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Currently playing through a range of games I've missed due to me going for "Easy 100% Achievements/Trophies" and also playing Soul...

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Games that I no longer care for (Definition of Boredom)

This is my personal list of games that have more negatives than positives but most importantly, are incredibly promising but boring beyond wanting to care for them. Mostly Ubisoft titles

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  • 3/10 This series as a whole is and average of a 3/10 from me to be honest, after Watch Dogs 1, I don't know how this got a sequel let alone trilogy.

    Where to start about this actually turd of a game and I can call it this because even Ubisoft not 2 weeks later released Assassins Creed Valhalla which was obviously gonna out sell this pathetic excuse of a game... When the selling point of your game is "We're in London now" and "You can be an old lady, or this guy or even etc." is only novelty for so long before it becomes so stale.

    And don't get me wrong, Assassins Creed has the same problems as this game but in recent years although still not great actually the adopted the idea of change by removing online, focusing more on story and fixing its crappy, crappy combat which at least makes feel like a breathe of fresh air but this game still has you limited to the GTA way of exploring your sandbox, either on foot or in car (Minus planes, jets and tanks, etc.) which doesn't make me feel anything like a badass hacker, it makes me feel like a muppet who just so happens to have a phone with almost cool tricks that too becomes old.

    The story of this game is as uninspired as the outdated mechanics and gameplay, nothing surprising or new, I actually don't know what to write here... It was too boring to remember. You'll have a better time banging your head against the wall.

  • 4/10 This was a beloved childhood game series for me but this game had to crawl in the shadows of Assassins Creed's now dominant shadow and my god this game just doesn't hold up, even for 2010 standards. I thought Prince of Persia 2008 was bad but this one takes the cake with its super easy combat and slow, tedious puzzles and a story that felt like it's already been done in the same exact series.

  • 4/10 When it comes to Need for Speed, there are 3 major installments with a collection of games within there in respected titles. You have the Underground Saga with Underground 1, 2, Most Wanted and Carbon. Then Pro Street with Pro Street, Shift 1 and 2. And lastly you have Hot Pursuit with Hot Pursuit (Original), Hot Pursuit 2, Hot Pursuit and Rivals.

    When it comes to NFS, I really dislike these Cops or Racers games, something about these titles have a way of pulling you out of it's immersion and making me feel like I'd rather playing a full game of being a racer only like the Underground series or any of the 2015 and above games as they actually have personality and keep me in the game. As much as these games while be a blessing for the hardcore 90's NFS fans, the problems with these games is it's lack of personality, why am I a cop, why am I a racer, what do I get for being the best racer, what is the point of stopping these racers? It's just so meh why bother.

  • 3/10 Same issues are the same as the ones in the Rivals section. Why would I bother with these kind of races when I have far superior games like Forza, PGR, Gran Turismo, ect.