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@immortal_guy: The final bullet hell forms are honestly the only reason why I'm having much trouble with this game. I'm on boss... 7? And chasing her all about the area, hoping that it'll trigger the arena in a relatively short period while having no major issues with her save for this bogus pattern at the end that is IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED BY MORE DUELING.

I was enjoying it mostly up until this point, where it felt forgiving but challenging. Now it just feels fuck-all frustrating and the difficulty can't even be adjusted unless you're dead.

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This is just going to poison the well for developers trying to use crowdfunding to put out awesome content. Fuck this game.

To be fair, that well is continually being poisoned and renewed. I didn't back this because I was leery of it, but I did back Proteus artifact edition, however many goddamn years ago, and they only sent out emails like two weeks ago that they should probably be sent out soon. Crowdfunding lives and dies with your satisfaction on the projects that you back, and this just seems the latest in a series of unhappy entries.

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@pompouspizza: Yep! Good to go now, but I have no idea why it decided it was going to keep stealth mode installing. A little frustrating and a waste of some hours but hopefully nobody else runs into the issue.

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@pompouspizza: I downloaded an update file to start on Friday which took a couple hours, then again Saturday, which took a couple more. Apparently it never installed the first time around either, and proceeded to do so with the second patch. After the install screen vanished, there was no indication from the system on any level that it was still installing, so I thought it was just borked and went about the whole process of deleting the app, redownloading the patch and letting it reinstall just to get the same "Content still pending install" message.

Turns out it was just very stealthily still installing, despite me digging through almost every bit of system screen, since I left it in frustration and just messed with my laptop until I heard the disc drive spin down almost two hours after starting the whole process.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm all for updating your game, but literally every time I've gone to start up Doom this week on PS4 there has been some hour long update, or install, or load or unpack or whatever that has prevented me from just jumping in. I'm really loving my time with it but it's honestly emphasizing an issue I've had with console games lately, which is how I feel lied to about my ability to actually play the damn things.

Currently, I'm waiting for it to... reinstall? Or install, because it didn't initially I guess? I don't even particularly know what the issue is, since there are no apparent downloads or installs occurring on the XMB, all I know is I can start the game and get to the point of being able to load, only for it to pop up the message 'Content still pending install, please wait."

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@shivoa: huh. That strikes me as a goofy design decision I guess. I get the point of not wanting to allow access to op gear too early but starting at about level 13-14, they walled off DZ purchases. I've been scrapping 90% of what I extract from the DZ and just kind of look longingly at vendor items that I still can't purchase for another 10 or so levels and have this currency I literally can't do anything if I want to.

Understandable but goofy to me I guess. Thanks guys!

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#7  Edited By xxizzypop

I don't know if it's just me or everyone else as well but my biggest issue with the dark zone is that I can't spend my credits. My vendor is only selling level 30 dz gear. If you are/did have this issue, does anyone have a fix??

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I can't get Watch Dogs to run at any fucking detail level, so. Take that as you will. It stutters and is completely unplayable even on low, and I don't feel as though my rig is entirely the worst. It's not the best, but it runs games pretty damn well and AC:IV looked pretty good. This is ridiculous.

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So. I would think start would bring that up somewhere but I don't see it. Select is the Battlelog business. Is there no way to bring up a larger map of where you're playing? It seems silly to be limited to the minimap.

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#10  Edited By xxizzypop

@gaspower said:

@cornbredx said:

I think you should take a break. Getting mad at games is a waste of energy.

They'll fix the issues. Just give it time.

Yeah this or also not play it for the entire time. I haven't been playing straight BF 4 MP sessions so I haven't been experiencing the server crashes as much since I'm not playing it in long stretches but I can sympathize with it not being able to record progression because it's as if you're quitting mid-match due to crashes..

My issue at the time of this post is the simple idea that no matter the reason that you're disconnected from a match, progression is not saved. I haven't experienced anything nearly to the issue I was having at the time I started this thread, but I'm still getting hard locks after multiple games, which is a bummer.

@awesomeusername: "Doing this to myself." It's a fully fledged sixty dollar product. I expect a certain level of quality from it, and my issue as far as the unlocks go is purely an issue at design level. In addition, I don't have a PC that can run Battlefield, and all of my Battlefield experiences have been on consoles. My plan is to utilize the upgrade system for my PS3 copy, but even then, it doesn't look like the launch of the next-gen version is exactly going smoothly. Moreover, I can't necessarily afford a PS4 at the moment, and personal business is going to have me tied up away from video games entirely for at least two months starting Nov. 19. Purchasing a next-gen console at this point would be a literal waste of money for the near future.

I bought Battlefield 4 because I like Battlefield, and I wanted to play Battlefield while I still could. Expecting a game to be fully, or considering my experience at the time of this thread, to be marginally functional, a week and a half after it's initial launch doesn't seem like it'd be asking that much.

Edit: And now one of the hard locks that occurred between online matches has wiped my campaign progress. Which while I wasn't enjoying my time with it anyways, I'm certainly not playing that shit over again. Awesome.