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    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Dec 01, 2015

    Rainbow Six Siege is a competitive multiplayer first-person shooter developed by Ubisoft Montreal. Players chose from a large roster of Operators with their own weapons and abilities to win round-based attack and defend matches.

    This game is great and only getting better!

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    #1  Edited By senescent

    I was extremely skeptical about Siege ever since the original announcement trailer with the lame scripted in-game voice chat. However, after being lucky enough to get accepted into the closed alpha and every technical test past that point I can safely say my worries have been put to rest. The alpha was incredibly rough and had a lot of technical and design issues but every iteration has significantly improved the game. To my surprise, the developers have taken a lot of feedback to heart and are very active on the subreddit and forums. I'm a huge fan of the original Tom Clancy titles and I've accepted we'll probably never receive a true sequel from Ubisoft. That being said, in my opinion this game is so much better than the garbage that was Vegas. There are a few minor issues I hope they'll get around to fixing but Siege is now a very solid and unique game that's swimming in a sea of mediocrity.

    Server issues are currently plaguing the beta but once you get into a match it's so much fun. Today I killed people on ropes, looked at my camera phone, and became a door.

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    I did order it for ps4 because a few of my Destiny clan mates are getting it, looks like it should be some good fun haha

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    I'm having a blast with it. It's a shame the matchmaking is completely broken still (I played all day yesterday and was only able to actually get into two PVP matches). I'm nervous that it'll be ready for launch. I was kind of cold on this during closed beta, but I think it's fantastic now. I hope the map variety to keep it interesting is there. I'm sad that they can't (won't) allow people to make their own maps and run their own servers. Imagine having the destructible environments in some clever community-made maps. Regardless. I definitely want to pick this up. I'm just waiting to see if the launch stability is as bad as the past couple tests. Also they need host migration. Nothing more frustrating than a host leaving at the end of a match. They definitely have room for improvement, but I'm digging it overall.

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    I'm having a blast with it. It's a shame the matchmaking is completely broken still (I played all day yesterday and was only able to actually get into two PVP matches). I'm nervous that it'll be ready for launch. I was kind of cold on this during closed beta, but I think it's fantastic now. I hope the map variety to keep it interesting is there. I'm sad that they can't (won't) allow people to make their own maps and run their own servers. Imagine having the destructible environments in some clever community-made maps. Regardless. I definitely want to pick this up. I'm just waiting to see if the launch stability is as bad as the past couple tests. Also they need host migration. Nothing more frustrating than a host leaving at the end of a match. They definitely have room for improvement, but I'm digging it overall.

    the servers got considerably better the longer the last betas went on, so i wouldn't be surprised if this beta would be the same case. it's a good thing theyre are trying to get this figured out before launch.

    absolutely love the game so far, but the framerate in terrorist hunt on the ps4 is TERRIBLE, has to be sub 30, BUT it's still a lot of fun

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    #6  Edited By Loafsmooch

    I played the closed beta too, I think it's gonna be a great game in many ways. But, I don't know if they've changed anything about the shields since then but they seemed a little bit too.. useful. Pretty much every game back then was dominated by somebody with a shield and a laser sighted pistol. It just made for very boring gameplay. I'm sure there are counters to shields that people will figure out over time, but they could probably use some nerfing if they haven't already.

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    It's a great game and I hope it catches on but man, they really need to get their shit together regarding servers. It's straight up unplayable currently.

    @loafsmooch: Hip fire accuracy with shields was brought way down and getting shot at brings it down even further to the point where you can miss people in melee range. Shields no longer dominate the game.

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    @dezztroy: That is great news regarding the shields!

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    #9  Edited By gundogan

    I like the whole breaching idea and man, that would've been fun in singleplayer too with maybe some planning mode. :( Multiplayer and terrorist hunt are fun though, but I don't know if there's enough for me to buy it.

    The beta is still rough yea. Matchmaking is not very good and it was the same during the alpha and closed beta and that's not a good sign for a game so close to release. And ingame there's some jankyness as well. Bodyparts clipping through walls and stairs (and thus being a very easy target), getting stuck in place while crouching (you need to go prone and stand up to be able to move again), seeing enemy names through barricades, netcode issues, ect. It's good that they fix things on the gameplay side, but on the technical side it's very much a 2014 Ubisoft game.

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    #11  Edited By Technician

    I'm predicting a Star Wars Battlefront-esque reception to this game. What's there seems fine but there won't be enough content to hold most people's interest past a few hours.

    Hopefully I'm wrong; I'd like 2015 to go out strong with this, JC3 and Xenoblade.

