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Yet Another GameSpotter on Giant Bomb: Me!

Hi, I'm TissueShoe. I'm an active GameSpot user and I heard about this site from several people there who joined, so here I am! I don't plan on doing much here, but that could change. GameSpot is my main site, and if you want to see my profile there click here. I'll post my big reviews here, I don't want to copy and paste 100+ reviews here. So blogs here will be scarce, but you can feel free to send a friend request, comment on a blog or review, or whatever floats your boat (an expression I don't really use, but it works :P). My first impression on this site is that it has a LOT of room for improvement. I posted my review for Super Smash Bros. Brawl a minute ago, and it took a REALLY long time to copy and paste it from GameSpot, even for my super slow computer. Not to mention the fact that they rate by stars  here, I absolutely hate starred reviews and prefer to insist on my ten point scale, but I guess it's not a huge deal. Then I looked at all the user reviews for the game, and the page literally took at least 2 minutes to load because EVERY single review for the game appeared on one page. Not a smart idea. I hope things like this will get fixed in the future and that this site will become great. So yeah, that's my first blog here on Giant Bomb!

Soli Deo Gloria