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The fatalities I performed.

1. Time Killers  - the instant dismemberment moves? I dig it :)

  2. Timeslaughter  - the fight itself is not as cool as the totally random stuff the fighters say.
3. Survival Arts - another random MK ripoff, but still worth an hour or 2, cause it's pure fun!
4. Xenophage - well...interesting creature design? What more can I say? 
5. Battle Slave Fantasia - I'm not really into the hentai stuff, but was curious enough to try it out.
6. Primal Rage - everyone knows the game. Not everyone ob GB.
7. Tattoo Assassins - ....
8. MKII - classic Gameboy strikes again.
9. MKA - an awful game. I dunno what made me to do that....
  10. Ultra Vortek - cool but slightly forgotten
11. Cosmic Carnage's Naruto.
12. MK on Game Gear
  13. MK I/II/III mmashup.
14. MK4 - the last Mortal Kombat game I could fully embrace (as a pc player) Not as good as the previous entries in the franchise....dam you all know that! 
15. a tiny BONUS: 
I also have some nice videos of bloody stuff from the non-fighting games. Will post them later. Enjoy:)