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Average score of 5 user reviews

Until Dawn - Meat Product 0

If Until Dawn was released as one of the slasher films it desperately wants to emulate, no one would care. It would be one of dozens, if not hundreds of horror movies submitted (and rejected) to Fantasia every year, it would get released directly on DVD or video-on-demand, and it would be promptly forgotten. But the spectre of interactive novelties reared its ugly head, backed with a lengthy production cycle and expensive technology. It is the worst of both worlds, really: flat, unlikeable chara...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

No Man's Sky - The Center of the Universe 0

The history of No Man's Sky is one of anger and lamentations, of hysteria and disappointment. A creator's imagination returned against himself; a small, hopeful ideal bloated by an industry and its consumers, and the violent, vindictive response of the latter, expectations that were impossible to meet and impossible to stop. Along Metal Gear Solid 2 and its secret protagonist, it is perhaps one of the most controversial game in the short history of the medium, regardless of its actual content. T...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Inside - Dead Kids 0

How many times must I see a child die in horrible pain? How many times must I watch my character being murdered, shot, drowned, devoured, dismembered or crushed, only for the camera to awkwardly fade to black, annoyed and embarrassed, as if to say "Whoops. Oh well..."? How many times can a game kill a small boy, in ways going from the abject (strangled to death by an adult man in front of his own son) to the absurd (blown up in little pieces by a wave of ultrasound), only to serve its own, idiot...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Firewatch - The Forest for the Trees 0

With Firewatch, Campo Santo tries to solve the issues of "walking simulators" where players arrive in an empty space, way after the game's story took place. Here, the player is interacting in real-time with another non-playable character far away, through his walkie-talkie and multiple dialog options. Problems:1. We still have the impression that the game's action happens disconnected from us, and that the systems put in place to advance and interact with the world are poor. Maybe the story hasn...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Not A Hero - Boris Johnson 0

So Roll7 remade Hotline Miami as a black comedy.To be fair, they successfully changed the perspective from over-the-top murder to side-scrolling shootouts. There's a certain groove to its fast-paced arcade action; similar to OlliOlli, the further one gets, the more it demands those perfect runs, when every goal is linked to the next, every special item is used at the right time and place, every dive, every reload, every mechanic in the game is perfectly assimilated and performed one after anothe...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.