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Someone "Beat" World of Warcraft!

You read that title correctly, someone has actually beaten World of Warcraft, he has officially done every single quest and achievement in World of Warcraft, now normally I resist the urge when it comes to posting about World of Warcraft (Because anything that mentions WoW get's instapopular) but really that's incredible, who the hell has enough time to do everything in that game?.  Pay close attention to the Player vs. Player achievements in the screenshot below, he hasn't officially unlocked all the achievements in the game but because he has 165 of 164 he technically has completed 986 of 986 achievements.

   Armory Screenshot
 Armory Screenshot


Anyway's the full new's story is below, 

 A Taiwanese man has been named as the first player to 'finish' World of Warcraft.

'Little Gray', as his character's known, is the first to successfully complete all of the MMO's 986 achievements listed in the armory, reports MMO Champion.

To reach the milestone the Taiwanese power-player killed 390,895 creatures, accumulated 7,255,538,878 points of damage, completed 5,906 quests (that's 14.62 quests per day, apparently), raided 405 dungeons and hugged 11 players.

The achievement hasn't arrived without some controversy though; WoW-heads point out that technically he's still missing one illusive, event-tied achievement (called "BB King"), but he's managed to dodge it via a glitch awarding one extra, false achievement point.

We say he's not a man until he tracks down and gets that last achievement legitimately

Source: CVG
Armory Link