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    Tomb Raider

    Game » consists of 22 releases. Released Mar 05, 2013

    A young and inexperienced Lara Croft is shipwrecked on a mysterious island in this reboot of the beloved action adventure franchise, which departs from the mood of prior games in the series.

    xtian0104's Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (Xbox One) review

    Avatar image for xtian0104

    A really good reboot to a very dead franchise.

    I've never played any of the first Tomb Raider games back in the Playstation, nor did I ever beat that Anniversary edition on the Wii. Every time I played those games there was just something that wouldn't click with me. I hated the PS1 Tomb Raider's tank controls, and I really am so glad that it's difficult to get back to those games again, because I really consider that it's no worth the jankiness of those games. The anniversary games were much better remakes of the past stories, but the problem with those was that People were tired of buying a tank controlled sexy Lara. As far as I know, times have changed, and having a "hot" character on your game won't make you sell more copies if the game doesn't live up to the expectations. The good thing is that there's nothing to worry about, because then there was a REBOOT! YESSSS. This time Square Enix did the job, and I must admit, they kicked ass.

    It's got everything you want, even a sexy Lara (if that's what your into for the videogames anyhow). They got a deep narrative driven story which involves Lara Croft's origin on how she overcomes herself, but at the same time, she is a true badass. You've got a bow that can eventually shoot fire arrows, a shotgun, a rifle that can shoot grenades, and a pistol that can use a silencer. All of these you can use them to your advantage to fuck shit up, and every time you are in need of those weapons, the game keeps you at the edge of your seat. The enemies can kill you pretty easily if you don't take cover, and if you manage to have enough perks during the game, you will be able to get some really nice fatalities. By the way, I must add that the game does a great job on making Lara take cover just by walking against something that can work as cover. It's very fluent and not janky at all. You can see enemies having interesting conversations that are relevant to the main story before you massacre them, and it can get to a point in which some soldiers will do anything for what they believe in (won't spoil ya there), and will suicide bomb the shit out of you if you don't kill them in time. I can assure you, watching century-old samurais run towards you while you, on the other hand, have all of these weapons on their advantage. It can become a pretty interesting match, I must tell you.

    Besides the action part of the game, it's got really good platforming as well. If you liked the Uncharted platforming, then I am glad to tell you that this is the game for you. I might add it has a really good exploration factor if you're into that sort of thing. In my personal walkthrough, I really skipped the whole artifacts and special items for investigation, and still got a really good piece of the game. You won't miss out on any of the collectibles for Tomb Raider. And yes, you raid tombs, just if you were wondering. It's not part of the main game per se, though it's in there.

    In conclusion, I played it pretty straight forward. Didn't care much about getting all the collectibles, raiding all of the tombs, or any of that. I just went through the main story, and I can't believe that this reboot is actually pretty good. I want to congratulate Square Enix and it's team for reviving a franchise that was kinda going to the ground after the PS1 era.

    Other reviews for Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (Xbox One)

      A Good Game, But Not The Most Comfortable Ride 0

      I've seen the rise and fall and rise of the Tomb Raider series over the years, but I never got into the games myself. Either I didn't have the technology for it or I just didn't have the interest. I don't really have any attachment to the series is what I'm saying. So when this newest reboot came along and was well-received, I just shrugged and though 'Cool, glad to hear it, but no interest level'. Years go by, new consoles arrive and although I am a bit late in hopping to the Xbox One, I'm sti...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

      Plain. 0

      In keeping with the reboot rulebook, Tomb Raider aims to offer a more realistic interpretation of the series’ gameplay, which was starting to feel as ancient as the tombs themselves hahaX1000. Essentially this “more realistic” take comes in the form of covering Lara Croft in cuts and bruises and asking a voice actor to record a few hundred versions of a pained grunt, whilst keeping a very similar jump/climb/shoot loop of the older games. This isn’t necessarily a problem, ...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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