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    Stupid Invaders

    Game » consists of 2 releases. Released Oct 18, 2000

    Stupid Invaders is an adventure game based on the French cartoon "Les Zinzins de l'espace" (known as "Space Goofs" in the US and "Home to Rent" in the UK)

    sbc515's Stupid Invaders (PC) review

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    THIS THING! THIS FREKAING GAME! MY GOD I HAVE NEVER PLAYED SOMETHING SO TWISTED, DISTRUBING, WEIRD AS HELL, AND INCREDIBLY IDIOTIC! THIS GAME IS WHERE HUMANITY HAS GONE MENTALLY ILL! WAY TO GO! THANKS FOR MAKING A WHOLE NEW GENERATION EVEN MORE WORSE! I CAN'T WAIT FOR A GAME BASED ON LUCKY LUKE OR OGGY AND THE COCKROACHES OR ZIG AND SHARKO! IF THIS CRAP WILL MAKE LESS SENSE THAN THE SPACE GOOFS CARTOON, THEN WHAT IS THE POINT OF EVEN PLAYING THIS? NEVER PLAY THIS CRAP!!! EVER!!! EVER!!! EVER!!!I played this once 'cause I figured it wouldn't be so bad, but oh God it is. It REALLY is. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!? HOW IS THIS OKAY!? Do you not care about how cartoon lovers feel about your dumb attempt on cartoons!? MY GOD, I seriously wanted to be in the Ubisoft building in the developers room and say SORRY BUT WHOEVER MADE THIS CRAP, YOU'RE FIRED!!! I will never play this crappy game the same way ever again which makes me hate it even worse. This game is overall terrible. The graphics are poorly detailed and super fugly they make me wanna vomit (no, really, this game looks like it was made around the time of Bubsy 3D, making that game's graphics look far superior), especially having so many errors along with the character designs being very off-modeled, like the aliens' facial expressions are all off-modeled and unnecessary. The characters and voice acting are obnoxious, poorly done, extremely annoying, unsettling and a complete waste of talent (and I am so very very sick of both Billy West and Rob Paulsen I CANNOT stand either of them or their grating voices any longer) and also the dialogue doesn't even make any sense, like "Oh my jewels!" What the hell is that supposed to even mean, anyway? That doesn't sound like swearing, it sounds more like a poor dumb country hick. The music and sound effects are bad and irritating and painful and ear-grating. Also, a ton of unnecessary pop-culture references I really don't need to explain. I mean what the hell I have never played something so weird and so messed up. The original cartoon, Space Goofs, will always be the best. HOW CAN YOU MESS UP THE CARTOON THAT BAD!? I love Xilam cartoons, BUT THIS JUST DOES NOT WORK! THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS WRONG WITH THIS GAME! The Space Goofs have been flanderized: they were awesome and funny, BUT NOW THEY'RE HUMAN-KILLERS!? WTF!? I'll give them one thing, the plot is definitely interesting but that still doesn't mean the game was good. Why bother playing it when I can already guess the plot easily just by looking at the fugly horrifying box cover artwork? Ubisoft is already the next Electronic Arts, only worse. I think this game has a small sorta cult following but I don't understand how anyone is sane enough to play this game. I hate it so much that I wish I this crap wasn't even real and never even existed and to think that there are "fans" of this game and it has positive reviews everywhere just shows how stupid some but not all people are, making other people stupider than they already are. This game is honestly literally WAY worse than Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, Night Trap, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Superman 64, Action 52, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Bubsy 3D, Sonic '06...and it is a HUGE mistake in the entire video game industry. To play it is a severe migraine headache and a complete waste of time. I STRONGLY ADVISE YOU NOT TO PLAY THIS CRAP EVER. It rips off Myst and Lego Island (both of which are far superior to this garbage) and serves nothing but to assault the original fans of the original cartoon and be as annoying, stupid, brain cell killing, cancerous and as stereotypical as possible. How dare does everyone forcedly review the worst game ever positively or mixed or average. Well shut up nobody likes this piece of garbage at all and it needs to be immediately shredded, steamrolled, and dumped into the deepest volcano on the planet. Should I really keep going over this? I really don't need to waste any time. The stupid cringeworthy writing is so stupid it really makes me dumber. How is this disgusting abomination rated T for Teen? Why add more of a risque approach to a beloved cartoon that was like E for Everybody? It just amuses me how everyone on the internet is especially today by REVIEWING IT POSITIVELY ALMOST ALL THE TIME EVERYWHERE. Shame on Ubisoft they honestly clearly don't care about their fans or players. Honestly, this crappy cringeworthy game needs to die as soon as possible because no one can take it anymore. Overall, hideous graphics, beyond stupid morals, effortless writing, annoying characters and voice acting (especially Stereo, repeatedly proving his own hypocrisies over Etno, what an idiot; also, his voice is very grating to listen to), dumbed down stereotypes, WAY too much disturbing imagery and close-up gross-out humor that is overly detailed and nauseating, very annoying running gags, and I can go on and on about how idiotic and literally stupid this game is. The title is in fact accurate, because this crappy game's nothing funny at all. Ubisoft has really messed up big time. Still can't believe I played this garbage. Wow I was a stupid idiot. Never ever remind me of this ever. Ubisoft, you need to be ashamed of yourselves and go bankrupt. PLEASE PUT THIS WHOLE ENTIRE GAME OUT OF ITS MISERY. Wait till The Angry Video Game Nerd looks at this crap and shreds it entirely. It needs to become no longer available at all to be purchased. It's so...uuggh... DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME. IF YOU PLAY THIS ONCE, YOU'LL BEGIN TO HATE IT.

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