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#1  Edited By Vecta

Like it is every year; To enjoy myself.

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#2  Edited By Vecta
@zombie2011 said:
" @vidiot said:
" @mikeeegeee said:
" I don't think I've ever legitimately disliked a forum user until now. Your threads are completely worthless. "
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#3  Edited By Vecta
Microsoft runs the servers/infrastructure for every single multiplayer game on the 360, which means developers don't have tohave to rent servers to run matchmaking or server browsers. Until developers rent servers instead of Microsoft doing it, Xbox Live will always cost something.
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#4  Edited By Vecta
@Red12b said:
" @Linkyshinks said:
" Interesting... 
@Alphiehyr said:
" By 2012, If America wanted to start putting more countries into massive debts and if they don't comply, I don't see why they should continue upgrading the military personnel equipments when they could just nuke them. You know, get straight to the point instead of starting some 3 step charade. "
 True, nukes are far more cost effective. "
I hope to high hell that you won't get anywhere in public office Alphiehyr... "
"Vote for the Fallout for everyone party today!"
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#5  Edited By Vecta
@stormdrill27 said:

" Xm8 (either canceled temporarily or really canceled last 2005) protoypes and finished ones are in used by special forcesHk416  (use by special forces) but the SCAR is a choice its in the game Mp7 ( replacement of mp5) and various more weapons are not there  but m4 and m16 arent supposed to be in used by that time everyone should have a SCAR  the fighter planes in the gulag level F-15s arent those supposed to be there its supposed to be F22's(canceled to expensive but other nations are interested in this jet) or F35's(f22 cheaper version in development)  there are more weapons to be the standard issue this 2012 or 2014 replacing todays standard issue but are not there a lot of weapons i dont know about but the one i know about are not there "

The XM8 was canceled an only around 8000 (Prototype) exist and none of them are used by special forces at this point in time (maybe in 2012 the US will open up the stock pile to SF, I doubt it). 
The SCAR is slated to be issued to most SOCOM forces  and around 100000 were ordered by SOCOM in 2004. And thats why not every US soldier in the game uses the SCAR, besides the fact that SOCOM units are usually allowed to use the weapon of their choice(pertaining to their role in the unit) most US soldier will still be using the M16.
The HK416 is is simply a modified M4, which right now is not aimed at replacing the M4 especially because the American army now owns the M4 design totally and they simply wish to make their own adjustments (which include improvements made by the HK416).
MP7 is not replacing the MP5(as far as I'm aware), the MP7 is however used by American vehicle crews, such as tank and IFV crews.
@DystopiaX said:

" probably liscencing issues. Like the ACR isn't the real name of the gun because whoever owns the copyright didn't want it to appear in the game. Also they probably wanted to use more modern weapons over the future ones. As for the m4 and m16, they probably have them in there for weapon variety. "

 And the ACR is the shortened name for the Bushmaster ACR.
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#6  Edited By Vecta

I played the BETA for about a week before giving up on it. I wanted to give it a thorough rundown, and in the end I find that I dont like the game at all. The main draw was the large player battle and I was hoping for something like Joint Operations, where it actually feels like you and 160 other people are fighting it out on a battlefield, but all MAG does is stick me with a squad of 8(?) and tell you to either attack or defend a specific position and ONLY my squad is told to defend or attack said position, and only 1 opposing squad is told to attack/defend the position which means the game just ends up feeling like an 8 v 8 MP match of Attack and defend.
The only time I felt that there was a lot more going on then the game let me know as it siphoned me down to a set objective was when I looked at the map. Was disappointing to say the least.

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#7  Edited By Vecta
@CL60 said:
" @Pie said:
" If they were going to have AC3 set in modern day times I think they would of had Desmond pulling up his hood as the last shot of the game, also the series is set in 2012 (maybe they will tie it in with the end of the world...) which could be when AC3/4 is released maybe hinting that itsn going to be modern day "
Well the ending strongly points towards you playing as Desmond in the next game. Since the next game is the last one, these 2 games were all a setup to the big finale of playing as Desmond. Lucy passes you a wrist blade and know all of ezios skills it would seem. Then you jump into the truck. ( I'm not counting the part where they say get back into the animus as we make our way to the cabin. as part of the story because it was obviously just a way to explain you being able to go back in and free roam after the story is complete.)  Hell, the very beginning of the next game may show Desmond getting out of the truck with all the other people while putting his hood up. "
At the very very end of the game, after playing as Desmond, Lucy Talks about the worlds magnetic field and the flipping of the Poles causing a global catastrophe (also note the game is set in 2012). One of the many theories about how the world could end at the end of the mayan calender is the one Lucy just told you about, if you bother to look it up. Now the Advanced race, whatever they are called, warns you that unless you Visit ALL of the sacred places/temples that were built by people a long time ago who diverged from the supposed endless wars of mankind and favoured a more peaceful approach (i.e. Religious folk) then the world would turn to ash (or something similar).  And considering that all the codex pages lined up properly make a map of the world with different points marked out, Im going to assume that the next game would be a globe-trotting affair where you must track down and visit each holy place. 
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#8  Edited By Vecta
@Sarnecki: Graphics are nice but hows the gameplay?
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#9  Edited By Vecta

The PS3 has more screen tearing then the 360 version. That's about the only big difference.

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#10  Edited By Vecta

As there are no more endless spawning enemies like all previous CODs it  becomes much much easier.