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@shindig said:

Weird. If that symbol's popping up it sounds like a disk issue.

Well, that's a bummer. Read up and some said it might be a system heat type thing. Gonna stop for a long while and try again. If not... Well, I think MGS 4 is a legitimately great game. Might have to buy another copy.

Man, this sucks.

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Well, encountered another issue.

Right after the cutscene where Raiden comes in and fucks shit up in Act 2, it dumps Snake back in the marketplace. Immediately, on the top left hand corner of the screen there is an icon of a disc that constantly swaps between being a disc and a question mark. The game freezes here.

Trying to enter the XMB crashes the entire PS3 and eventually, the PS3 reboots.

Tried thrice now.

MGS4 is the Greatest Hits version, disc has no scratches too

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@skullpanda1: Only did the boss fight and went till the next save point. Haven't played anymore since. Will report back in this thread if anything goes wrong again. Indications seem to be that its an issue with Patch 2.0 that added the trophies to the game.

@flstyle said:
@zereta said:

@angryhobo321: It worked! Re-installed and opted not to install the full game this time and it got me through that. Only needed to defeat Laughing Octopus four times, go online to look for help, accidentally stumble upon Act 4 location spoilers to get it working :/

Thanks so much for the help though! Really appreciate it. Great game so far :)

The one act of the 5 that you don't want to be spoiled on! Ah well, it'll still be fun.

Yea, it seems like a big one. But I kinda recall about a quick switcheroo thing with the graphics in that Act just through osmosis and message boards so maybe I wasn't too badly spoiled.

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@angryhobo321: It worked! Re-installed and opted not to install the full game this time and it got me through that. Only needed to defeat Laughing Octopus four times, go online to look for help, accidentally stumble upon Act 4 location spoilers to get it working :/

Thanks so much for the help though! Really appreciate it. Great game so far :)

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@zereta said:
@angryhobo321 said:

@zereta: I'm sending a link to a youtube video that should be easier to follow than me typing it out. Hope this helps.

Edit: The game data is the install, while the save data is the save data.

Meaning to say, I can delete the game data, re-install the game and carry on from the same saves as before?

About to finish my third Laughing Octopus defeat. If it doesn't work again, will try that. Thanks!

Yeah that should hopefully work. Good luck duder!

Thanks so much! In the process of re-installing the game, hope it works!

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@zereta: I'm sending a link to a youtube video that should be easier to follow than me typing it out. Hope this helps.

Edit: The game data is the install, while the save data is the save data.

Meaning to say, I can delete the game data, re-install the game and carry on from the same saves as before?

About to finish my third Laughing Octopus defeat. If it doesn't work again, will try that. Thanks!

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#7  Edited By Zereta

This did not happen to me the last time I played through the game. I would have to recommend reinstalling the game, although that probably involves losing save data... maybe there's a memory cache you can clear before you risk a reinstall?

How would I do this? Borrowed a friend's PS3 solely for this as I wanted to play MGS IV before Metal Gear Scanlon 4. Have never used a PS3 in my life.

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Trying my luck, not expecting a lot of people in this forum.

Playing MGS IV for the first time ever and after the Laughing Octopus boss fight (And the Laughing Beauty sequence), there is a Codec call with Drebin where he tells you about FaceCamo and Laughing Octopus' history. It then goes into a loading screen. And never stops loading.

MGS IV is fully installed on the PS3. Decided to quit the game and try again. Did the boss fight again. Same thing. Now loading forever.

Is this a known issue? Any way to get pass this?

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I used to be able to play anything. Now its either games I can have very short sessions with and immensely repeatable (Something like Invisible Inc for recent games) or incredibly long games that I can just kinda play at my own pace (Recently, The Witcher 3).

Of course, games with a story and a complete story focus also have my attention. So like a Call of Duty story used to be something I like. Short, action packed and then I'm done with it after. That's why I loved watching Metal Gear Scanlon and find myself enjoying MGS4 as I play through it now.

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@owack6 said:

Go to the cinema right now and watch Mad Max Fury Road. It is the best action movie released since The Matrix.

Already did that. Flamethrower Guitarist will forever be in my heart.

Thanks for all the recommendations! Keep em coming! Some of these I've already watched (Alien, Aliens, Face/Off, Tango & Cash). Will start on these as soon as I finish Metal Gear Scanlon :)