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Average score of 4 user reviews

Lovely little game with CCG and RPG mechanics. 0

I only played free portion of the game, but if this game is as good as it is in book 1, I recommend it!Graphics? Eye pleasing!The best part is visible equipment, bonus points for that!Music and sounds? Great!Combat? For me, it's the strongest part of the game.Every turn you get cards that you use to attack/stun/debuff enemies or heal/buff allies.You can buff yourself to attack two times in a row.You get cards by equipping items, like in Card Hunter and you get items from almost every battle, so ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

One of the best tower defense games! 0

100% recommend. Besides the obvious reasons why, like lots of content and innovative gameplay, there's another reason why I love this game so much.It's mature and takes itself seriously, so no matter what age you are, you can enjoy it.I always loved tower defense games, but over time, this genre has been occupied by kid games.I'm talking about bright, cheerful, pathetic Kingdom Rush, Bloons Tower Defense, and others.If you hate these games, this game is for you.Yeah, the story isn't that good, b...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Silverfall is not a good game, but it's FUN! 0

Silverfall is not a good game.It has bad voice acting, weak story, god awful level design, several glitches and crashes, not-so-deep combat, etc, etc.Why am I recommending it?Because it's FUN!Silverfall's salvation is rather fun combat and good looking player and equipment models.All I want from ARPG's is the loot that makes me look good while killing mobs that drop loot and Silverfall does that!Another strong point is that there are no classes.You can spend your skill points on 8 different skil...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Gateway to a beautiful, living, unique world. 0

I don't think I'll ever find a game that is better than Beyond Good and Evil. I have finished it about 6 times over 10 years, I have explored every corner of it and I can't find words to tell how much I love it.Some people say that it's not that great, because it's old or because it has simple/ripped-off mechanics, but those people don't understand what is this game about. It's more than just another adventure/stealth game. It's a gateway to a beautiful, living, unique world.There are many game...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.