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Average score of 40 user reviews

Future So Bleak 0

While I, personally, have never had a significant investment in the Ghost Recon franchise, there are many people that have. The earlier games in the franchise gained significant fame and love from critics and normal folk alike due to its unique and tense stealth action sequences. That praise arguably piqued with the release of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. Its name wasn’t the only thing was ridiculously long as so was the games lifespan. The engaging multiplayer and sheer beauty ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Arkham City Does Not Disappoint 0

When Batman: Arkham Asylum was released in late August 2009, it flipped all expectations for the game on their heads with its revolutionary combat system. The animation combined with the simplicity of just pressing a single button to counter an enemy attack with a brutal punch or kick was purely stunning. It doesn’t hurt either that the game delivered a fine story voiced perfectly by Kevin Conroy (Batman) and Mark Hamill (Joker). Mark and Kevin both reprise their famous roles in the much anticip...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

How To Train Your Dragon Should Be Avoided By Everyone 2

 Very rarely is a movie-game good, so my expectations for How To Train Your Dragon were already non-existent. How To Train Your Dragon’s formula is very apparent, make a game where kids that loved the movie will buy, play for an hour, then never play again. Not even a child that was in love with the movie would enjoy this game. It’s un-fun in every single way. Once you start playing, you can see a bit of potential. The game looks decent when you’re wondering around the very small world and the m...

4 out of 5 found this review helpful.

Excitement is everywhere in Just Cause 2 5

 Just Cause 2 can be described very well in one word, fun. If you don't have a bit of fun with this game, you're doing wrong. I only played a bit of the first one and could tell that it was not what I wanted from an open-world game. Having played the demo for this one, I was excited. Very excited. Luckily, I was not disappointed whatsoever. In Just Cause 2, you play as Rico Rodriguez. A man that knows how to do all sorts of things that no man should even attempt. From riding the bottom of a he...

64 out of 70 found this review helpful.

Definitely not flawless, but should be played 0

 The first Battlefield: Bad Company was highly praised although I never fully understood the love. It all felt very monotonous. Sure, it was funny and endearing for a bit, but I got tired of the same "kill a group, walk, kill a group, walk," formula. Which means I quit the game after a couple of hours. If it got better, I'll never know. That being said, my excitement for Bad Company 2 was minimal. The thing I was most excited for, the Multi-Player, is probably my least favorite thing. It felt v...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

The Water Falls, Bioshock 2 Does Not 0

 Going into Bioshock 2, I really didn't know how I felt about it. On one hand, I was stoked for some more Bioshock, on the other, I didn't really think the original needed a sequel. Having played through the entire Bioshock 2 campaign, I still stick by those two sentiments. Bioshock 2 is very good, improving on many things from Bioshock 1 but I would have been able to live without it. The main compelling things in the first Bioshock was by far the story and characters. Watching your own characte...

6 out of 7 found this review helpful.

Why's Pele on my TV screen? 0

    Academy of Champions: Soccer has a very interesting idea. A soccer game where in the story mode you're living your life at a "Soccer Academy." It's too bad that the idea and the first hour or so is one of the few inventive thing to be had here. Once you start the story mode of Academy of Champions: Soccer, you're given a calendar, in which every day has certain events ranging from "un-fun minigames" or the always exciting "gossip" where teammates will tell you things that seem like the ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Arkham has never been so great 0

   He's totally Batman Batman Arkham Asylum has garnered quite a bit of hype since it was first revealed. For many reasons, it looked interesting, it didn't seem like just another 'comic book game', and of course, it's frigging' Batman.Going into the game, having played the demo, I knew to expect a very good game but I still underestimated it a bit.First thing you see when you launch up this game is good ol' Batman and Joker. That is pretty great in itself but if you want more, Bane? He's the...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The Bigs is back and is better than it's predcessor in many ways 0

When Bigs 1 was released, it really went under the radar, I played it and quite loved it. It really opened my eyes to the fact that not all sports games have to be "hardcore" sims. Well, Bigs is back with a sequel that brings back the arcade feel, yes, but also gives you just a little bit more with a nice career mode and some pretty impressive in game gameplay.The look of The Bigs is very close to the look of many other arcade sports games, ie Blitz, Slug-Fest, etc. During the "legendary catches...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Excitement- Battlefield 1943, ik-sahyt-muhnt, noun. 0

Let's get this out of the way, first. When Battlefield 1943 was released, it had quite a bit of issues. A games launch can honestly probably not get much worse than Battlefields, seeing as it was totally unplayable. Also, sitting at the start screen, tapping A over and over again is not really a fun thing to review. After maybe 2 days of work on their servers, the game was finally really ready to launch.And launch it did. The time waiting for it was totally worth it, despite it not having much d...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Now this is what I want from a 50 Cent game. 1

