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My Bastion Christmas Miracle.

I got Bastion from the steam sale yesterday, specifically getting the soundtrack edition after listening to "Build that Wall." After hearing it for the first time, I knew I had to get the double package. Unfortunately, with me being abroad and only my Macbook available, I wasn't unable to download the soundtrack because you only get the files after downloading the whole game. I sent Supergiant Games an email just to see what I could maybe do. Now, I've seen the countless pictures of people sending valve or other developers emails asking for them to get stuff "post-traumatic situation" or something of the like and the developers more than happy to oblige, but I guess I was a bit skeptical. Even when I was a kid, stuff like instant company feedback wasn't all that common. So, I sent my email and was just hoping for something the next day. Maybe a "sorry, but we cannot accommodate," sort of reply.

I kid you not, no more than 2 minutes later I got an email from Greg at Supergiant Games saying considering my circumstances they would give me a code to download the OST from their website. I was honestly shocked. A reply that fast and even willing to give me something that I could have just easily waited for was just amazing.

So now I'm listening to the whole Bastion soundtrack while I'm writing this. I haven't even played it yet, but honestly this soundtrack is so good itself I am more than content. Supergiant Games could not have been more coperative and I have the upmost respect for them. I'm already looking forward to their next release.

Here's to you Greg, Darren and everyone else at Supergiant Games. Keep on keepin' on.