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My top 5 first person shooters.

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  • My favourite FPS and one of the best games ever in my opinion. Everything from the eerie ambiance to that sense of isolation and exploration will be something I will never forget. I still play through this game every couple of years, and it still holds today.

  • Valve got it right with half life 1. Did anyone doubt doubt the success and awesomeness of the sequel? Not for a second! 2 words...GRAVITY GUN!

  • The corner stone formula of most modern RPG's was established in this Xbox launch game. Many people hate it, but you can't deny, it changed shooters. For the better, if you ask me.

  • A lot of people hate this franchise. Sure I understand they do take a huge chunk of the sales with video games. But the games are QUALITY and addictive with a very deep multiplayer experience. MW1 is my top pick of the franchise personally (sorry COD2, you will always have a spot in my heart though!)

  • I loved, and I mean LOVED, this game when it came out. Definitely a hidden gem to me. Did so many new and innovative things for the time and had a comic book, cel shaded style which was just a pleasure for the eyes. You can get this for very cheap these days.. Check it out FPS fans!