50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is of course the follow-up to what most people consider a game that is pretty much utter garbage, 50 Cent: Bulletproof. And Blood on the Sand pretty much improves on everything. Not just is the shooting fun and frantic it also has a story that is not “epic” or what-have-you but it’s actually a fun over-the-top story that I enjoyed. It’s pretty simple, 50 Cent does a USO concert and needs his pay, the guy don’t have the money so he pays him with this Crystal Skull but t...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Street Fighter IV, it's totally here--I think... 1

Street Fighter IV, baby. It’s here and it’s better than ever. A couple of months ago I could’ve told you straight up that the chances of me getting Street Fighter IV was slim-to-none but after a while of Street Fighter talk and me watching gameplay, I bought into the hype and finally made the faithful decision to get the game. Street Fighter IV of course has the normal modes like arcade and exhibition but they throw in some challenge modes that I found to be entertaining for a while. One being t...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Welcome to the Tropical Wasteland of Ghouls and Super Mutants! 2

Fallout 3 is one of those games that, at first, it seems pretty bad. You’re thrown out of a vagina and you begin life in the vault. Now, you don’t really get the “full-experience” of life in the vault because you go from around age 1 or 2 to age 10, then 16, and finally 18. You’re waked up to find your dad has escaped from the vault and you have to go find him! This is when you’re introduced to arguably Fallout’s greatest pro, the Wasteland. It is actually quite intimidating knowing that this po...

5 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Afro Samurai has loads of potential--that just isn't fulfilled. 0

Afro!Afro Samurai is a game that makes failure pop into my head instantly. I mean, if it wasn't an Anime, just the nam would bring back bad memories of Pirates vs. Ninja's Dodgeball. Luckily this game isn't complete fail, matter of fact it's not fail at all, super matter of fact, it's pretty great in some points but in others, not so much...One of the great things is the gameplay. Sure, sometimes it gets tedious just running around, hacking and slashing people in the same way but seeing their bl...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Hello, Far Cry 2. Sit back and relax. 0

Far Cry 1, needless to say was pretty freaking awesome and appealed to almost everybody. If you like blood and gore, it was for you, you like pretty graphic, it was for you, if you like man eating beasts' with a crazy sick disease, it was no doubt, for you. Far Cry2 is pretty much completely different from the first ones. There's no crazy rabid animal powers, your just a man, in war-torn Africa. But does that really hurt Far Cry 2?Short answer no, long answer, hell no. Far Cry 2 has a rather wea...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Dead Space is one of the best horror games this century 0

Dead Space starts out with you and 3 other people, and your ship crashes. You soon find out that the place you landed on is infested with a crazy zombie beast and you have to kill them and get out of that place! This leads to one of the weaker points of Dead Space, the story.The story is OK but we've all seen this before. I would love to see a horror game that doesn't involve zombies. Sure, this game is one of the best horror games I've ever layed eyes on, but still, I want a new horror storylin...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Just pure fun 0

Most ATV series' have all been pretty bad. They would be good in the graphics department bad gameplay, poor controls, and repetitive events. Pure is here to change all of that with it's frantic gameplay, varied maps, sharp controls, and absolutely stunning graphics. All this title really fails in is the re-play value factor, which I'll touch on in a little bit.Like I've already said, the gameplay is fast and frantic. I've yet to experience any frame-rate drops while playing, I do, though have so...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

This might not be GTA IV, but man, it's still very good 1

Saints Row 1 really took the gaming world by storm, with it's great open-world gameplay and good story. Saints Row 2 is here and takes place about 4 years after the first Saints. Your in a coma after having the shit blown out of you and you have to fight through loads of dolphins in your coma -- alright I'm lying. You actually start off after you woke up from your "coma". This leads to one of the best features, although there is a lot of them, this is by far one of the most detailed feature.You ...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

The Dark Knight LEGO form. 0

LEGO Batman has really went under the radar with all these great games coming out. I saw some images and all it really looked like was just another LEGO game, that has some LEGO cred in it,but I've always had a little space in my heart for LEGO games and despite the poor humor and frustrating puzzles this game is pretty great.The puzzles are very annoying some are really hard and some can be quite easy.Your sometimes wander around for 10-20 minutes at a time wondering what in the world to do nex...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Worth the wait. 0

