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I made this video and it was way too long so I split it up into two parts. This part is basicly the insain amount of swag I got from PAX.

PAX is almost here!

After waiting many months PAX is finally here again, and I couldent be more excited. This thursday my friend and I are going to be driveing out from Montana to Seattle to go to the PAX. We have our three day pass and are going to try and do as much as possible, by attending as many panels as we can includeing of course the Giant Bomb panel and many others. Also we are going to try and play or see all the games they have to offer, so its going to be a very busy and extremely fun weekend. During or after PAX I will also be posting some text and or video blogs about some of my thoughts about PAX also about intresting panels and of course impressions of games (No More Heroes 2!). Also I might go into more detail in the Podcast. If any of you guy's are going to be attending just hit me up.
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