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An Open Letter to Giant Bomb: Thank you.

I’ve been a fan of the Giant Bomb crew for a long time. Over 20 years by my estimate. Long before the invention of quick looks or this video thing. Before they built a bomb or bombcast. Before the entire crew were all together, I followed Jeff, Brad, Vinny, Alex, and Ryan on their silly adventures on the internet.

I imagine it's hard to understand the type of relationship someone like me can have with the entire crew. It’s mostly a one-way street, as they create content in various forms and I consume it. In some ways, social media, the forums, and even writing into the podcasts has allowed for it to be a little more two-way. But at the end of the day, it’s still creators making stuff for an audience of which I am just one member.

Though even with this dynamic, and having never met any of the Giant Bomb members, past or present, in person, they’ve had a profound impact on the last 20 years of my life. They’ve introduced me to a number of games and hobbies I’m not sure I would have found otherwise. They've entertained me during the good times and helped lift my spirits during the bad times. They’re the silly internet friends you’ve always wanted with an ample supply of shenanigans ready for you to enjoy and I’m forever grateful that they’ve been able to do just that, year after year.

The reason I wanted to write this was after listening to the latest Beastcast in which Alex expressed how he sometimes wonders whether he’s still overall contributing or just taking up space. This year has been especially challenging for everyone, but I can say with certainty that the entire crew has been meaningfully contributing to the games industry and outside of it for a long time. Without a doubt, they’ve been a shining light in this dark timeline. They’ve been doing it for years and I look forward to the many years to come. so...

Thank you Alex.

Thank you Jeff.

Thank you Vinny.

Thank you Brad.

Thank you Matt.

Thank you Abby.

Thank you Jan.

Thank you Ben.

Thank you Jason.

Thank you Ryan.

And thank you Drew, Austin, Dan, and Patrick.

Thank you for all you do. Thank you for the quick looks, E3 talk-overs, night shows, live streams, podcasts, travelogues, mail vlogs, newsletters, reviews, and so much more. Thank you for sharing your triumphs and challenges. Thank you for sharing when it's hard. Thank you for sharing yourselves.

While you may not know the full impact of doing what you do, and how much it means to people like me, I can’t imagine what life would be like without you doing it. I hope this small thank you from a long time fan helps bring just a tiny fraction of joy to you that you all bring to me.

Thank you all!