It feels like it's been 3 years waiting for this game...oh wait it has.This game has been delayed--then delayed--then delayed--then delayed.I think there's a few more delays in that list, but I also think you get the point that the game has been in development for a long time.This is the third entry into the BIA series and is easily the worst of the three.Which may sound like I'm saying this is a bad game, but it's not.You play as Staff Sergeant Matt Baker as he try's to command his friends in t...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Bad control scheme+Confusing story=Too Human 0

    Too Human has went through a huge development cycle filled with all kind's of crazyness and shenanigans.Originally first it was supposed to be a PS1 game then that console died then it should be for the PS2, that console hasn't died but it's kinda broke it's hip and is in hospital at this time, then let's switch it around and go to Microsoft!So now, it's got a real console that it's launching for, the Xbox 360!And finally after 10 years this garbage is here!Now Too Human isn't as ...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Look at those detailed characters! 0

When Contra was announced to be comming to XBLM(Which was a really long time ago)I was pretty excited.I still play the original Contra at my Aunt's, one because it's freaking awesome and two, the only other console she has is a PS2 in which she only has Prince of Persia and a lot of Final Fantasy games.So the date finally came around on November 8, 2006.I could finally play some old-school Contra on my 360.At first, this game is the same as the original, which could be good or bad.I personally t...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

What could have been... 0

Wow, so this game is finally here.For about a year and a half I've been eagerly anticipating this game, checking out every screenshot or video I could get a hold of.Well, like I said, this game is finally here, and could it be more disappointing?First of all the camera is abysmal, almost as bad as the camera in Ninja Gaiden.The camera isn't 'so' bad during regular combat, but during boss fights the camera is so bad it made me want to rip the game out of my disk tray and break the damn thing in h...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

TNA iMPACT delivers on good gameplay but fails on everything else 1

TNA has started to really take the wrestling business by story.A company started by the great Jeff Jarret, TNA has skyrocketed due to big superstars like AJ Styles,Christian Cage,Sting,Samoa Joe, and many other great superstars.Mostly coming from their rival company, WWE.Alright enough of this BS, time to talk about their new video-game, TNA iMPACT!I want to start off by saying, I'm a huge wrestling(Both TNA and WWE)fan so this review is gonna have a lot of nit-picking.Let's talk about the main ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Welcome to Bad Company. 0

In Battlefield:Bad Company your set in a four man group of people that are not exactly"Perfect", your in a group called the B-Company, better known as Bad Company.The four characters are SweetwaterTerrence Sweetwater (put in B-Company for uploading a virus on the military secure network),Private Preston Marlowe,aka the player(who was put in B-Company for taking a joy-ride in one of his installation's helicopters, damaging the helicopter and a general's limousine),Haggard(Placed in B-Company for ...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A,B,A,B,A,B,A,B,A,B Run! 0

       ProsNice opening ceremony Online isn't horrible...        ConsHorrid experience Doesn't capture the all! Annoying controls Frustrating gameplay Repetitive events Single Player:1 and a half starControls:0 Stars(Yes, I actually give 0 stars)Multiplayer:3 and a half starsLasting appeal:Half a starFinal Score:1 Star...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Time to burn some stuff! 0

         ProsA suprisingly good story Some okay controls Amazing,breathtaking moments Voice work is great Fire!Fire!Fire! Graphics are amazing          ConsSmall frame rate drops A lack of inventory space is annoying Driving is probably the worst driving ever in a game A lot of awkward moments Single Player:4 and a half starsControls:3 StarsMultiplayer:~None~Lasting Appeal:2 StarsFinal Score:4 Stars...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

You see that over there...blow it up! 0

Mercenaries 2 is a game that went through a large development cycle;but mainly due the former Publisher(Lucas Arts)dropping it half way through development, then it being picked up by Electronics Arts.You guy's aren't reading this to hear the history of this game are you?Your reading to see if this game kick's as much ass as the first did.The simple answer is yea, it kicks ass, but it has more flaws and less appealing combat then the last.The game has so many flaws and bugs, like when you die yo...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A revamped classic. 2

Well what to say about Bionic Commando Rearmed is the remake of the great Bionic Commando for the NES.I never played the original Bionic Commando but after playing this I'm sure it was a revalutionary game for it's time.First I want to start off with the art style,it's beautiful.Every developer that is planing on making a revamp of a great classic,take note of Bionic Commando Rearmed.But this also brings some of the annoying aspecs of NES games.Some of the most annoying things are you get pushed...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A version of NCAA '08 with Online Dynasty 0

Well NCAA is back for another installment in the usally great NCAA Football franchise,and this one add's to that.This is NOT the best NCAA Football game but its up there....although it's exactly like '08.The only new thing I've fount that acually done something was the Online Dynasty,which I had no problem's with but that is to talk about in a little bit,right now it's time for some single player.Well the gameplay is still solid but I want them to realize that you can't just keep poping the same...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Despite the bug's,Madden is a great footbal game. 0

