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Best of 2010

ttocs: Top 10 Games of 2010
 Each year, I like to make a list of the top 10 games that I played throughout the course of the year and write a little bit about why I put it in that particular position in the list.  Since I have some free time, I figure why the hell not do it now.  Let me preface this list by saying that these games are MY favorites of the year.  You may not agree with them, hell, you might not have even heard of some, but these are the games I feel that were the best of the 2010 year.  So without further adieu, here are my favorites...

List items

  • The game that everyone thought was going to be primarily multiplayer turned out to be my number one game of 2010. Sure, the game has multiplayer, but it also has an amazing story (best yet!) and awesome gameplay. With the addition of horses, an assassins guild you control, and a humongous city of Rome to explore and upgrade to your hearts content, AC: Brotherhood was the best gaming experience I had in 2010. I literally could not get enough of it and even after completing the game I'm still going back and looking for extras I can find. The multiplayer is still there for when I finish that as well.

  • This decision was extremely difficult. Mass Effect is one of my favorite franchises and I was obsessed with the first one. The second one was equally amazing, and I even took a day off work to enjoy it fully. The game took what worked in the first and made it better and fixed what didn't work. The level of design in the levels and the character growth you will see is simply astounding. It's pretty clear why this game is making it to number 1 on most of the internet's top games of 2010 list. It almost made mine, and from a technical perspective, it should have...but there is one game I loved just a tiny bit more than ME2.

  • Love it or hate it, World of Warcraft is a force to be reckoned with. With over 10 million paid subscribers, the game has come a long way in the 6 years since release. I was one of the first people to play the game, having purchased and had an account since the game was released. In the following 5 years, I rarely swayed from it. Last year though I stopped completely due to an exhaustion of content. Enter Cataclysm stage right...Cataclysm takes every quest in the world level 1-60 and turns it on it's head or straight up changes it and makes a completely new experience. Plus, the game added the goblin race for the horde and my new race, the Worgen (werewolves basically). The past 3 weeks, I have spent my time leveling my Worgen hunter from 1 - 59 (where I am now) and I'm about to enter in Outland gameplay. WoW is suddenly fresh and new again and that's just what it needed.

  • Enslaved took me by surprise. I ended up preordering it a day or two before it came out (mainly for the monkey costume) after reading some interesting reviews online. The game was supposed to be story heavy with friendship gameplay (two characters helping each other out through the game) and a rich apocalyptic world. That sounded right up my alley, and it most certainly was. The story is the main draw of the game with Monkey and Trip being so opposite each other that they fit together in so many ways. Combat is fun with Monkeys bo staff weapon being used predominantly to swing and shoot as well as some acrobatic gameplay. Once I began playing, I couldn't put it down and for that it deserves it spot in the top 5 at number 4.

  • It's rare for a handheld game to keep my attention for more than a month or so, but Dragon Quest 9 has certainly done so. The game begins with an angel of sorts losing his wings and falling to earth. As a level 1 minstral, you must gather up teammates you can create and name and then go out into the large story rich world and unravel the mystery of your fall to earth. Every piece of armor your find/buy looks different and one persons character will rarely ever look the same as another friends. This loot heavy gameplay combined with an amazing story and fun turn based battles lands this memorable DS game at number 5 on my list.

  • Fallout 3 is still on my list of favorite games of all time. So, you could understand how excited I was when the game came out. Unfortunately for the game, it was plagued with technical issues that at one point actually ruined a game save of mine causing me to restart (see an older post of mine for full details). When I ended up replaying the game and making sure not to repeat some issues I found online, the true game began to emerge and it was great. It was very similar to what the previous installment had but it was in a new world with new characters and mechanics. While the same magic wasn't there for me as it was with Fallout 3 (my game of the year of 2008) , it was still enjoyable enough and memorable to make it on my top 10 at number 6.

  • Nier was a game that wasn't on my radar at all before release. I saw a big dude with a mask with some strange people on the cover and wrote it off as a Japanese attempt at an RPG action game. Boy was I wrong. I ended up renting it for the PS3 on a whim one day from Gamefly and after getting it I couldn't put it down. The gameplay is fun and fast, story is good, albeit pretty confusing at times, and the, the music is the best! There's just something about running around the country side with that music playing from the game that invigorated you. I can still hear it in my head and think back to what I was doing when playing it. It's the first time a game's soundtrack has left a lasting impression on me. The music isn't the only thing great about the game. Come for the action, enjoy the story, remember the music...there, that sounds pretty good.

  • Chances are you either scratched your head when you heard number 8 or rolled your eyes. If you scratched your head, you need to go out and pick this game up. If you rolled your eyes, you need to go out and pick this game up. Most people ignored Deadly Premonition either because of it's $20 price tag or horrible reviews from some outlets. This game was supposed to be the answer to the PS3's Heavy Rain but ended up being a very laid back game that never took itself serious. It's in this execution that it was amazing. This game is the best 20 bucks I have ever spent on a game in my life. It's a detective thriller with supernatural undertones, horrible gameplay, and a hilarious story (at times) with very serious undertones (also at times). The gameplay, story, voice acting...hell, everything is cheesy, but once you realize it's supposed to be that way, the game becomes utter brilliant. What do you do when you can't make a game to match the AAA titles out there? Make a game that's basically a cheesy horror film and you succeed! Can't wait to see if they release another.

  • Coming in at #9 is Halo Reach. Halo has always been a favorite series of mine, even if I did miss number 2. The sci fi story and alien vs. humans gameplay always suited me more than a Call of Duty style military game. That's why Halo Reach made the list vs. any modern military game. The gameplay was great, just as well remembered, but the game was jam packed with content. From the amazing story that had a very serene, if expected, ending to the forge and multiplayer portions of the game including the co-op modes, the game had it all. That's why I ranked it number 9 in my list.

  • Starting off the list at the bottom is Yakuza 3. If you aren’t familiar with the series, there are two prior games that were both out on the PS2. I never played those but Yakuza 3 had an interesting way of recapping the story from them. They play the cutscenes from those games for you and bring you pretty much completely up to speed. The entire game is in Japanese and it just adds to the gritty crime life feel of Japan. The culture shines through on more than one occasion and you really begin to feel that you are investigating events in the underbelly of Japan culture. With solid fighting mechanics, a great story, and another one coming out in 2011, Yakuza is my number 10 this year.