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    Resident Evil 0

    Game » consists of 26 releases. Released Nov 10, 2002

    Resident Evil Zero is a prequel to the long running Resident Evil series, being set merely a day before the Mansion Incident of the original Resident Evil. Zero has players simultaneously control two protagonists: STARS Bravo member Rebecca Chambers, and escaped convict Billy Coen.

    Recap of all the stupid costumes available in Resident Evil Zero. Update: Now with even more costumes!?

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    #1  Edited By Yummylee

    Unlike the remake remastering but a year before, Zero appears to have had a fair bit of investment put towards it. Which is a shame, as the remake is an insurmountably better game, but that they're at least willing to toss in some extra junk is respectable in this day and age. When so many are content in simply upping the resolution and framerate, remastered games that feature a little extra sprinkle of goodies are more than welcome.



    ...Right, because what's already packed in this thing isn't enough, but it looks to include two additional STARS uniform variants for Rebecca. One is her OG STARS uniform from the original 1996 Resident Evil, which is basically the exact same beyond her red bandanna that was for some reason abandoned for RE0. The next is another deep cut akin to the RE2 photo jersey posted below, as it's her STARS uniform she's shown to wear in the RE0 Prototype! It's again very similar, with the one notable addition being a STARS beret. Best known as Jill's preferred head warmer of choice, they were originally going to have it so seemingly all STARS ladies (all two of them) wears one of the things.


    So, first off we have the new Wesker mode, which is available to all in the base game itself. It's unlocked upon a single completion and looks to primarily follow the main game, only you of course have Wesker in his RE5 garb traded in over Billy. Wesker himself includes a couple of his iconic aBILLYties (YES), such as a super sprint and this weird eye flash thing that makes heads go pop.

    Rebecca's still in tow and serves the same purpose as she did in the main game, which is to most likely serve as a pack mule more often than not. Though she does at least get her own set of new duds, making her resemble some sort of Weskerette groupie, complete with that same mind controlling jewel that Jill was forced to wear in Resident Evil 5.

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    Next we have the addition of some rather plain t-shirts with some custom, community-created logos plastered on. They're without a doubt the least interesting, though it shouldn't' be discredited for Capcom to hold a competition to inspire some creativity that can then be showcased in the game itself. There's three shirts in all, of which will be available for free to any who voted in the competition. Though I think you may have to pay otherwise...

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    Now we're getting into preorder territory (unfortunately). Specifically regarding the Resident Evil: Origins Collection, which includes both RE0 and the remake in their remastered formats. Though unfortunately any such bonus content is restricted to RE0 only... Anywhoo it is to feature a new costume for each of the two protagonists. As shown below, Billy is dressed up as Cody in his Alpha 3 attire, on the account that they're both convicted felons and all. Rebecca's is much less creative, as it's simply a port of her nurse outfit from Mercenaries 3D, which itself was also a somewhat modified version of Sheva Alomar's Fairy Tale outfit from RE5!

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    And finally, we have more preorder 'goodness', courtesy of the digital release of Resident Evil Zero. The costumes this time are a little more... outlandish, least for Billy certainly. So, for preordering RE0 on any platform besides the 360 (for whatever reason), you're gifted with a new look for each character. Billy's made to essentially look like a '90s action figure, or somebody from the Predator movie, whereas Rebecca is dressed up as a cheerleader for Capcom themselves. Not quite as distinctive as Billy's, but she looks cute in it all the same I suppose.


    And of course, there already existed some unlockable threads for the two characters way back in the original GameCube release. Rebecca gets two, one of which is the same cowgirl outfit she's shown to wear in the remake, whereas Billy gets the one lavish Italian suit w/ dirtbag drug dealer shades.


    But wait, there's (potentially) more?? Apparently so it seems, with another couple of costumes that are perhaps hidden in there somewhere, if not related to some other promotional thing I missed. Maybe they're Japanese exclusive? One would hope not anywhoo as they both make for a pair of fun easter egg references to the yesteryear of yesteryear. Both are originally depicted in much older RE games, with one in particular making for an incredibly obscure easter egg that only the hardest of the core would remember!

