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My wife and I drove up to Edmond yesterday to run some errands, and we ended up buying a PS3. At Target they had a couple of the Metal Gear Solid 4 bundles, so we threw down the $500 and walked out with one.

PS3 Bundle
PS3 Bundle

I've been playing MGS4 for about five hours now, and I like it a lot more than I thought that I would. Its a beautiful looking game and I'm glad that I have the chance to play it now. I have played through Metal Gear Solid numerous times through out the years, but I never played a lot of MGS2 or MGS3. Maybe I'll go back and play through MGS2 when I get the chance.
In other news, my brother in law let me borrow his copy of Lost Odyssey. He told me he couldn't play it because it was turn based. I don't mind that so much, so maybe I'll like it more than he did.