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Breathtaking Worlds

The most awesome and magnificent settings ever created.

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  • In BioShock, the high seas are a mere veil that obscures the gaze of the world from the glory of Rapture, rising tall from the ocean's floor. It is not a city, it is a symbol of defiance of a world that is closed to the grey areas of science and progress. But more than that Rapture is a world all its own. The isolation of the underwater metropolis coupled with the constant threats of danger, be they enemies, or the sea herself, creates a tension and excitement that players do not soon forget in an awesome world never before imagined.

  • The sea is king in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. The game's vast ocean is a formidable foe that players must battle across on their quest to reclaim the Tri Force from the clutches of the world's depths. From the fierce baleful storms that toss ships from isle to isle, to calm shores and friendly fishing grounds the sea is more than just a backdrop in Wind Waker, it is a dungeon all its own; one with just as much enduring beauty as the real thing.

  • Despite its low-res landscape of blocks Minecraft is still able to create an infinitely expansive world of lush greens, sweeping mountains, open waters and of course, perilous caverns. Much like Shadow of the Colossus, Minecraft's beauty comes from its magnificent landscape and when combined with the grand structures created by players the results are a grand and unforgettable world.