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Comments on the Fall Dashboard update.

I think the actual Dashboard could be great. Granted I haven't seen it in full, I think the premise of a faster moving, more streamlined, and frankly less clunky dashboard is nice.
Ok, so they're mimicking the Playstation a tad by ditching the blades and taking this Media Centre-esque route, but there's nothing wrong with that. That's the way to progress.
I think the new features are fantastic, and give the 360 the boost that it needs. Party chat, burning the game to your hard-drive, etc. All great and good in my opinion.

I do, however, have beef with the avatars (who doesn't?). I'm excited by the thought of it, but the actual designs are awful.

The new dashboard as it stands.
The new dashboard as it stands.

The more detailed bodies that the rival 'Mii's' are great, but the faces? Jeeeze. Awful giant bobbing heads.
And what really get's my goat, is that they're quite obviously using this as a massive output for Dowwwwnnnllooadddable content!

"I pay my £5 a month. Get out of my face. Stop trying to sell me things." - quite possibly my future self.