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Skyforge Unofficial Lore: Protheus, Lord of the Sea

Faux-Lore based off of concept art/brief description for Protheus, Lord of the Sea from the game Skyforge.

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"When this world was still young I arrived claiming sanctuary. The fool, Aeli, made his first mistake and took it upon himself to allow my residency within his prospering world. Not upon the land but in the cold dark sea. The land was glorious, warm, and beautiful but he could not trust a strange race such as us to be among his loyal subjects. He took pity on us, thought us pathetic. It mattered not; Our people prospered as I bought my time. This world’s oceans were vast and this great kingdom expanded with it and many great rivers connected us inland. The mortals of this world were not used to our sight and trembled in fear for a time. Eventually we began trading, exchanging goods, and garnering good faith between our people. It couldn’t have gone any better than how it did.

However, I got overzealous in my goal and launched my attack far too early. We were not prepared…not like Aeli. Our initial wave upon the shores of Naoir Island were met with little resistance. All lives that resisted were ended, conquering this world would be effortless. By the time the second wave touched the shore the first was defeated…Aeli had arrived. They claimed Aeli to be a peaceful god which in my mistake I misinterpreted as weak. He was anything but. In fact while he allowed us to live here his gaze never ventured far from us. A wise god…he knew my intentions but his heart refused denying my request. The sole survivor of the second wave was briefly tortured, as he gave up easily. Knowing where this great city was, Aeli quickly arrived before the third wave was even prepared to leave. I underestimated this young god dearly. Aeli caused my insides to burst causing my own blood to ooze out of my body. Blood that hasn’t been spilled since days long past. The pain was more than a simple mind could comprehend and even yet… he did not end my life. Nor did he destroy this great city or banish us, he merely gave a warning. Trade would cease, defenses would be raised, and any sign of threat would be dealt with without question. I agreed but that fool, Aeli, made his second mistake that day.

Time had passed since then… much more than my original stay. Defenses had been weakened or removed in some coastal regions and trade began up again. In an attempt to keep Aeli and the other resident gods of this world in good faith I held gatherings, parties if you will. Years upon years of this, many found me to have changed but I knew Aeli was too smart. He knew this was a guise, but I could not make the same mistake again. We prospered for a second age, making no mistakes and showing no hostility. Patience is indeed a virtue, our time spent wearing our smiling masks has paid off. Aeli has abandoned his precious planet and our time to come forth from the sea and gain control over these pathetic beings.”

A servant shuffled across the room, tapping the Lord of the Sea on the shoulder “Protheus, the preparations are ready.”, he whispered before shuffling off out of the room.

Protheus stood up, beckoning to his generals that sit before him, “It is our time to take that which we have waited so long to hold. We move on the Thais Temple at dawn.”

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