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Edited By WrenchNinja

1:18:18 for Blizzard talk

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Well, the beastcast thread is just as embarassing as I imagined it to be. I mean they even called it in the podcast. I guess no matter how many times they say "don't be an asshole", people still want to be an asshole.

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@turambar: The fact that they're difficult to do and entirely situational is why theyre not well known. Everyone of course posting on the Web would know about it. The fact that you got one by accident because you just so happened to have marcus next to merlinus says it all really. From my own first playthrough I didn't get a single one. people describe the fire emblem series as "that strategy game with permanent death", not that series where "oh yeah you can see conversations between characters after a billion turns of them next to each other on a map". Well until awakening made it easy. You keep saying they were important to the identity of the series but that's not really true is it? Now if you want to argue that they're important now after Awakening, then yeah, totally.

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@turambar: People posting on gamefaqs, serene's forest, or on the internet in general aren't most players. Like you do know how supports worked in those games, right? Having specific characters being next to each other for an absurd amount of turns, limited to five per playthrough, and no easy indicator if they were gaining anything or not until said support happens. Not to mention the games not even really mentioning them or telling you to do them.

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@turambar: When it's so hidden away and most players miss out on them? Not really. If they were so important, IS would have made them easier to do in FE7 and FE8. They would have made some up for Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem remakes. Of course one could say that those latter two games failed because of the lack of supports, but that would be ignoring all the other reasons.

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@turambar: Supports and relationships have never been that important. They gave a minor stat boost when units were next to each other, some additional background story and gave you a different epilogue screen. Now you can't even get units without engaging with it. Compared to FE4 which at least gave you alternative units if you didn't get the adults married before the time skip. But then FE4 actually made narrative and gameplay sense.

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Timestamps for the normal podcast

00:00:00 - Squarespace ad

00:00:39 - Podcast starts

00:04:23 - The gang played X-COM 2

00:23:43 - Firewatch talk

00:36:33 - Squarespace ad again?

00:38:40 - Hardcore Henry movie talk

00:49:44 - Vinny played Scrap Mechanic

00:51:10 - Assassin's Creed skipping 2016

00:57:50 - PC vs. Consoles and the future (Quantum Break and future first party releases sprinkled in)

01:19:28 - The Witness sold similarly on PC and PS4

01:23:30 - Red Dead Redemption backwards compatibility

01:28:40 - The gang bought a racing wheel

01:30:41 - E-Mails, trucker talk

01:44:15 - Farmer thinks farming games are bullshit

01:49:37 - Corrections, Vinny caught drinking weird milk in 2008

01:51:19 - Multiplayer in Eurotruck simulator

01:53:45 - Hotel California and Roach Motel

01:54:37 - Magic the Gathering

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Edited By WrenchNinja

Timestamps for the normal podcast

00:00:00 - Mattress Ad

00:02:58 - Podcast Starts (Superbowl talk)

00:14:20 - The gang talks about X-COM 2

00:34:47 - Firewatch Talk (There may be spoilers despite mostly avoiding them)

00:51:23 - Squarespace Ad

00:53:58 - Drew talks about Motorsport Manager for iOS

00:56:49 - Drew signed up for PlayStation Vue

01:04:03 - Rorie talks about Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes

01:09:45 - Rorie talks about Dying Light

01:14:59 - Crypt of the Necrodancer Talk

01:16:24 - THE NEWS, starting with TITANFALL 2 being announced

01:20:48 - Godus Wars came out or something

01:23:47 - Doom is coming out in May

01:28:56 - Red Dead Redemption got added to Xbox 360 BC and then got pulled

01:30:40 - Craiglist adventures, Rorie dates, masseuses, and new releases

01:36:28 - Heartstone News

01:43:40 - BREAK

01:44:12 - E-Mails, starting with don't play the Witness drunk

01:47:36 - Proudest gaming moments

01:51:05 - Shower habits

01:56:59 - Why don't you use washclothers?

02:00:20 - The VR community is full of morons

02:03:02 - Jose Canseco Update and more dumb Wrestling talk from Dan

02:08:33 - MGScanlon: The Twin Snakes? MGSV talk

02:12:02 - Sleeping habits, fishing, and tangents

02:22:33 - Would you plort in your pants fuck this, not even going to bother

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Edited By WrenchNinja


00:00:22 - Podcast starts (People had weekends, theatre talk, Star Wars talk)

00:15:38 - Jason played Earth Defense Force

00:20:08 - Drew messed around with Steamlink

00:25:41 - Dan bought an amiibo and Jason bought Infinity figures

00:28:30 - Dan played Steamworld Heist

00:30:17 - Dan got an elite controller

00:43:12 - Dan found Stratego in his apartment

00:45:50 - Jeff played Elite Dangerous Horizons

00:50:25 - Jeff played more Super Mario Maker

00:53:05 - The News starting with Hideo Kojima and his new studio (plus drew and formula 1)

00:54:08 - Namco bringing in some games over to NA

00:57:14 - Back to Kojima

01:04:10 - Windjammers clone for 3DS

01:07:34 - Destiny Microtransactions

01:14:00 - Daigo donates his winnings to Evo Scholarship fund

01:15:43 - Emails, starting with if Giantbomb would do a fan event in VR?

01:17:19 - Should I have stopped a stranger from buying THPS5

01:19:00 - Emailer doesn't know what action adventure is

01:22:52 - The popularity of Bubsy (and other platformer talk)

01:31:35 - What do I do with a PlayStation Vita TV?

01:34:46 - What's the biggest thing you knew about but couldn't talk about before it was announced?

01:42:02 - Can you guys still be a video games only website?

01:52:00 - Dan Ryckert is influencing little kids with his dumb opinions

01:54:15 - Michigan is great, Ohio is shit

01:55:58 - Columbus is shit, Cinncinati is great also Gamespot is shit, Giantbomb is great

01:57:00 - VR success and Xbox One

01:58:46 - Cinncinati is shit

02:00:26 - how to eat an orange

02:02:00 - Dave Lang had some good business advice

02:03:39 - Amped 3 cutscene craziness

02:04:17 - Pittsburgh is shit

02:05:50 - Detroit is not a shithole anymore, fuck Cleveland

02:08:50 - Nintendo and backwards compatability

02:11:18 - Reno is depressing

02:17:28 - Tumblr questions, starting with Nintendo patents

02:20:00 - Video game names for your kids

02:21:55 - The best audio in a game

02:24:32 - what video game vehicle would you want to own

02:26:03 - 2016 and vaping in video games

02:26:30 - I can't

02:26:58 - which street fighter character should go to jail

02:30:03 - adding price to the game wiki

02:32:39 - journalists and a lack of history and context

02:41:20 - PB and J or PB and Honey

02:44:24 - Water drought in california

02:47:09 - Valve, Rockstar or Nintendo

02:49:30 - Golgo 13

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