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    The game does a bad job at capping its own framerate on PC. I have it set to 100 since I can't hit 144 consistently, but it still goes between 100 and ~130. Almost like it's lowering itself only when it goes over rather than an actual cap. Though minor, I reported it because we shouldn't have to run external programs to make in-game features work.

    I really hope there's enough content. I'm having a lot of fun, but I get the feeling that nobody will be playing it after the first month. The hardcore R6 community seems to be cold on it, and the casual crowd is already playing other stuff. This (like Battlefield) would have been great in the summer. Fingers crossed.

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    #13  Edited By TheMasterDS

    Sounds good. A copy of it or Assassin's Creed Syndicate came with my Graphics Card and I've been thinking about getting this and buying Syndicate on console because I think of Assassin's Creed as a console series and having to do extra work to get it running seems like a recipe for stopping cold midway through. I don't say this as idle speculation, that's basically what happened to AC4 which I got on PS4 which turned out to not be my preferred console. Couldn't be bothered to turn the PS4 on. The lack of the resume stuff at launch didn't help.

    Edit: Okay, went ahead and executed on that. The freebie is on uplay apparently and I'm not going to bother installing that because that seems super annoying. I'm glad I didn't think of it as free Assassin's Creed, I'll buy that on a proper storefront.

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    This game looks like as though it would be stupid fun with a few friends on Skype or something.

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    My biggest concern is the population and server stability. I've had a great deal of issues during the Beta, which admittedly is kinda to be expected and shouldn't be held against it. but even now, less than a week before release they've been having issues that's made playing it an exercise in patience (and the constant back and forth of me saying to myself "Well maybe it's me? What if it's my router? What can I do to try to fix this?"). They postponed the open Beta and kept it closed to prepare their infrastructure but man...Ubisoft has had server issues before. If Rainbow Six: Siege, a game that pretty much requires you to have a connection to their servers can't keep themselves up and running on launch week then I don't feel it's too far fetched to believe that people will A) return their copies and B) badmouth the game saying "Oh well, there goes Ubisofts terrible servers again. Despite what this game might have to offer there's potential for it to turn into another Evolve where people play it for a month or two before the populations drop off the face of the earth.

    I've found Six-Siege to have a really fun pace and deliberateness to it that requires you to think-on-your-feet and communicate with your team if you want to truly excel and get the most out of it. The key thing I've noticed is that a game that allows for multiple "simple" systems to congeal together to make an overall complex and rapidly changing landscape (literally) to be the most enthralling and Six-Siege has at least a good modicum of it. It plays particularly well if you do have a group with VOIP software working together, really honestly makes you feel totally badass.

    That being said however, I feel that the unlock system is a bit shallow. With Operators only having two primary/secondary weapons available to them and the attachments offered being somewhat meagre I don't really feel any motivation to spend the in-game currency on improving/modifying them. The only thing I've found that changes the Operators up is the "secondary" gadget i.e. grenades / breach charges for the attackers and deployable walls/ barb-wire/ nitro for the defenders. I hope they can get maps and operators out at a comfortable pace to keep stuff interesting.

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    @senescent: You looking at your phone, man that was way to funny.

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    Played a bit on PS4, but hopped over to PC after enough unstable servers and matchmaking shenanigans. It was pretty fun from what I tried! Granted, it's been something like 6-8 years since I last played an FPS online, so I haven't numbed myself on the genre yet. It also helps that this doesn't consist of players bunnyhopping around and shooting you between the eyes every minute. We'll see if I warm up enough to try the final game.

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    The recent maintenance patch that they did (at least on the PC) seems to have dramatically improved if not outright fixed the connection/matchmaking issues that was plaguing the Closed Beta before. I spent a night with 4 of my friends playing ranked games and, despite the ranking being a bit funny and connecting to a game and instantly losing (literally the 'You lost' screen came up) it's been stable and perfectly functional. Finding a game didn't take long at all and generally the experience was hitch free. There were still a few little minor niggles but overall an absolute blast with my friends.

    I've found a tremendous amount of fun to be had with this game and I'd certainly recommend it to people looking to play with friends. I just look forward to having all the maps and Operators becoming available upon release and giving it a good bash.

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    With the open beta concluded I can now safely say that I'm happy to buy a Ubisoft game for the first time in a long time. This is one of the freshest modern FPS games I've played in a long time. It takes a lot of what makes Counter Strike good and modernizes it then adding on another layer of its own design.

