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My collection of video games. Not all of my games, but most of them. I try to keep them in order from most favourite (#1) to least, but there's so many games that there's no way I can do it 100% correctly. There are so many great games, and I'm sure I'm missing a LOT of them due to my poorness and lack of current-gen consoles 90% of the time. Every time I get a current-gen console, the next generation is announced and in about a year I'm rendered obsolete...

List items

  • Probably the first video game I've ever played, and until lately has been my absolute favourite game of all time.

  • Meet the contender for #1 on this list. This game's story is so emotionally gripping that it makes Modern Warfare 1 look like crap. The close-to-home element is very heart-tugging. Also, don't play the third mission (the one that at the beginning of the game you get asked whether you want to skip with no detriment to your gameplay), it's just... Wrong. I wish I hadn't played it.

  • The intricate plots of Metal Gear Solid are so dazzling and wonderfully told that it's impossible not to like this unless you're a half-wit who doesn't know how to think and appreciate it, regardless of a few gameplay flaws. The pros severely outweigh the cons.

  • I liked this more than MGS1 but not quite as much as Sons of Liberty, which is why it sits nicely in the middle. A lot of character development goes into Big Boss and others, such as Ocelot, and it makes you appreciate everyone just that little bit more.

  • I actually borrowed this just recently because I've never beaten this. As I progressed through the game, I realized there were so many parallels between this and Sons of Liberty and I greatly appreciated MGS2 that much more because of it.

  • Maybe Nintendo's beginning to get repetitive, but at least they did what I wanted for once. A more fluid, better looking, new adventure to take me back to my memories of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, regardless of how damn long the game took to come out. It rivaled the delays that Super Smash Brothers Brawl received.

  • Character Creation. Making custom fighters to slash your way to victory is so satisfying and addictive. Can't wait until I get my hands on IV.

  • If I still owned Brawl, it would probably take this spot, but since I don't this'll have to do. A classic.

  • I'm always late to the party when it comes to awesome games that must be played. Very late. I got this for PC and LOOOOOOVED it. I've played through a bit of Fable II, but the disk freezes on me at the Spire, so I had to give it back to the person I borrowed it from... And I was just getting my Good points, too.

  • Highly addictive for those who love making stories and all the other elements of game-making, even if you've never finished a single game like me.

  • The first Turn-based JRPG I've actually beaten completely. Ever. I just hate that menu music.

  • I honestly loved this more than Ocarina of Time... Please don't kill me.

  • E-P-I-C.

  • A game I used to revile, I now enjoy it for the game itself, even if people on Matchmaking can be jerks.

  • Classic game that really shows of possibly the last true Mario game before New Super Mario Bros. which took its sweet time coming out.

  • Hated the sailing. Hated the Triforce-piece collecting. Other than that, a masterpiece.

  • One of the greatest Call of Duty experiences I've had before the Modern Warfare franchise. This expansion to the original adds vehicles, new weapons, graphical updates, new multiplayer maps, a new campaign and oh so much more. Definitely a much better multiplayer experience than the original.

  • Awesome game, great multiplayer, the beginning of a brilliant franchise.

  • My first actual Fire Emblem game. Some criticized it for just being a 3D port of the Gameboy games, but I still loved it, and probably appreciated it more than the handheld FE games.

  • Easy to pick up and play, and easy on the eyes for younger gamers, even if it is desensitizing...

  • A good game with its flaws. As much as the secret levels seem to bring you back to Mario's golden years, they're horribly difficult and ruin the nostalgia. Other than that, a very unconventional Mario game.

  • Bought this from EB Games because I wanted to play the original two Zelda games. Still haven't ever gotten around to it.

  • Awesome game that deserves the good reputation it gets. Nostalgic, yet so fun and innovative.

  • I'm a customization freak, sue me. Story mode is annoying at first (especially the text sounds), but after a while, you get used to it and get to appreciate the game and its plot.

  • Much exploration, though the "collect shit to reach the final boss" thing put me off when I finally got to that part and after deleting my saved game, I doubt I'll ever finish the game at this point.

  • Great multiplayer and single player. The AI is fun to play with even if you don't have any friends... Like me...

  • The beginning of greatness. I still play this sometimes for the memories.

  • Great expansion that really ups the ante on the original.

  • Very enjoyable RTS. One of the few I actually enjoy. Has online multiplayer, which is very nice.

  • First played this on the Xbox, where I discovered the wonders of the assassination attack. I have loved this game ever since that melee attack was given to me.

  • Fragfest, not much else to say.

  • Astounding music, good visuals, innovative battle system, but annoying voice-overs. The voice effects are blagherjugk.

  • Play this game. You will love it.

  • One of the most addictive sports games I've ever played. I'm fairly certain this game has caused me to get Nintendo fingers a few times and break my controller a bit.

  • If you read the back of the case, it does not lie. The first in the Soul Calibur series as far as I know, and the game that introduced me to the franchise.