    The first dresses Rebecca up in her alternate outfit that was first originally seen in Resident Evil: Director's Cut, specifically should you play the Arranged mode that gave Chris, Jill, and Rebecca a new outfit to sport. The second is buried even deeper within the complicated confines of Resident Evil lore, as it features Rebecca wearing the basketball jersey as seen in a secret photo in Resident Evil 2. Though it was so bloody secret that the actual method for finding it was to examine Albert Wesker's desk in the RPD STARS office fifty times... Naturally. Only to then be rewarded with a rather blurry image of Rebecca lookin' all sporty. Yay?


    So, there you have it. Resident Evil has never been shy in trying to cram in some extra bits of vanity for the games' cast, though this new version of RE0 looks to be readying Rebecca & Billy up for the catwalk there's so much on offer. It's too bad some of the available duds have to be spread around preorder bonuses, but such is the industry and all that.

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    Yep, that Japanese game is certainly Japanese.

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    These extra costumes look really cool!

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    Okay, throwing in the Easter egg from RE2 is a nice touch. It's a pity that all of this work is being done on RE0, a game that needs far more than new costumes to be good.

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    Awesome stuff, I love the Wesker x and mind controlled Rebecca or w.e it is lol I pretty much like all of Rebecca's outfits except for the nurse one lol

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    #6  Edited By pr1mus

    I'm conflicted about this game. I said i would buy it, even though i think it's kinda crap, to do my part to help Capcom realise that classic style RE games is what we need. But now they've confirmed an RE2 remake so i don't need to buy it anymore right? But then it's still a classic style RE games and i don't already own the original...

    As for the costumes, they all look dumb. I don't really care, never used any bonus costumes in the other games either except in RE3 because it's the only one that had good ones. Dress suit Jill looked like Dana Scully! Regina and Jill's RE1 outfits were also cool and didn't look completely out of place given the context. I guess i did use the RE5 costumes in this year's HD Remaster but they're not really alternate costumes so much as just better looking character model altogether.

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    #7  Edited By Yummylee

    @pr1mus said:

    I'm conflicted about this game. I said i would buy it, even though i think it's kinda crap, to do my part to help Capcom realise that classic style RE games is what we need. But now they've confirmed an RE2 remake so i don't need to buy it anymore right? But then it's still a classic style RE games and i don't already own the original...

    As for the costumes, they all look dumb. I don't really care, never used any bonus costumes in the other games either except in RE3 because it's the only one that had good ones. Dress suit Jill looked like Dana Scully! Regina and Jill's RE1 outfits were also cool and didn't look completely out of place given the context. I guess i did use the RE5 costumes in this year's HD Remaster but they're not really alternate costumes so much as just better looking character model altogether.

    Jill's selection of outfits in RE3 was top notch, no doubt about it. Though i think the series has held a rather consistent level of quality towards the extra costumes throughout the series. Even RE6, for all of its problems, has some fun bit of cosplay in there. Especially those demake PS1-esque costumes, which legitimately look fantastic. That said, Helena's stripper cop outfit is hideous.

    Though funnily enough what I've found is that the unlockable costumes are outfits from a character's previous appearances more often than not... Which speaks to how this series just keeps sticking to such a small cast of protagonists.

    Also, don't be too sure that just because they're remaking RE2 they're remaking the RE2 we presumably want. It's all still up in the air as to what that thing even is currently, and as of now I'm more filled with an intense fascination than I am excitement.

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    @yummylee said:

    Also, don't be too sure that just because they're remaking RE2 they're remaking the RE2 we presumably want. It's all still up in the air as to what that thing even is currently, and as of now I'm more filled with an intense fascination than I am excitement.

