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Best of 2010

WJist: Best of 2010

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  • Enjoyed every minute of playing through this game. Improved on everything the first game accomplished and continued to make me care about the characters in my squad. The drilling mini-game was my one complaint, but a minor misstep on a great game.

  • The first open-world game that made me actually feel like I was in an open sandbox. Sure, the voice-acting is laughable, and some of the rag-dolling is random, but this game is impressive for its sheer scope and ridiculousness. Dude, there's a nightclub on a zeppelin in this game.

  • John Marston is one of the most memorable characters in recent memory, in a genre of game that I almost thought was dead. Kudos to Rockstar for making me care about the Wild West again, even if the story felt too short and the multiplayer being GTA with cowboys.

  • I am not great at this game, but I can appreciate the varied mission structure and great strides SC2 makes towards being "noob friendly" in a genre notorious for being unforgiving, along with a great story to boot. SC2 sets the new bar for RTS games and makes me look forward to playing (and being terrible at) the expansions.

  • I enjoyed this game so much that I continued to play after I got all the achievements - something I think a lot of gamers out there don't do that often anymore. If you told me Pac-Man was still relevant in 2010 a few years ago, I would have told you were crazy. Thanks to this game, this crazy surprise is a reality.

  • The feel-good game of 2010, for sure. Reminds me of my childhood and I can't help but smile with all the bright colors and cool gameplay features this one touts. It's also kind of challenging!

  • No game wants to make me punch and scream as violently as this devilish platformer does, but the pent-up release is very satisfying. Boss battles are a little disappointing, but the game never seems to end with the punishing levels I still haven't beaten and oddly feel compelled to suffer/delight through.

  • Bungie's swan song for Halo is pretty fantastic and, in my opinion, a better experience overall than Call of Duty: Black Ops (the other huge first-person shooter game this year). The introduction of weekly challenges is brilliant, as well as integration of the excellent Firefight mode lifted from ODST. If only people didn't want to play Team SWAT all of the time (or ragequit when they didn't get the gametype they voted for)....

  • I hate single-game accessories, but I continue to enjoy Rock Band. What gives? The addition of keyboarding feels very natural and the drop in/out of songs/difficulties/players is better than ever. I unabashedly love RB3, even when I am butchering a classic riff. The trainers this time around make me feel like I'm actually learning how to play the instrument of choice. Big bummer: DLC store being overly complex.

  • Easily the best game I've played on PS3 this year and epic in scope. Set pieces are awesome and the brutality of Kratos in this installment is great to be a party to (in the first 10 minutes of gameplay, no less). Bosses and weapons are fantastic, as are the amazing graphics (play the GoW collection and you'll see a marked improvement), but the beg-for-a-sequel-cash-cow ending and lackluster final encounter are painfully obvious downers.