one that stands out). If it wasn't for the jaw dropping graphics I reckon big chunks of a lot of chapters could be considered boring, some are.The story got a lot of praise too yet it never really goes anywhere, it's very predictable and unsurprising.

    I still enjoyed it a lot (especially the first 6 or so chapters actually), but other than graphically, I didn't think it was particularly impressive for an Uncharted or Naughty Dog game. It felt toned down.

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    #59  Edited By glots

    Uncharted 1 is definitely a prototype game if you ask me. It still has the characters and a simple, yet fun story, but the gameplay between platforming feels like an arena shooter. I'm not saying that every Uncharted doesn't have that, but the first one does a really poor job at masking those areas as anything else than closed-off sections with enemies coming in from every direction. So that easily falls to the bottom on my list, even after playing the ND collection. While I have really great memories of Uncharted 2 blowing my mind, I think this one climbs up to the top for me. Three was okay too, but lacked the impact. I still haven't finished the Golden Abyss...

    But hey, like someone said, different strokes for different folks...and someone else also said that this is like the third or fourth thread that someone has made about disliking this game. If there's one thing I don't like about these forums, it's that people just make dozen different fucking threads about the same thing within a couple of days. It's really not that hard to check the main/sub forums, guys.

    /offtopic rant

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    I have always felt like the gunfights and general gameplay has always been the weakest part of the Uncharted series. I kind of like the fact that this game limited that action somewhat and instead focussed on the story.

    However I absolutely hated the move to a less linear path through the game. The more open navigational areas felt like a waste of time and I often found myself completely lost if I spent any time exploring. Thankfully the hint system exists to put you back on track but more than once I found myself running around in circles waiting for the hint to pop up to point me back in the right direction. I know the game is called 'Uncharted' but the lack of a map in an open map with multiple paths is absolutely horrible from an enjoyment perspective.

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    @stinger061: The last thing Uncharted needs is a map. I have no idea how someone could get lost in Uncharted 4. It's more open ended but it's still linear.

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    @frostyryan: I wouldn't say I wanted a map. I just felt the openness was completely unnecessary and added nothing. I like exploring for collectibles and what not so I often found myself slightly confused as to where I'd been, what areas were left to poke around in and which path would continue the story (often leaving the area you just left inaccessible.

    I think ignoring collectibles it would be much easier to follow the direct path but as someone who feel like I'm missing something if I don't check every corner of an area this was an aspect I could have done without.

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    i loved it for the story and characters. where i was disappointed was with all the climbing and encounter bits. i thought there could have been a lot less of that and more slower story paced scenes. i was just trying to get through that stuff as quickly as possible so i could get to the next cut scene. chapter 4 and the epilogue were my two favorite parts of the game and are up there with the franchise as a whole. having come so far with these characters (how many years since uncharted 1 came out?), the story and how they ended up was all i really cared about. i'll probably go back and play through it again on the easy difficulty setting just for the story. as a story it's top of the class but as a game in the strictest sense i don't see it contending for game of the year

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    Just hit chapter 16, and I really came around on this game a few chapters ago.

    I definitely don't plan to replay it (unlike 2 and 3), although some of the establishing stuff early on was necessary. But there are a couple sections that are super good and worth seeing again. When I come back to this, it'll just be a couple chapters here and there. Some of thise early climbing sections could've been trimmed, and honestly that first half could've been a lot tighter.

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    I agree.

    It is a good (great?) game but it is by far my least favorite out of the 4 games. 1 has a charm to it and was the first time with those characters, it hasn't aged fantasticly but its still fun. 2 is an amazing game still today, so much fun and back and forth with the best villian in the series. 3 is a mess BUT has the 2 best moments in the series with the cruise ship and the plane. 4 told a more complete story but in a way didn't grab me(?). I literally just beat the game so I'm having a hard time describing exactly how I feel.

    The best way to put it right now, I wish the way 4 told its story, grew the characters, showed motivations and such...wasn't wasted(?) on a less interesting tale. If 4's execution in how it told its story was used on 2, it would be the greatest game ever imaginable. 2 had the better moments, the more interesting places and back drops, the tighter/better executed gameplay and action, a better villian how deserved more time to shine and develop than Rafe and a better finish. Honestly if 4 didn't have the epilogue tie things up, I would've said the game was a disappointment rather than good.

    4 could've done without the "open" world crap, I just want to get to the next encounter and to the next story beat, not explore a cave, grotto, small building that diverts me away from what I actually enjoy about the game. Again, good game but felt like some wasted potential weird enough.

    I also missed the mysticism that the other games had. I fucking hate the blue and red guys, HATE them, but it was a story twist to the action tha 4 didn't have, and I kept waiting for. Hate to arm chair story write (but I do it with everything), 4 needed a character twist that even if it was cliche, it still happened. I expected more from Sam like turning on Nate or was working with Rafe all along or fucking died even. Or Rafe getting killed or SOMETHING! Its crazy how by the books it kind of feels when it was all said and done when Nate and Elena get in the cab and Sam and Sully get in the plane.

    To wrap things up, I decided to play all the uncharted games in order because it had been since 3 since I've played them. 4 would be the last game and the one that I would begrudingly play in the future, and I hate that I say that.

    Good game, not great.

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    Not sure if it is the worst, but one major reviewer website gave this game 94% which is ridiculous! Id say 85% max! The multiplayer is awesome though, will give that 94%!

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    Huh, I don't seem to have posted here in the past year.

    I'm on a phone so I can't elaborate much, but Uncharted 4 is the only one I'd give an unreserved stamp on. Lots of the character dialog and interaction carried over from the first three, combined with gameplay that I actually liked instead of really disliked or outright hated.

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