    It's true we don't know much of anything but given that the primary motivation for them to go ahead with this remake was the fantastic sales of the HD Remaster i'm hopeful that even modern day Capcom can't be this clueless about what fans really want out of this thing. But all this doesn't really matter, i stand by what i said before about not wanting an RE2 remake. If they make one in the style of REmake great, if not i'll just continue to enjoy the original.

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    @yummylee said:

    Wesker himself includes a couple of his iconic aBILLYties (YES),

    God damnit, that made me smile you pun of a bitch.

    I feel like the t-shirt design was a missed opportunity, it's just some small hard to see logos on the middle of a white t-shirt. It's cool people got to be all artsy and what not but maybe they could have let them do the entire space of the shirt instead of just some on the front/back.

    In any case, I wont lie, I'm the guy they make fan service for, the sporty green easter egg costume is totally hot, I'll be disappointed if they don't end up in the NA version.

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    I never played Resident Evil 0 so I'm pretty excited to play this game. REmake HD is probably gonna be in my top ten for 2015 (it was also my first time playing that game), but it sounds like 0 has a lot of haters (including Mark MacDonald from 8-4, for example). I want to have an opinion on the game at least.

    I like that they are adding all of these costumes but they aren't enough for me to pre-order the game. Rebecca is no Jill Valentine but she'll have to do I guess.

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    Some of those costumes are a damn deep cut, that's awesome.

    Maybe RE is itself to blame for this but I love alternate costumes.

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    #12  Edited By Yummylee

    @zolroyce said:
    @yummylee said:

    Wesker himself includes a couple of his iconic aBILLYties (YES),

    God damnit, that made me smile you pun of a bitch.

    I feel like the t-shirt design was a missed opportunity, it's just some small hard to see logos on the middle of a white t-shirt. It's cool people got to be all artsy and what not but maybe they could have let them do the entire space of the shirt instead of just some on the front/back.

    In any case, I wont lie, I'm the guy they make fan service for, the sporty green easter egg costume is totally hot, I'll be disappointed if they don't end up in the NA version.

    I'm glad somebody appreciates my punning activities! And I agree, the t-shirt thing is a little underwhelming since they're still just a bunch of boring t-shirts - they're all even the same colour! @officer_falcon had made a great suggestion in the past that it would have been more enticing if the designs were for actual t-shirts you could actually wear in real life.

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    I totally thought the cheerleader outfit was a reference to the RE2 secret film. Forgot she was a basketball player in that and not a cheerleader.

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    #14  Edited By hassun

    It's a real bummer they keep going back to RE5 Wesker (and an RE5-ified Rebecca in this case). He looks so silly in RE0 as well. Like some sort of Cyclops gone wrong. Replete with ridiculous glowing eyes and optic blast.

    If they want to go with post-transformation Wesker they should at least go CV or RE4. None of that Uroboros shit.

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    Rebecca Chambers is bae.

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    #16  Edited By Yummylee

    @hassun said:

    It's a real bummer they keep going back to RE5 Wesker (and an RE5-ified Rebecca in this case). He looks so silly in RE0 as well. Like some sort of Cyclops gone wrong. Replete with ridiculous glowing eyes and optic blast.

    If they want to go with post-transformation Wesker they should at least go CV or RE4. None of that Uroboros shit.

    The optic blast is extra weird because of how he's never been shown to have such a power before. Also, I still wish it was STARS Wesker just with his Uroboros party tricks in tow.

    Also also, CV Wesker is essentially the exact same as RE5 Wesker beyond the obvious graphical quality really. I mean I guess his outfit isn't all snake skin'd in CV, but it's the same principle of ''Billy Idol crossed with Neo''.

    @shaunk said:

    I totally thought the cheerleader outfit was a reference to the RE2 secret film. Forgot she was a basketball player in that and not a cheerleader.

    According to the official page it's actually a callback to her alternate cheerleader costume from Deadly Silence. Turns out she only wears it if Chris wears the new and completely random Ninja outfit (which was just stupid enough that I never wore it) , though, which explains why I had never seen it for myself despite playing the game! Billy's is said to be a callback to some Megadrive Mercs game, too. Capcom are always one to dig deep with their own self-referential costumes!

