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    Tiny Toon Adventures

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Dec 20, 1991

    Based on the animated TV show, Tiny Toon Adventures is an action platforming game.

    mrjonathanamoore's Tiny Toon Adventures (Nintendo Entertainment System) review

    Avatar image for mrjonathanamoore

    Standard Platforming Fare

    I decided to watch one of those "Every NES game in 10 minutes" videos on Youtube recently, just looking for a new game to play on one of, if not my favorite system. This was a game I rarely heard about, but what I had heard seemed to paint it as nothing more than a Super Mario Bros, 3 clone, or something lower than the Mario Bros. franchise, lacking its own charm. To me, it looked like a pretty great platformer with a charm deriving from the obvious source material. How right and wrong I was.

    It's totally fun, but it's lacking the creative ingenuity of the Mario Bros. games. It totally makes sense to me now when people said it was like Mario Bros. but without what made the games special. The games just don't have interesting enough level design to carry it to classic or even great level. The graphics are pretty great but once again it feels like they did a lot with the sprite work, but nothing with the actual world. Everything just feels like it could have been more inventive and creative than it actually was. Even the soundtrack, which doesn't fail to impress in terms of tone, is far too short considering. A lot of songs just continually get thrown in random levels... it's just a lot of repetitive material.

    And that's what Tiny Toon Adventures is, a rather short, lackluster but well made NES game. It's a strange one and it certainly could have been so much more than what it became, but Tiny Toon Adventures is a game worth completing once and never looking back.

    Other reviews for Tiny Toon Adventures (Nintendo Entertainment System)

      Solid SuperMarioBros3 knock-off, but lacking in surprises 0

      Starting up Tiny Toon Adventures feels quite familiar, many of the enemies, abilities and the general gameplay are heavily inspired by SuperMarioBros3 with a Tiny Toons coat of paint. The resulting game is all around quite solid, but lacking both in creativity and complexity compared to SMB3. Most of the tilesets are really basic, especially in later levels, and don't really give a good sense of setting or progress. The lack of length is made up with an increased difficulty. The ability to have ...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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