  • My first Nintendo 64 game. Very well executed, and is historically renown for utilizing the analog stick and making a damn good game with Nintendo's then-new controller.

  • Addictive and an interesting plot. The gadgets keep the game as fun as ever, and it's still fun to play if you can get over the outdated graphics.

  • More updated and with new features, but doesn't beat the nostalgia I had for the first game. Still haven't played the second, even though I still want to.

  • It's essentially PaRappa the Rapper with guitar instead of rap. Still very well done and probably better than its predecessor.

  • I've played the Playstation Underground demo of this game so much, it isn't even funny. When I got the actual game, it was great.

  • Visually stunning and very creative in terms of how you take those bad-boys down.

  • Before Soul Calibur, there was Tekken. Tekken 3 was the bomb, man.

  • I don't like the other Final Fantasies nearly as much as this one, for some reason. Probably the plot... or the music.

  • Super Mario Bros. 1 with a few minor changes. This is on here instead of the original only because this is the one I physically own.

  • This game soaked up my childhood when I wasn't playing Zelda.

  • Addicting and one of my first multiplayer experiences.

  • Fun to play; Embarrassing to watch in front of others, unless your friends are 8-year-old anime/final fantasy/disney freaks.

  • When I was little, I had an obsession with this idea that I wanted to make my own video games. RPG Maker was my chance. I loved it, even though I never got anywhere with it. I still use the newer PC versions, though my interest in professional game design has diminished.

  • My first experience with a game that uses real time in-game and actually does it well! Loved it as a child.

  • Sonic going 3D was (and I suppose still is) pretty controversial, though I did enjoy the Sonic Adventure series. All the others are crap, though. Especially Shadow the Hedgehog. I wasted my money on that game and wasn't allowed to return it because I unsealed the packaging to play the piece of garbage. This game, however, is very much worth the play.

  • I never owned the first Paper Mario, but I did play a friend's copy of it on his N64. This game's definitely got that Nintendo plot and childish humour, but that's what makes the game fun. It doesn't have much replayability, though.

  • Back when I first played it, I loved the story. Now I honestly hate this game because I now see all the esoteric symbolism and I can't stand the subliminal messages I was fed when I played this anymore. The combat system was nice, but I can't in good conscience recommend this game.

  • Crappy story mode. Decent online play, though limited. Has some expansion that I've never played. You have to pay for your online play separately, which is always stupid and makes me dislike the franchise a bit, though Phantasy Star Online 1 was entertaining enough to play alone without getting too bored.

  • Unusual for Zelda, this game takes place in stages instead of a free-roaming map. It's a four-player game, but only if you've got multiple Gameboy Advances and the appropriate GBA-GCN cables to use it. You can play the game on your own with the Gamecube controller OR the Gameboy Advance, but otherwise, you HAVE to have multiple Gameboys and cables to play it correctly. Who on earth has four friends with GBAs AND a GBA-GCN adaptor? Not many. Not many at all. That was a bad move, if everyone could use a Gamecube controller, it would have been so much more appealing.

  • The same Gameboy Advance BS in this game as Four Swords Adventures. Also gets boring around the third harvest season. I don't play it anymore. It gets boringly repetitive very quickly.

  • This is my "Goldeneye 2.0" that replaces the N64 game due to me not owning it anymore. This game has improved graphics and new useful weapons, but other than that, it's much like Goldeneye, not that that's a bad thing in my case.

  • Unconventional Mega Man game, in an ATB-RPG system instead of a platforming one. Very nice music, as typical for Capcom, and interesting story and gameplay elements. Those extra bosses for the super armours are a pain to beat, though.

  • The game is good, but I can't stand the chariot sections. I can't even play the game anymore because of one of them completely BSing me all the time.

  • The last real Final Fantasy, in my opinion. I admire it for that fact alone. Everything else about it pretty much blows besides the new addition of voice acting, which was pretty major. The battle system was beginning to get old, so I guess I understand why Square changed it up for the sequels, but unless Final Fantasy XIII (if I ever get my hands on it) can redeem XI and XII's failures, I doubt I'll ever play a Final Fantasy game again.

  • Addictive, but the bongo's will make your hands hurt after a while.

  • 3D RPG Maker? Yay! THIS Game? Boo! Very stiff and incredibly limited in customization.

  • Addictive, though easily broken. Heheheh.

  • Fun, nice story, character creation that puts your custom skater in the hotseat as the main character.

  • Not as good as THUG1, in my opinion, but still very very fun and replayable.

  • The microphone gimmick on the N64 was really cool when I was little, but the recognition wasn't the best. Didn't help that I pronounced things wrong, so it could be my fault.

  • This game gives me nightmares for some reason.


  • Crappy excuse for a Call of Duty game. Infinity Ward didn't make this one.

  • I don't know why I played this game. Mario Party 3 far outshines this. It's probably the last Mario Party game you want.