Well Maddens back for another installment in the NFL Madden series.After watching some gameplay at E3 and hearing Shanker and Brian Ekberg talk about how great this game was,I thought it was going to be amazing!But I was sadly disappointed,but don't get me wrong this game is great but it just doesn't live up to what I was expecting.This game will never live up to being one of the best Madden game's ever,like EA said.But now down to the Gameplay,it's awesome.This might not be the best Madden game...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A beautiful experience 0

Uncharted:Drakes Fortune is a visually satisfying game,but some of the AI is just to tough.I'm just gonna get right to this and this might be a pretty short review because I want to get back to playing some Madden.Well the game starts out and put's you in a boat while your fighting off enemies and just that little part is great.If you just look at the beautiful water you'll be in awe at the amazing colors and the enviroment around you.I will say the game does get a little repetitive,I mean all y...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A bitter taste of plastic. 1

Well Army Men games are c-lassic and to be honest I would love to see a next gen one but this game sucks ass(To steal a line from The Angry Video Game Nerd).There is really no story to it except you are wanting to face the Tans and beat them in a war,yeah it's about as interesting as it sounds.But one of the many annoying parts is there are many tan looking mountains and all the tan soldiers blend into the damn mountain.Which then results to you not seeing them and they pop a bullet into you and...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Oh,Soul Calibur IV,I love you. 2

Soul Calibur IV has been highly anticipated by,not only me,but many other gamers.But does it live up to the hype?Let's see if I think it does... Well the story goes like the DOA games.You choose a character and go through a short story then take ona  tough boss fight.But from what I remember the DOA's characters story's wasn't entirely interesting,but these story are put together pretty well.Especially The Apprentice's story,you have to buy this game just to see how his short story end's.But now...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

I'm addicted to you(Short review) 0

I personally am a huge wrestling fan and I have bought and loved every single wrestling game.When I picked this one up I was very mad that they merged the 24/7 mode and GM mode so now you can't play one and the other at the same time.The GM mode is the one of the most addicting things to me ever.I mean just having the feeling that you can judge what happens is great.You want Kane to have the Raw Title then DO IT!The tournaments aren't amazing.They are acually pretty repetitive.The roster is well...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Are you ready for some Football? 2

UEFA Euro 2008 is a great game and a even better sports game.But there are things that need to be talked about and that's why I'm here.Well it's a Soccer/Futbol game so the main thing about these type's of games are the gameplay,and this game delivers and it delivers in a big way.With loads of different game types that keep you playing for a weeks.It's one great sport's game experiance.Well now for the controls.They are very solid but I think it could have used some minor tweaks.Like when you ar...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A perfect masterpiece. 0

From the cooky intro video to the ending this is an amazing game.I never thought I would be able to classify a game as a real "masterpiece",but that game has come.I'm really happy to find a game that I can give a 10 and acually mean it and it have deserved the 10.This game has had loads of hype and it is all worth it.Well the game is five acts which would probably make you think it's short but my first run through took me 18 hours with watching all the cut scenes,my next took me 15 hours without...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Although derivative Super Stardust makes for a pretty fun joystic 0

Since this is a arcade game it will be kinda short and I'm sorry about that.So there of course is no story but it is a lot of fun to play.Well the main thing you do is the same thing as well a lot of games(I.E. Geometry Wars and Everyday Shooter).It is just a joystick shooter you flick the stick and you shoot.But the thing that seperates this from Geometry Wars is this has co-op and this is a great add-on.You can end up passing by 4 hours straight just playing co-op.Me and my friend played for h...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A beautiful death 0

Ah what to say about Assassin's Creed well it is a beautiful experiance that will never be forgotten.But although in my top 5 games ever,it still has some bugs and it gets very repetitive to SOME but to me every kill was unforgettable.It is so satisfying to chop and break somebodys arm then slice there back.And all the boss assassination's are very fun to try and do it like a real assassin although I rarely could do that I just killed everybody but when you assassinate them it makes you go"Wow t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The game that is the same thing as before.But with a hot lady. 0

Well this is Ninja Gaiden Sigma(and some crooked M:)) and it is basically a remake of Ninja Gaiden for the regular Xbox.The main thing that this one adds is the ability to play as Rachel and some other add ons were you can shoot arrows in mid-air,and fight on water surfaces and that was all.Well I watched the great KVO video review of this and he said that the difficulty was scaled down a little bit...and that meanie!He lied....but that is just my opinion he is probably much more skilled at vide...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.