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Ive been wanting to download some of my favorite premium shows of the past for a while, and figured I might want to get a move on with all the current goings on. Started yesterday and everything was fine, but today the option for anything below "High quality" seems to have disappeared overnight, and in some cases HD is now the only option, even though the other qualities are still viewable in the player or by editing the links.

Is this a temporary hiccup or are things working as intended? Personally I have no use for anything above medium quality, and would like to keep the GB size of everything manageable, but I know that for some with poor or capped internet, being able to only download videos in HD is a bummer. As I said, the videos are still there in other qualities, but downloading them through the dropdown menu is much easier than other methods.


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So it seems like refunds on Xbox are mostly going pretty smoothly, but Sony customer service is denying refunds for people who have time played on the game, parroting CPDRs promise of upcoming fixes in patches, and otherwise referring people back to CPDR. They also seem to be getting swamped with calls, mails and chats, and its pretty clear that there was no prior communication between CPDR and Sony before that statement was released. Sending them a mail directly through the address given in their statement doesnt seem to get any response yet.

What a clusterfuck.

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#4  Edited By The_Patriarch

Other companies making subpar games doesn't excuse what can only be described as a clear attempt to obfuscate the issues these versions of the game have. They knew what these versions would look like on base consoles, and still decided to sell them to consumers at 60 bucks a pop. Offering a limited time refund along with the promises of an "improved experience" sometime down the line still sucks.

The refund ending a few days before Christmas is also pretty shady, as I have no doubt thousands upon thousands of copies are being given as gifts this year, by friends and family who don't know anything about this game aside from the fact that a loved one put it on their wishlist.

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GOTY in general feels to me like something we should be done with by now, like system wars and comment sections, but my god, the idea that calling out shitty behaviour means that the crew hates their fanbase as a whole is completely fucking asinine.

GB is a personality based site, but that doesn't mean they are your friends, or that they owe you anything. Plenty of fair criticism and discussion in this thread, but some of y'all need to take like 9 steps back and maybe find other things to do with your time.

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I don't think arguing with a developer about your review, and then posting about said argument on another, much larger gaming website, puts your site in the best light.

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Watch the first half of the game with Vinny and Jeff, then the second half with Brad and Ryan. Brad and Ryan start off a bit grumpy and sick of the controls, but their enthusiasm for the game builds, especially in the second half of the game. Vinny and Jeff are more fun at first, but they burn out on the game as it goes on.

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I find it interesting that threads like these often complain about games that, while we are certainly getting a lot of them, aren't actually much more than a drop in the bucket compared to genres like shooters, MOBAs or sports games. Sure, No Mans Sky might seem like a big deal right now, and we have been getting a lot of crafting/survival games, but these are small games made by small studios, with relatively small audiences compared to the big blockbuster titles. The top 20 streamed games on Twitch are dominated by shooters, MOBAs and Hearthstone. The best selling titles each year for the past 10-15 years or so have been EA Sports games, shooters and third person action games. These games haven't gone anywhere, and if you are missing other genres like strategy games or platformers, these are the games to blame, not small exploration games with relatively small audiences, and definitely not Early Access.

If you aren't interested in these games, that's fine, but they really aren't that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. Blockbuster games have been getting more and more stale for a while now, with a massive reliance on big franchises and tried and true genres, while we're getting more games than ever from small, interesting studios, of all sorts of genres. If you are seeing a lot of coverage of games you aren't interested in, perhaps you should find your games coverage elsewhere, or just learn to ignore the stuff you don't find interesting. I guess my question would be, what kind of games is it that you're missing right now?