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I Am The One (High Fantasy Version) [DRAGON AGE ORIGINZ SPOILERZ]

I took a substantial break from Dragon Age Origins when I attempted to off Gaxkang. The battle lasted about 20 minutes before I ran out of mana pots and a quick online search revealed he's actually a kidna tough mofo. I got a little put off by the encounter (I really didn't want to end the game with any unacceptable losse ends and) and played a bunch of other games for a good few months. Finally I returned to playing about a week ago and wouldn't you know it, i swapped out one character (Oghren) for another (Morrigan) and amassed about 300 mana pots and put to rest that mofo in about 2 minutes!
That out of the way, I felt pretty good about going to the landsmeet and getting on with the game. Yadda yadda yadda, execute Loghain, call Anora a bitch, yadda yadda yadda. With that out of the way, and Anora now queen it was time to head off to get the head off of the Archdemon. But there was still one important loose end to deal with. Tenting Leliana!
After that, it was time to get to serious business and head to Redcliffe to start The Final Battle quest. Things happen, Morrigan rapes my poor 2-hander-wielding berserker elf, and everyone sets off to Denerim to pwn some dragon. Gotta admit, I got pretty excited and hit PrtScr a few times when I saw my entire band of unlikely allies fighting all-together. We secured the gate and I moved in with my regular party (Morrigan (freeze/sleep duders), Allistair (be a fail tank), Wynn (spam mana pots and heal), and of course myself (wail my 2-hander around and hope it connects)).
Then outta the blue, Riordan jumps on the fuckin' Archdemon and decides to go for a ride! I wasn't really digging the whole oh hey you're the only two Grey Wardens around but then check out it this dude you just freed (or freed himself rather) from his cell is also a Grey Warden, but I guess they needed someone to fill you in on killing the Archdemon and to almost TEAR IT'S FRICKIN WING OFF. Was some grade S badassery, that's for sure.
We made our way to the rooftop of the Fort to face the dragon. Now, it wasn't very hard mind you, but wouldn't you know it right before the awesome cinematic death animation could be triggered little elf me drops unconcious and Allistair steals ma kill!! Of course Wynn revives me right when he's landing, but in retrospect I don't mind it that much. I just play it out as dragon knocked my down and Allistair goes berserk, then I awaken to go stab its temple.
Then it was epilogue time!
I decided to travel abroad, and hoped that by Shianni becoming Bann of the Alienage the elves could be treated fairly. Allistair decided to stay and help with the Grey Wardens. Morrigan disappeared after the fight with my elf juice and the Archdemons soul. Zevran asked to tag along since I always seemed to meet interesting people and then kill them, which I welcomed. Oghren decided to stay on the surface and went to go drink more. Sten was all sentimental talking about how he never though he'd call a foreigner what I'm guessing is Qunari for friend. He decided to head back to his home. Wynn refused to become First Enchanter af the Circle, instead opting to represent the Magi on the political front. Leliana tagged along with me of course.
- Anora was a great queen. She made a statue for her father that most people ignored but she paid respects to every year. Years pass and she refuses to remarry saying that all fall short of her standards, epitomized by her father.
- Genitivi revealed the Ashes and pigrims flocked to the site.
- The Circle of Magi went back to normal.
- The Alienage got better until some riots started after a food shortage years later and Anora struck down hard on them, revealing tensions to still be present. Shianni became the elder and served her people well (dunno what became of the whole Bann deal).
- Arl Eamon returned to Redcliffe to rebuild and found everyone all rearing to go. Conner was sent to the Circle and easily passed the Harrowing. He later went on to study the Fade formally.
- The Dalish prospered and were much more respected after the battle at Denerim. Lanaya was also respected by the clan and by the rest of Ferelden, her leadership being all that holds peace between the Dalish and humans as they later would be settled close together.
- King Bhelen in Orzammar quickly reformed a great deal, even laxing the caste system. Casteless could take up arms against the darkspawn for some rights.The line in the Deep Roads was pushed back and some thiags reclaimed. After assassination attempts due to his radical reform, Orzammar's Assembly dissolved and Bhelen ruled alone as tyrant or visionary, depending on who you ask.
- The Chantry in Orzammar flourished but Orzammar conservatives weren't too pleased, employing restrictions on them. During a peaceful demonstration the Chantry leader was slain and the Divine of the surface Chantries considered embarking on another Exalted March,
- The dwarven 'mage' Dagna  was successful in her studies at the Circle, recieving much attention for her work.
- Though the Anvil was destroyed, some ventured out and reclaimed it's remains. Attempting to utilize Caridins research, they create a golem from a Fade spirite which goes insane, killing a bunch of dwarves before getting put down. The Shaperate proclaims the research dangerous and seals it away, though some of the smith caste want it available.
- Morrigan disappears, though a woman of similar likeness is seen heading west though the Frostback Mountains perhaps being with child.
- My character left Denerim and Leliana elected to remain with the man she loved, continuing their adventures together (at least for some time).
- Teaser for Dragon Age Origins: Awakening
And now I can start Mass Effect 2! Hooray! Not that I wanted to just get Dragon Age over with or anything, I'd just rather play one story heavy RPG at a time. But I think I'll be revisiting Dragon Age later, even beyond playing Awakening and going through as some different characters origins and whatnot. I've read other people not diggin the ending/s but I enjoyed it just fine. Fantastic game.