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PC Gaming is weird.

I tried out the Batman Arkham Asylum demo on my PC, since I would really like to try the game out. 

However, on the installation screen, it says my computer does not meet the minimum requirements for the game, having a 1200 Megahertz processor, while the game recommended a 3000 Megahertz one. However, I installed it anyway, and was not surprised that at low settings, the game ran in slow motion. However, I noticed that even at it's lowest settings, it still had advanced special effects that weren't needed and could be removed with older games. 
So I went into it's data files and changed the game graphics settings file via notepad, changing everything from true to false. But I got interesting to see how far it could go, and I changed everything to true.
Surprisingly, now the game runs with all special effects, including blur, shadows, and stuff, while running faster than before.
I don't know. I think that's just weird.