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VVVVVV and Super Meat Boy, also I Fold Cranes

I beat VVVVVV (did I get that right...? 1... 2... 3... argh this hurts my eyes whatever)
What I was thinking after I beat it?
Damn, this beat is fresh.

And then I went on to play Super Meat Boy.
What's up with these games and having the best music? I mean, I can't think, really, of a genre that consistently has abso-fucking-fantastic in-game music. Is it because you die a lot and you need some sick jamz to make people keep playing? I don't know. But I kept noticing it while I was playing both of these games. Other than in 2d platformers, I never seem to remember or really dig the music. I don't purport to be a video game expert, I certainly haven't played enough games to say with any sort of difinitive-ness that music in 2d platformers is great, but man, from my experience it feels that way. Dunno.
On the subject of Super Meat Boy, I have to say... the levels to unlock the Kid are pretty disappointing. Sure, they're hard, which is great... but no bullshit apples? No invisible walls? No lasers coming at you from EVERYWHERE? It feels like a bit of a missed opportunity to be honest, seeing as the level in Super Meat Boy are just bunches of spikes.
Still love the game, though.
And finally.

I fold cranes.

I don't know how the habit started, but it's been going on for something like 3+ years now. I fold cranes when I'm not doing anything else. If I'm watching a movie, I'm probably folding cranes. If I'm talking to someone on the phone, probably cranes. If I'm watching a Day9 video, probably cranes too.
2-3 weeks ago I decided I'd start saving them instead of throwing them away, here are the results so far:

  They are made from Snapple labels (I drink lots of snapple, more on this later)
 They are made from Snapple labels (I drink lots of snapple, more on this later)
I also have a whiteboard in my room where I write down what I need to be doing for the week. I am now also using it to keep tally on my cranes.

  I'm writing this instead of doing that CS assignment
 I'm writing this instead of doing that CS assignment
Now, as well as folding cranes, I also drink a lot of Snapple. I don't know how this started either, but I've taken to collecting the snapple caps as well. I don't know how many I have, I haven't counted. Maybe I will sometime.

  There are a lot, though. The bag is heavy.
 There are a lot, though. The bag is heavy.