    The beta highlighted a few things for me that really stood out:

    1. Has proper PC feature support (at least for my usage I don't have ultra widescreen)
    2. Plenty of customization options toggle aim, crouch, sprint and even lean are separate options and even better they aren't separate keys like some DICE games do it. Loads of HUD options too.
    3. It generally forgoes a lot of typical modern shooter designs decisions that I disagree with such as regenerating health, "make your own class" progression system and a total lack of any design methodology to maps.
    4. It's a tactical based game that has managed to make public matches involve teamwork. I have been absolutely astounded at the fact that I didn't see 1 person playing the game like Call of Duty TDM.
    5. Its the only game I've played other than Counter Strike and some Battlefields to have viable flash bangs and smoke grenades.
    6. The class system seems to be very well thought out, almost all classes seem viable and have a purpose but due to the 5 player limit you can't have everything and will need to plan around your strengths.
    7. My biggest fear was squashed in that the maps would have a dominant strategy that would develop making each match feel repetitive. This is not the case at all.

    My main issues coming out of the beta is the sprint seems redundant I feel like they should just increase the base speed and remove sprint all together. I also wish the defenders got randomized security cameras because once the attackers know the camera locations checking cameras becomes pointless.

    Otherwise it feels really weird that Ubisoft is releasing a game that doesn't feel drawn out with checklist gameplay that's copy pasted all over the place.

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    When I tried that beta or alpha from a while ago, the running speed felt like Dear Esther. Is it still like walking through mud?

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    #21  Edited By SSully

    @csl316 said:

    When I tried that beta or alpha from a while ago, the running speed felt like Dear Esther. Is it still like walking through mud?

    From the time I've played with the beta it seems more then enough. The maps are pretty small and it's meant to be a slower paced game. I wouldn't expect Call of Duty speeds from this game.

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    I kind of feel like the general reaction to this game has been pretty down. I feel like I'm in the minority in that the betas hooked me and completely sold me. I just hope it doesn't die out immediately like Evolve and Titanfall did.

    My only big worry is the servers at launch. Ubisoft has a pretty horrible track record with online games at launch.

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    I had no expectations going in the beta, but me and a buddy gave it a shot and ended up really enjoying it. The atmosphere can become quite tense and the difficulty makes it satisfying. However, i don't see myself paying 60$ for what i played.

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    #24  Edited By None_Braver

    Is there Terrorist Hunt in this?

    I had no expectations going in the beta, but me and a buddy gave it a shot and ended up really enjoying it. The atmosphere can become quite tense and the difficulty makes it satisfying. However, i don't see myself paying 60$ for what i played.

    Especially when It's just MP.

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    #25  Edited By Onemanarmyy


    There's a mode called Terrorist Hunt. I'm not sure if it's the same as the terrorist hunt you might know from other Rainbow Six games. I'm not too deep into the older R6 games.

    In Siege, you team up with your party members and / or online people to be the 'attackers' against a pretty large amount of AI guys. This takes place in the regular multiplayer maps.
    These missions always have two bombsites. Once you start defusing a bomb, a stream of AI guys will attack your position until you defused the bomb. After that, you do the same for the 2nd bomb.

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    I hope there's a quick look of this. I got it free with my graphics card but haven't even downloaded it yet

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    #27  Edited By RikiGuitarist

    @onemanarmyy said:


    There's a mode called Terrorist Hunt. I'm not sure if it's the same as the terrorist hunt you might know from other Rainbow Six games. I'm not too deep into the older R6 games.

    In Siege, you team up with your party members and / or online people to be the 'attackers' against a pretty large amount of AI guys. This takes place in the regular multiplayer maps.

    These missions always have two bombsites. Once you start defusing a bomb, a stream of AI guys will attack your position until you defused the bomb. After that, you do the same for the 2nd bomb.

    There's Classic Terrorist Hunt, which is like the old Rainbow Six games. All the terrorists spawn in at the beginning of the round and you have about 15 minutes to kill them all Lone Wolf or co-op. This is much better than how Terrorist Hunt worked in Vegas 1 and 2, because the enemy AI would spawn out of monster closets throughout the entire match. If you cleared a room and walked out, enemies could spawn in that room and flank you within seconds. This made Realistic Terrorist Hunt really annoying. Thankfully it's fixed!

    The two new additions to Terrorist Hunt are bomb defusal and hostage rescue. For hostage rescue, you make your way to a single hostage with pre-spawned enemies. Once he's in your possession, a new wave of enemies spawn as you escort him to the extraction point.

    @dancinguy said:

    I hope there's a quick look of this. I got it free with my graphics card but haven't even downloaded it yet

    They did an Unfinished of it for the alpha. Plays mostly the same.

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    #28  Edited By dancinguy

    @dancinguy said:

    I hope there's a quick look of this. I got it free with my graphics card but haven't even downloaded it yet

    They did an Unfinished of it for the alpha. Plays mostly the same.

