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The best video game shotguns

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  • The Super Shotgun is without a doubt one of the best shotguns in a video game. A point blank blast is equal to a rocket direct impact. While this is impressive on its own, it has a powerful firing sound and a visually pleasing reload animation, making it one of the most satisfying weapons in the game. There's nothing like taking out a whole horde by combining the Super Shotgun with hit and run tactics.

  • Auto Shotgun: Really, what isn't there to like about it? One shot can demolish a small group of infected, and a few shows can thin out an entire horde. It has damn good range too, which lets the player take out enemies from up to long range. the best part? It doesn't need to be pumped between shots, allowing you to clear out nearly anything within a few seconds.

  • Super Shotgun: The Super Shotgun is one of the most useful weapons in the game; it can do a lot of damage per shot, a quick fire rate (even though its a pump action shotgun), and has a somewhat tight pellet spread. This makes the Super Shotgun the Swiss Army Knife of TFC; useful in almost every role, which is pretty damn impressive for a video game shotgun. It also has a cool-looking pump animation, which gives you some nice eyecandy while you're gunning down a pesky Medic. While it's firing sound is somewhat weak, its looks and power make it an enjoyable shotgun to use.

  • The SPAS-12: In a game filled with tactical and modern weapons, the SPAS-12 is surprisingly one of the best weapons in the game. It's very powerful, has a kick-ass pump animation and a cool firing and pump sound. All of these makes the SPAS-12 very satisfying to use. Its only major problem is the lack of range; its pellets disappear after reaching a certain distance, making it useless for plinking at a faraway enemy.

  • HL2's shotgun is pretty badass, mostly because of how close its pellets stay together. Its pellets are tightly together, making its primary fire almost as good as a frickin' sniper rifle and its secondary able to take out a Combine Soldier out at up to medium range. It's so awesome that is essentially becomes your primary weapon once you get it. Now that's impressive.

    Its firing sounds sucks, but its usefulness outweighs that.