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The Problems With Modern Warfare 2

Modern Warfare 2 is a game I play quite often. It’s faced paced, action-packed, and other clichéd terms. However, these days…the more I play it, the more I have become frustrated by it. And this frustration can be pinpointed by many factors. (Although nothing I am about to say hasn’t been said before.)


The Commando Perk

To put it simply…this perk is terrible. It allows people to quickly slide 5-10 feet across the ground while being shot to end with them stabbing and instantly killing you. Just like the lunge you perform when you have a Plasma Sword in the Halo series. And it’s just as dumb there as it is here. But the difference with Halo and MW2…in Halo you have to have a certain weapon to do it. All you need to do is equip this perk Modern Warfare 2 and you can do it any time. Regardless of what guns you have on you. This coupled with the Lightweight and Marathon perks makes it twice as annoying.


The One Man Army Perk

This perk isn’t completely terrible. The ability to switch your classes mid game is decent ability to have. But, when the perk allows you to constantly refill your grenades, claymores, rockets, and grenade launchers…this causes a major problem. People will use this perk, along with Danger Close, to essentially have infinite grenades for their grenade launchers and use nothing but that for the entire match. One of the reasons Infinity Ward removed the Grenades x3 perk from CoD 4 was because of people complaining of grenade spamming, but if you ask me…the One Man Army exploit is far, far worse.





The Heartbeat Monitor

To me…this is nothing but a crutch for bad players. It’s used by people who don’t want to actually have to find their opponents and instead just want to stare at something that will simply tell them where they are. It’s even worse when people use this and camp. I personally feel like it should’ve never been included in the game. You can tell IW thought it was a bit powerful though since they had to make a perk with the sole purpose of negating it, but…I’d rather use better perks than Ninja and just have the heartbeat monitor removed all together.


The Thermal Scope

This is probably the one issue I think is the most minor, but it’s still an issue. I feel part of sniping should be actually having to find your targets. When you make them light up like a Christmas tree to point them out to you…that also seems like another crutch. I know, I know…you can use Cold-Blooded negate it, but still. But this brings me to my next issue…

The Cold-Blooded Perk

This is a perk, while useful, seems a little too overpowered. With just this one perk you become invisible to harriers, attack choppers, sentry guns. You’re not highlighted by a red box when seen through the camera of a predator missile, chopper gunner, and a AC-130. You never show up on UAV radar. You aren’t lit up when viewed through a thermal scope. All of this comes from just using one single perk. I don’t know…to me that just seems a little too powerful. Granted this perk doesn't frustrate me though.

Limited Party Chat (XBox 360 Issue)
Microsoft tells it's user base that party chat is one of the benefits of having a gold membership on XBox Live. We're told that we can have a group of 8 friends and play games together or different games and still be able to privately talk to each other while doing it. But for some reason, Infinity Ward decided they didn't want players to do that in a majority of the playlists in their game. This is a major frustration for me and my friends since we don't want to hear the inane chatter of other players while at the same time we don't want to be stuck with shitty playlists. The only playlist that ever needed a "no party chat" option was Search & Destroy since private chatting can be used to tell your friends where enemies are when you are dead. (You can still cheat by doing this if you are only playing with one other friend. You can simply use private chat instead of party chat.) But why are all the other playlists made to not allow party chat? It makes no real sense.

The Inside-The-Rock-Glitch on The Map Fuel

This one is simply a glitch that currently exists on the map Fuel that came in the recent Resurgence Map Pack. Essentially there is a giant rock on the map that you can get inside of. Once in it, no one can shoot you through the rock…but you can shoot them. I could see people easily getting a nuke using this glitch, and that’s a bad thing.




I still play MW2, and like an idiot I probably will continue to regardless of how frustrated I get at times, but it’s definitely a game that needs some fixes or alterations. But I have to be honest…I’m probably going to think twice about getting the next CoD (Even though it’s being made by Treyarch) or whatever Respawn Entertainment makes in the future.