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    @yummylee: In CV it's just black military/operator gear. None of the fashion model stuff from later games, no Neo trench coat either.

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    @hassun: The trench coat is ugly, but speaking for his default trench coat-less RE5 look I still think that and his CV outfit are mostly indistinguishable.

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    @yummylee: The Matrix might actually be a good comparison for it. Think Neo in The Matrix and then Neo in The Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions.

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    "Stupid" is right. I don't like Japan.

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    I don't get all the hate for RE0. I liked it better than 3, 6 and CV at least. The two-character system was cool, and I liked how eliminating the item boxes forced you to make hard decisions about what to carry, and if you were going to drop something you had to think about where to put it. The level design was good/great too.

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    #23  Edited By Yummylee

    @hippie_genocide: The two character setup is rarely used to any great effect, with Rebecca simply existing as extra inventory space that can die and Billy literally being the only RE character that can't mix herbs together - most puzzles can also be reduced to ''send items between the two via a dumbwaiter''. Honestly the best segment of the whole game is when you're alone as Rebecca during the final third. The controls are sluggish too, and not in a 'cuz tank controls' way but for how the animations are much slower than they are in, say, the remake. The training facility location is also just another faux-mansion and is kinda boring frankly. Its save room theme is weak and the leech hunter minigame is total trash, too.

    It's certainly better than CV and RE6 all the same, though.

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    #24  Edited By ArbitraryWater

    @hippie_genocide: I was in that boat with you until I replayed it last year and found it to be not as good as I remembered it being. I think a lot of that comes down to the Umbrella Training Facility being a really boring "main" area, though I'll still stand by the second half (Marcus' Lab and the Water Treatment Plant) as being moody and visually interesting.

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    @yummylee@arbitrarywater I guess it's just one of those things where everyone has a shitty game they like. Maybe RE0 is my shitty game. I'm now looking forward to playing this jazzed up version to see how my 2002 memories stack up to my current standards for videogames. Probably not well I'm guessing.

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    I don't know why this makes you so mad. Is the game forcing you to wear these and it makes you feel uncomfortable? They seem optional and can be ignored if they offend you.

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    @hippie_genocide: I'd call it "middling" more than "shitty." I'd rather play Zero than say... Code Veronica, for example.

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    @yummylee: I think he saw "stupid costumes" and stopped reading.

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    @yummylee: the title says they are "stupid" which is usually a negative connotation

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    @yummylee: I think he saw "stupid costumes" and stopped reading.

    lol turns out you were spot on.

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    #32  Edited By Puchiko

    @yummylee said:
    @technician said:

    @yummylee: I think he saw "stupid costumes" and stopped reading.

    lol turns out you were spot on.

    With all the SJW nonsense regarding costumes these days I read the tone of the article that way. So yes, I read the article but with that tone in mind since you said they were "stupid" and took the whole thing as sarcasm to get a point across. My apologies for being mislead.

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    Updated with a couple newly announced costumes, only days before its release!

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    Here's a handy video:

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    @hassun: Oh, so you can change costumes mid-game? That's neat. Also Billy looks so goofy wearing the Cody outfit; looks more like he's wearing pyjamas or something.

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    @yummylee said:

    @hassun: Oh, so you can change costumes mid-game? That's neat. Also Billy looks so goofy wearing the Cody outfit; looks more like he's wearing pyjamas or something.

    I'd argue that, that's an accurate representation of the Cody experience then.

    I've never been much of a Resident Evil fan. The only game in that classic style I've ever played was Dino Crisis 2.. But the original RE remake-remake had me interested in trying it out, I just never pulled the trigger. Now I kind of want to play this game, 'cause man is that Rebecca my type of gal, but I know I should just get the (allegedly) better one of the games. What a dilemma!

    Bah, I don't have time for these games with what else I'm playing anyway.

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    @jacksukeru: If you only play 1 I definitely suggest you play REmake.

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