    They should still do a quick look. It's a new game and their job is to look at stuff like this. At least that's what I think it is, who knows anymore

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    I want this game really badly. But each beta has run like garbage on my PC, which runs any game I've thrown at it so far on max settings 60fps at 1080p. But for whatever reason this game is completely unplayable and I've not been able to find anyone with similar problems.

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    I'm loving it. I got the PC version. The PS4 version felt like running through mud, where the PC version feels quick and snappy while still having some weight behind the guns a movement. Not sure if I just don't like controllers or of the console versions actually slowed down the movement.

    Zero server issues in the full game (beta had me worried). I'm finding matches in seconds. It gives you options for which modes and maps you want to be matched into. Runs beautifully. Getting 120+ FPS (down to like 90 when stuff is blowing up). Still lots of fun. Spent $40 on the PC version and I think it's worth it (for me personally). Lets just hope people are still playing in a couple months.

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    Guys, on the Terrorist Hunt mode, does the AI feel aim bot-y and kill you instantly like in vegas one and two? or can you take a couple of hits and react better? That was my favorite mode in the vegas series but i hated that. Thanks in advance.

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    Guys, on the Terrorist Hunt mode, does the AI feel aim bot-y and kill you instantly like in vegas one and two? or can you take a couple of hits and react better? That was my favorite mode in the vegas series but i hated that. Thanks in advance.

    It depends on what difficulty you play it on. On Realistic (the hardest), I've sometimes seen the enemy AI turn and snap on to my head in the death cam. But it's usually after I've made some noise, so it's not too unlikely that they might've known where I was coming from. Haven't seen them instantly do a 180 and track my head like they did in Vegas.

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    @dancinguy: I'd really appreciate a Quick Look or podcast talk about it too... If only because the game looks good but not $60 good to me.

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    I'm loving this game! If anyone wants to add me on PC for team play my Uplay name is:


    Hope to see some duders online.

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    Does the PC version have dedicated servers? and a server list also some kind of cheat protection? I can't take any MP game seriously without these features.

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    I just got this game for free from a video card promotion during the Thanksgiving sales. Is there much for me if I'm someone not super well-versed in modern multiplayer FPS games?

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    @jthom252: I wouldn't think so. You could always try trading the key to someone for another game. Try Reddit's SteamGameSwap.

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    Really enjoying this game. Took some getting used to but i'm starting to get the hang of it. The characters are great and its super satisfying when a plan is executed well. There are a couple of annoying bugs that need patching and I don't think it's worth £/$50. But if you can get it for cheap I totally recommend it.

    P.S. I'm playing on PC.

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    #41  Edited By RikiGuitarist
    @jec03 said:

    Does the PC version have dedicated servers? and a server list also some kind of cheat protection? I can't take any MP game seriously without these features.

    No dedicated servers or server browser. Everything is done through matchmaking on the Siege servers. There is anti-cheat.

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    Im gonna pick this up around christmas, would love to play with you guys on PS4. my real life friends dont seem interested and I dont think itll be very fun to play alone, so add me up!.

    PSN: I3randeno

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    So this is my best round since release. I've never felt more like an elite super spy operative person.

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    @jec03: The game runs on dedicated server matchmaking. VOIP is hosted by a determined player per team, Custom games are Peer to Peer. Biggest shame about the whole game for me is it feels like the servers are 30tick or something.

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    #46  Edited By Bollard

    So, I finally picked this up on PS4 and it seems I picked a bad day to start playing. You have to be level 20 to play ranked, and every other match I play fails to "synchronise" at the end so I get 0 exp and 0 reputation (or whatever the currency is called).

    This has the fantastic effect of meaning I can't buy any new classes and can't play ranked for even longer. Sweet.

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    @bollard said:

    So, I finally picked this up on PS4 and it seems I picked a bad day to start playing. You have to be level 20 to play ranked, and every other match I play fails to "synchronise" at the end so I get 0 exp and 0 reputation (or whatever the currency is called).

    This has the fantastic effect of meaning I can't buy any new classes and can't play ranked for even longer. Sweet.

    You should run through all the "Situations" they are great training and the challenges are fun in there own right and give you +200 Renown for each one finished plus completion of the match, its an easy way to earn 6000+ renown and buy a few operators and upgrade them fully.

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    @evilsbane: Aye I've done six of them so far, that's definitely helped with the operators. Just sad I can't do ranked yet! Casual always has a higher number of people team killing and killing the hostages because it doesn't matter as much.

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    I was queued against the same team twice in a row. They were convinced I was hacking. It was fun.

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