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Virtua Davis

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A Startling Discovery: I've Probably Never Beaten A Mario Game.

Is there a person on earth able to say he has beaten every single game with the character Mario in it? Well, I've recently discovered I've never even beaten the core games in the franchise, a fact that is hurting my gamer cred.

My Mario nostalgia is probably the most general one. I've played the essentials and the iconic music and character will forever be engraved into my memory. I started playing games at about age 5, having recieved the NES and SNES from my uncle and niece who had moved on. This was early to mid and late 90's. The thing is, I got them all at once so I don't remember in what order I played what but I still own them and looking at them, I realized I haven't beaten a single mario game. I've seen nearly every world and level but never the end.

Super Mario Bros.

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I remember this as Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt. It's only relatively recently that I actually got to see the end, by watching my younger sister beat it. As a kid I was never able to beat it because I think I just wanted to run to fast instead of taking the time to examine the obstacles. As of today I still haven't beaten it myself because I'm still so impatient.

Super Mario Bros 2

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At the time I simply didn't understand or accept the concept. Why was I digging through sand, why was I picking up enemies, why did this whole game feel so different. In retrospect I think it's pretty original but I've never beaten the game because I haven't taken the time to.

Super Mario Bros 3

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Awesome game with disctinct worlds. I felt that it was a bit more forgiving and just better designed levels. I clearly remember every world up to world 8, but I've never beaten the game. Same Deal, I watched my sister beat it.

Super Mario World

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There's weird feelings you can have as a kid, such as "being in love" with a game. Everytime you start it up you feel butterflies because it's so exciting and beautiful. This game fell under that category for me. Immensely colorful and deep, but Sadly I have not beaten this game because my niece owned the copy and I didn't see her that often. A couple of years ago I bought it second hand and put it in, most of the magic was still there but I haven't beaten it because, and this game really made me realize it, I SUCK at 2D Platformers. Mario isn't even hard but too hard for me appearently.

Super Mario 64

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Completely mindblown by this game. Maybe it has to do with my age but this was just more my thing. Charming as can be, the third person mechanic was just new and flawless. Unlocking stars to progress to dive into another painting, i mean everything about it was so much fun. I remember getting most of the stars but I cannot for the life of me recall finishing it. I think I missed like three stars. My favorite Mario game.

Super Mario 3D Land

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I really appreciate what they did with this game and was genuinely surprised they pulled it off. It combined the best of mario into a unique game, for as much as that is possible these days, BUT I have not cleared this game. I beat the first 8 worlds and the second set of 8 worlds after that but I didn't get all the stars, meaning I'm one level away of beating it.


I've definitely poked at Other Mario Games, I must have played Mario Kart somewhere at some point, played some Dr Mario, The Lost Levels as part of Super Mario All Stars, Super Mario Land for the Gameboy, Mario Tennis and Super Mario Galaxy, New Super Mario Bros...but the point is, I have never beaten a Mario Game. Not only does history repeat itself for Mario, but also for me, In my inability to finish these games appearently.

I'm curious, what's your Mario "parcours" as it were?